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Flexible functional capabilities for Golang


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go-functional: High-Performance functional primitives for Go

go-functional is a library that provides functional constructs for Go programs.

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go-functional is a high-performance library that provides functional constructs for Go programs. It allows developers to easily construct highly parallel data processing pipelines without worrying about concurrency or the intricacies of data transfer between stages.

Key Features

  • Filter, Map, and Reduce functions for each processing stage
  • Procedural and object-oriented interfaces
  • Batch and stream processing modes
  • Sequential and parallel processing
  • Configurable parameters for fine-grained control
  • Context support for cancellation and resource management


go get


Basic Example

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

people := []Person{
    {"Alice", 30},
    {"Bob", 25},
    {"Charlie", 40},

// Filter adults
adults := functional.NewSliceStage(people).
    Filter(func(p Person) (bool, error) { return p.Age >= 30, nil })

// Map names to uppercase
names := functional.Map(adults, func(p Person) (string, error) { return strings.ToUpper(p.Name), nil })

// Iterate over results
ctx := context.Background()
for names.Iterator().Next(ctx) {
    fmt.Println(names.Iterator().Get()) // Output: ALICE, CHARLIE

Advanced Features

  • Batch vs. streaming processing
  • Sequential vs. parallel processing
  • Inherited options
  • Context cancellation


Pipelines are constructed by stiching multiple processing stages together. The output of each stage becomes the input for the next stage.

Each stage reads its input using an Iterator. Iterator is an interface, allowing the developer to customize the way the initial stage consumes items. go-functional supplies Iterator implementations that read from:

  • simple slices
  • channels
  • bufio.Scanner and like implemtations of the iter.scanner.Scanner interface

The way stages process items can be affected by configuration supplied to the first stage when it is constructed, or to per-stage filter/map/reduce calls. Configuration can be passed between stages by marking it as inheritable. The following processing parameters can be affected by configuration:

  • Processing type (batch or streaming)
  • Maximal degree of parallelization
  • Order preservation (for batch stages)

Additionally, stages can be provided with a size hint, which can help reduce allocation overhead in batch stages reading an input of unknown size, and a context to cancel background goroutines created by streaming and parallel stages.

Processing functions

All processing functions are passed a function object f which is executed for each input element e. The processing functions produce outputs based on the result of the function object execution f(e).


The Filter processor outputs the subset of input elements where f(e) == true.


The Map processor outputs one element for every input element. The output elements have the value of f(e) and may be of a different type than the input elements.


The Reduce processor outputs a single element that is the result of running a reduce function on every element. Reduce functions mutate an accumulator as elements are processed, by returning the new version of the accumulator.

Basic usage

Initializing the pipeline

The pipeline must be primed with an initial source of elements. go-functional provides three generic helper functions to create the first stage:

  • NewSliceStage[T]() creates an initial pipeline stage that iterates over the supplied slice of elements of type T.
  • NewChannelStage[T]() creates an initial pipeline stage that reads elements of type T from the supplied channel.
  • NewScannerStage[T]() creates an initial pipeline stage that reads elements of type T from a bufio.Scanner implementation. Scanner stages can be used to read elements from an io.Reader.

For example:

type person struct {
    name string
    age  int
people := []person{
    {"Bob", 39},
    {"Alice", 25},
    {"Dave", 89},
    {"Mo", 20},

pipeline := NewSliceStage(people)

Processing items

The processing functions can be used in an object-oriented or procedural manner. The object-oriented interface allows for chaining of multiple processing stages, for example:

over25 := func(p person) (bool, error) {
    return p.age > 25, nil

personCapitalize := func(p person) (person, error) { = strings.ToUpper(
    return p, nil

results := functional.NewSliceStage(people).

