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Cron jobs

Jake Jarvis edited this page Jan 8, 2023 · 15 revisions

Media cleanup

0 3 * * 0  bash -c "/home/mastodon/utils/scripts/ >> /home/mastodon/logs/cron-purge.log 2>&1"
  • Runs at 3 AM on Sundays:*_*_0
    • Keeps last 14 days of media (images, videos) in posts
    • Keeps last 90 days of profile media (avatars, headers, etc.)
    • Keeps last 90 days of link preview cards


15 3 * * *  bash -c "/home/mastodon/utils/scripts/ >> /home/mastodon/logs/cron-backup.log 2>&1"

Sending heartbeats

Append a curl command to send heartbeat to a Better Uptime endpoint (or any other service) only if the script was successful:

0 3 * * 0  bash -c "(/home/mastodon/utils/scripts/ >> /home/mastodon/logs/cron.log 2>&1) && curl -X GET ''"
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