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Graph (and Tree) algorithms in Go.

Go Reference Build


  • Uniform Cost Search (UCS or Dijkstra’s Algorithm)
  • A* (Astar)
  • Breadth First Search (BFS)
  • Depth First Search (DFS)
  • Beam search (BS)
  • Chokudai search (DFS version of Beam)
  • Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
  • Minimax (depth-limited Negamax with alpha-beta pruning)


Consider this code unstable. Copy and paste what you need into your own code for stability!


The pathfinding directory contains algorithms that find the shortest path from start to goal.


The optimization directory contains algorithms that find an optimal solution to a problem that doesn't have a single clear goal.


The adversarial directory contains algorithms that require an opponent.


The bitset directory contains functions wrapping common bitwise operations.

Go performance tips

  • Don't use for _, copy := range, use for i := range or for i := 0; i < len(things); i++.
  • Don't use map, use arrays/slices: Amortized lookups add up.
  • Pool objects by making a big array var pool = make([]Thing, 1_000_000), grab items like thing := &pool[cursor]; cursor++
  • Turn off Garbage Collection once most things are pooled debug.SetGCPercent(-1)
  • Once GC is off, prefer objects on the stack (Thing{}) not the heap (&Thing{})
  • Use the built-in benchmark and profiling functionality to find slow spots
  • For even more performance turn arrays into bitsets. If multiple values are possible on the same position, then use multiple uints as "layers" of the grid.