The object-oriented interface cannot be used when a map function returns elements of a new type. In that case, the procedural interface must be used at least for that stage:

getName := func(p person) (string, error) {
    return, nil

results1 := functional.NewSliceStage(people).

results := functional.Map(results1, getName)

Retrieving results

The caller reads results from the Iterator from the last pipeline stage:

iter := results.Iterator()
ctx := context.Background()
for iter.Next(ctx) {
    fmt.Printf("P: %+v\n", iter.Get())

// output:
// P: Bob
// P: Dave

Advanced usage

Batch vs streaming

By default, pipeline stages process their input in batch mode. This means that each stage must complete before the next can proceed. Each stage stores the results in a new slice that is passed to the next stage when the original stage finishes. This approach works well when the number of elements is low enough to process in memory, and when the processing functions are fast.

When processing functions are slow (eg. use a lot of CPU or depend on external resources like the network), or when the number of items is very large, stages can be configured to stream results to the next stage over a channel, as results are produced.

For example:

// DNS lookups are slow...
func toHostname(addr netip.Addr) (string, error) {
    hn := addr.String()

    names, err := net.LookupAddr(hn)
    if err == nil {
        hn = names[0]

    return hn, nil

ch := make(chan netip.Addr)

// generateIps writes IP addresses to resolve to ch
go generateIps(ch)

stage := functional.NewChannelStage(ch)
results := functional.Map(stage, toHostname, functional.ProcessingType(functional.StreamingStage))

// read results as they are produced by Map()
iter := results.Iterator()
for iter.Next(ctx) {

Sequential vs parallel processing

By default, pipeline stages process input elements one at a time, irrespective of whether they are in batch or streaming mode.. This approach works when the processing function can keep up with the pace of input elements (in the case of streaming) or when the function itself if fast.

When a processing function is slow, it can become a bottleneck for the entire pipeline. To address this, the slow stage can be run in parallel to increase performance.

For example:

results := functional.Map(stage, toHostname,

Note that the requested degree of parallelism is used in conjunction with the size hint for a stage. When an underlying iterator cannot supply its own size hint (e.g., channels or scanners), a stage uses a user-supplied hint or otherwise defaults to 100 (which can be changed by updating the value of the DefaultSizeHint variable).

The maximum degree of parallelism used by a stage is the minimum of the size hint and the value of the Parallelism() option. Hence, it may be necessary to supply both the SizeHint and Parallelism options, especially when aiming for a degree of parallelism exceeding 100.

Larger degrees of parallelism are suitable for non-CPU bound stages like network access, whereas smaller degrees of parallelism are more suited for CPU-bound stages.

Inherited options

Whenever options are passed to an initial stage or a processing function, the InheritOptions option can also be supplied to enable the inheritance of all the provided options by future stages. These inherited options can then be overridden per processing function. For example:

join := func(a, b string) (string, error) {
    if a == "" {
        return b, nil
    } else {
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", a, b), nil

results := functional.NewSliceStage(people,
            Reduce("", join)

fmt.Println(results)        // Output: ALICE, CHARLIE

Non-inherited options passed to the initial stage constructor do not have any effect.


A context can be passed to any stage using the WithContext option. This allows the pipeline to be canceled when the context is canceled or expires. The iterator Next() method also accept a context to enable the interruption of blocking reads (e.g., on channels or scanners). The processing functions pass the stage context to the iterator methods, and the caller must also pass a context to these methods when extracting the results from the pipeline.

It is recommended to use a context for pipelines or stages that involve parallel or streaming stages to avoid goroutine leaks.

Error handling

There are two sources of errors that can occur during processing:

  • The source iterator (eg. an error reading from a network)
  • User supplied filter/map/reduce functions

go-functional runs an error handler callback whenever one of these conditions is encountered. The error handler can indicate that the pipeline processing should continue or be aborted by returning true (continue) or false (abort). The default error handler does nothing and indicates that processing should continue.

A custom error handler can be passed as an option to any stage, eg:

func logErrorHandler(ec functional.ErrorContext, err error) bool {
	log.Printf("Error in %v: %s\n", ec, err)
	return false    // abort processing

stage := functional.NewSliceStage(people, functional.WithErrorHandler(logErrorHandler))

It is possible to have the error handler stash the error for retreival after the pipeline returns control to the caller.

API Reference

For detailed information on functions and types, please refer to the API documentation

Test coverage is available here.


This project is licensed under the Apache v2 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Flexible functional capabilities for Golang







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