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Tailored Audiences on Twitter

Insights from ~1,000,000 tweets about the 2016 Democratic National Convention


  • Background
  • Data
  • Text Preprocessing
  • Identifying. and Labeling Groups
    • Network Analysis
    • K Means Clustering
  • Modeling
    • Selection
    • Scores

Process Overview


Standard Audience Targeting:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Geography
  • Generic interests (eg “shopping”, “sports”)

My Tailored Audiences:

  • Mothers who are fans of Michelle Obama
  • Men who are fathers and religious
  • Teenagers who support Bernie Sanders
  • etc...

Network Analysis


  • 1.) Create a graph where points represent users and lines represent conversations (tweets)
  • 2.) Nodes are grouped into communities based on the frequency of their interactions with other users (mentions, replies)
  • 3.) For each community, extract the keywords that define it using TF-IDF
  • 4.) Hand Label the communities


  • Bernie supporters, progressives who are talking about a politicla revolution. Anti-war, justice and unity
  • Women, Mothers, Black, talking about Michelle Obama
  • Mainstreams anchors hournalists hosts, mostly at CNN
  • Men, fathers, dads, professionals in news media who are conservatives and talk about hillary
  • Mothers
  • religious conservatives
  • Journalists talking about the DNC chair debbie wazzerman schultz
  • Hispanic and Latinx Voters
  • Authors and writers
  • News people
  • Conservatives talking about donna brazille and implicating corruption, talking about wikileaks
  • Religious males (husbands) who work in media (radio
  • Muslim Voters
  • Reporterrs
  • Teenagers, Young Females
  • Talking about mental illness and demi lovato (?)

Network Graph

KMeans Clustering


  • 1.) Using a pre-trained word2vec model trained on 2 billion tweets (stanford), vectorize text data (aka turn the words into a numerical representation)
  • ex: King - Man + Woman = Queen
  • 2.) Use K-Means algorithm to group users that use similar language together
  • 3.) Label each user with their assigned cluster
  • 4.) Hand Label the clusters using topic modeling
  • 5.) Reduce dimensions to vizualize the clusters in 2d


  • Talking about Debbie Wasserman Schultz (unfavorably)
  • Women discussing women’s issues
  • Expressing concern about trump with the nuclear codes
  • Talking about love, God, good vibes
  • Watching the debate with friends, supporting Hillary Clinton
  • Proud Americans
  • Conservative sports fans
  • Barack and Michelle Obama fans
  • Barack and Michelle Obama fans
  • Young people, Bernie Sanders supporters

Train and Validate Models:

Cluster Classifier Benchmarks

Community Classifier Benchmarks


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
