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Separated relation classifier into build and use scripts
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jakelever committed Mar 15, 2017
1 parent 73a87c5 commit c5fcb97
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Showing 3 changed files with 366 additions and 0 deletions.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions core/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
import sys
import fileinput
import argparse
import time
import itertools
import pickle
import random
import codecs
from collections import defaultdict
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, hstack, vstack
import numpy as np
import json

from ClassifierStuff import *
from SentenceModel import *

from CandidateBuilder import generateRelationCandidates,findTrigger

def createRelationClassifier(sentenceAndEventData,targetRelations,targetArguments,parameters=None,generateClassifier=True,sentenceRange=0,doFiltering=False):
classes,examples,relTypes = generateRelationCandidates(sentenceAndEventData,targetRelations,targetArguments,sentenceRange,doFiltering)
assert min(classes) == 0, "Expecting negative cases in relation examples"
assert max(classes) > 0, "Expecting positive cases in relation examples"

vectors,vectorizer,featureSelector = buildVectorizer(classes,examples,parameters)

classifier = None
if generateClassifier:
classifier = buildClassifierFromVectors(classes,vectors,parameters)

data = (classes,examples,vectors,relTypes)
return data,vectorizer,featureSelector,classifier

# It's the main bit. Yay!
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='VERSE Relation Extraction tool')

parser.add_argument('--trainingFile', required=True, type=str, help='Parsed-text file containing the training data')
parser.add_argument('--relationDescriptions', required=True, type=str, help='Description file containing list of relation types with arguments to predict')
parser.add_argument('--parameters', type=str, help='Parameters to use for feature construction, selection and classification')
parser.add_argument('--modelFile', type=str, help='Output filename for data with predicted modifications')
args = parser.parse_args()

parameters = {}
if args.parameters:
for arg in args.parameters.split(';'):
name,value = arg.strip().split(":")
parameters[name.strip()] = value.strip()

sentenceRange = 0
if "sentenceRange" in parameters:
sentenceRange = int(parameters["sentenceRange"])

trainFilename = args.trainingFile
with open(trainFilename, 'r') as f:
trainingSentenceAndEventData = pickle.load(f)
print "Loaded " + trainFilename

tmpTargetRelations = set()
for filename,data in trainingSentenceAndEventData.iteritems():
sentenceData = data[0]
relations = data[1]

for (relName,id1,id2) in relations:
sentenceid1,locs1 = findTrigger(sentenceData,id1)
sentenceid2,locs2 = findTrigger(sentenceData,id2)
type1 = sentenceData[sentenceid1].locsToTriggerTypes[tuple(locs1)]
type2 = sentenceData[sentenceid2].locsToTriggerTypes[tuple(locs2)]

print "#"*30
for relName,type1,type2 in tmpTargetRelations:
print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (relName,type1,type2)
print "#"*30

doFiltering = False
if 'doFiltering' in parameters and parameters['doFiltering'] == 'True':
doFiltering = True

#targetRelations = []
targetRelations,targetArguments = set(),set()
#typeLookup = {}
with open(args.relationDescriptions,'r') as f:
for line in f:
nameAndArgs,type1,type2 = line.strip().split('\t')

# Pull out the name of arguments and sort by the argument names
nameAndArgsSplit = nameAndArgs.split(';')

# Basically don't do anything if we aren't given the argument names
if len(nameAndArgsSplit) == 1:
else: # Or do sort by argument names (if they are provided)
relName,argName1,argName2 = nameAndArgs.split(';')
relArgs = [(argName1,type1),(argName2,type2)]
relArgs = sorted(relArgs)


targetRelations = list(targetRelations)
targetRelations = sorted(targetRelations)

targetRelationsToIDs = { arg:i+1 for i,arg in enumerate(targetRelations) }

print "-"*30
for targetRelation in targetRelations:
print targetRelation
print "-"*30
for targetArgument in targetArguments:
print targetArgument
print "-"*30

relData,argVec,argFS,argClf = createRelationClassifier(trainingSentenceAndEventData,targetRelationsToIDs,targetArguments,parameters,True,sentenceRange,doFiltering)

model = {}

model['parameters'] = parameters;
model['targetRelations'] = targetRelations;
model['targetRelationsToIDs'] = targetRelationsToIDs;
model['targetArguments'] = targetArguments;

model['argVec'] = argVec;
model['argFS'] = argFS;
model['argClf'] = argClf;

with open(args.modelFile,'w') as f:
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions core/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import itertools
from ClassifierStuff import Example

def findEventTrigger(sentenceData,triggerid):
for sentenceid, sentence in enumerate(sentenceData):
if triggerid in sentence.predictedEntityLocs:
return sentenceid,sentence.predictedEntityLocs[triggerid]
raise RuntimeError('Unable to find location of event trigger ID ('+str(triggerid)+') in sentences')

def findArgumentTrigger(sentenceData,triggerid):
for sentenceid, sentence in enumerate(sentenceData):
if triggerid in sentence.knownEntityLocs:
return sentenceid,sentence.knownEntityLocs[triggerid]
raise RuntimeError('Unable to find location of argument trigger ID ('+str(triggerid)+') in sentences')

def findTrigger(sentenceData,triggerid):
for sentenceid, sentence in enumerate(sentenceData):
if triggerid in sentence.predictedEntityLocs:
return sentenceid,sentence.predictedEntityLocs[triggerid]
if triggerid in sentence.knownEntityLocs:
return sentenceid,sentence.knownEntityLocs[triggerid]
raise RuntimeError('Unable to find location of trigger ID ('+str(triggerid)+') in sentences')

def generateRelationCandidates(sentenceAndEventData,targetRelations,targetArguments,sentenceRange,doFiltering):
examples = []
classes = []
relTypes = []

for filename in sentenceAndEventData:
#print filename
(sentenceData,relations,modifiers) = sentenceAndEventData[filename]

positiveRelations = {}
positiveRelationsProcessed = []
for (relName,id1,id2) in relations:
sentenceid1,locs1 = findTrigger(sentenceData,id1)
sentenceid2,locs2 = findTrigger(sentenceData,id2)

type1 = sentenceData[sentenceid1].locsToTriggerTypes[tuple(locs1)]
type2 = sentenceData[sentenceid2].locsToTriggerTypes[tuple(locs2)]
#if sentenceid1 != sentenceid2:
# print "WARNING: Relation split across sentences (%s and %s)" % (id1,id2)
# continue
#sentenceid = sentenceid1

#print "POSITIVE", relName, type1, type2

#key = (relName,type1,type2)
#key = relName

#print relName
if not relName in targetRelations:

key = (sentenceid1,tuple(locs1),sentenceid2,tuple(locs2))
classid = targetRelations[relName]
positiveRelations[key] = classid
#positiveRelations[key] = True

# Now we go through all sentences and create examples for all possible token combinations
# Then check if any are already marked as positive and add to the appropriate list of examples
for sentenceid1 in range(len(sentenceData)):
for sentenceid2 in range(max(sentenceid1-sentenceRange,0),min(sentenceid1+sentenceRange+1,len(sentenceData))):
#print sentenceid1,sentenceid2
sentence1,sentence2 = sentenceData[sentenceid1],sentenceData[sentenceid2]

eventLocsAndTypes1 = [ (sentence1.predictedEntityLocs[id],sentence1.predictedEntityTypes[id]) for id in sentence1.predictedEntityTypes ]
argsLocsAndTypes1 = [ (sentence1.knownEntityLocs[id],sentence1.knownEntityTypes[id]) for id in sentence1.knownEntityTypes ]
possibleLocsAndTypes1 = eventLocsAndTypes1 + argsLocsAndTypes1

eventLocsAndTypes2 = [ (sentence2.predictedEntityLocs[id],sentence2.predictedEntityTypes[id]) for id in sentence2.predictedEntityTypes ]
argsLocsAndTypes2 = [ (sentence2.knownEntityLocs[id],sentence2.knownEntityTypes[id]) for id in sentence2.knownEntityTypes ]
possibleLocsAndTypes2 = eventLocsAndTypes2 + argsLocsAndTypes2

for (locs1,type1),(locs2,type2) in itertools.product(possibleLocsAndTypes1,possibleLocsAndTypes2):
if sentenceid1 == sentenceid2 and locs1 == locs2:

key = (type1,type2)
if doFiltering and not key in targetArguments:

#print "POTENTIAL", type1, type2

key = (sentenceid1,tuple(locs1),sentenceid2,tuple(locs2))
example = Example(filename, sentenceData, arg1_sentenceid=sentenceid1, arg1_locs=locs1, arg2_sentenceid=sentenceid2, arg2_locs=locs2)

thisClass = 0
if key in positiveRelations:
thisClass = positiveRelations[key]
#thisClass = 1

#print filename
for key in positiveRelations:
#assert key in allArgTriggerLocsProcessed, 'Unprocessed event trigger found: ' + str(key)
if not key in positiveRelationsProcessed:
print 'WARNING: Unprocessed argument trigger found: %s in file: %s' % (str(key), filename)

#for c,e in zip(classes,examples):
# print c,e


return classes, examples, relTypes

124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions core/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
import sys
import fileinput
import argparse
import time
import itertools
import pickle
import random
import codecs
from collections import defaultdict
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, hstack, vstack
import numpy as np
import json

from ClassifierStuff import *
from SentenceModel import *

from CandidateBuilder import generateRelationCandidates

# It's the main bit. Yay!
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='VERSE Relation Extraction tool')

parser.add_argument('--modelFile', required=True, type=str, help='')
parser.add_argument('--testingFile', required=True, type=str, help='Parsed-text file containing the test data to predict modifications for')
parser.add_argument('--outFile', type=str, help='Output filename for data with predicted modifications')
args = parser.parse_args()

with open(args.modelFile) as f:
model = pickle.load(f)

parameters = model['parameters'];
targetRelations = model['targetRelations'];
targetRelationsToIDs = model['targetRelationsToIDs'];
targetArguments = model['targetArguments'];

argVec = model['argVec'];
argFS = model['argFS'];
argClf = model['argClf'];

sentenceRange = 0
if "sentenceRange" in parameters:
sentenceRange = int(parameters["sentenceRange"])

doFiltering = False
if 'doFiltering' in parameters and parameters['doFiltering'] == 'True':
doFiltering = True

with open(args.testingFile, 'r') as f:
testingSentenceAndEventData = pickle.load(f)
print "Loaded " + args.testingFile

# Empty the test data of any existing predictions (in case we load the wrong test file)
for filename in testingSentenceAndEventData:
(sentenceData,relations,modifiers) = testingSentenceAndEventData[filename]
# Empty relations
relations = []

testingSentenceAndEventData[filename] = (sentenceData,relations,modifiers)

print "generate Argument Examples..."
_,aExamples,aTypes = generateRelationCandidates(testingSentenceAndEventData,targetRelationsToIDs,targetArguments,sentenceRange,doFiltering)

print "vectorize, trim and predict..."

aVectors = argVec.vectorize(aExamples)
if not argFS is None:
aVectors = argFS.transform(aVectors)
aVectors = coo_matrix(aVectors)

aPredictions = argClf.predict(aVectors)
aProbs = argClf.predict_proba(aVectors)
probColumns = { c:i for i,c in enumerate(argClf.classes_) }

#predictedEventID = 1
predictedTriggerID = 1000

predictedEventIDPerFile = Counter()

for i,(p,example) in enumerate(zip(aPredictions,aExamples)):
if p != 0:
relType = targetRelations[p-1]

#eventType = thisRelation[1]
#argTypes = thisRelation[2:]
#assert len(argTypes) == 2, "Only processing binary relations for triggerless events"

#eventType = thisRelation[0]

sentenceFilename = example.filename
sentenceID1,arg1Locs = example.arguments[0]
sentenceID2,arg2Locs = example.arguments[1]

sentence1 = testingSentenceAndEventData[sentenceFilename][0][sentenceID1]
sentence2 = testingSentenceAndEventData[sentenceFilename][0][sentenceID2]


arg1ID = sentence1.locsToTriggerIDs[tuple(arg1Locs)]
arg2ID = sentence2.locsToTriggerIDs[tuple(arg2Locs)]

type1ID = sentence1.locsToTriggerTypes[tuple(arg1Locs)]
type2ID = sentence2.locsToTriggerTypes[tuple(arg2Locs)]

#relType = typeLookup[type1ID]

relations = testingSentenceAndEventData[sentenceFilename][1]

prob = aProbs[i,probColumns[p]]

newR = (relType,arg1ID,arg2ID,prob)
#print "ADDING", newR
#print "TEST",sentenceFilename,sentenceID1,sentenceID2,arg1Locs,arg2Locs,relType

with open(args.outFile, 'w') as f:

print "Complete."

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