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Merge pull request #22 from jakeshirey/feature/stride-length
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Feature/stride length
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jakeshirey committed Dec 13, 2023
2 parents a48e8f7 + c746165 commit 548ed62
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Showing 4 changed files with 328 additions and 7 deletions.
86 changes: 79 additions & 7 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QFileDialog, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QComboBox, QPushButton, QCheckBox, QListWidget, QApplication
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, find_peaks

def angle(vertex, point1, point2):
vertex = np.array(vertex)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,10 +37,8 @@ def __init__(self, items, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, parent=None):
"Left Hind Fetlock", "Left Knee", "Right Front Hoof", "Right Hind Hoof", "Right Hock",
"Right Front Fetlock", "Right Hind Fetlock", "Right Knee"]

self.gait_parameters = ["Right Cannon", "Left Cannon", "Head Length", "Right Hind Croup to Hoof Length", "Right Hind Cannon Length", "Hind Limb Angle", "Fore Limb Angle",
"Fore Limb Length", "Fore Leg Length", "Neck Length", "Fore Fetlock Angle", "Hind Fetlock Angle", "Back Angle", "Speed"]

self.summary_statistics = ["Minimum", "Maximum", "Average", "Standard Deviation"]
self.gait_parameters = ["Right Shank", "Left Shank", "Head", "Hind Limb Length", "Hind Leg Length", "Hind Limb Angle", "Fore Limb Angle",
"Fore Limb Length", "Fore Leg Length", "Neck Length", "Fore Fetlock Angle", "Hind Fetlock Angle", "Back Angle", "Speed", "Stride Lengths", "Duty Factors"]

self.parameter_inputs = {}
self.summ_stats_checkbox = None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +144,6 @@ def perform_calculations(self):
calc_frame['Fore Fetlock Angle'] = self.vectorized_angle("Right Front Fetlock", "Right Front Hoof", "Right Knee")
if "Back Angle" in self.queried_gait_parameters:
calc_frame['Back Angle'] = self.vectorized_angle("Mid Back", "Croup", "Withers")
if "Hind Limb Angle" in self.queried_gait_parameters:
calc_frame['Hind Limb Angle'] = self.vectorized_angle("Croup", "Right Hind Hoof", "Croup", isForeHindLimbAngle=True) # pass the vertex in again with flag to create a vertical vector
if "Fore Limb Angle" in self.queried_gait_parameters:
Expand All @@ -154,6 +152,16 @@ def perform_calculations(self):
if "Speed" in self.queried_gait_parameters:
calc_frame["Speed"] = self.speed("Withers")

if "Stride Lengths" in self.queried_gait_parameters or "Duty Factors" in self.queried_gait_parameters:

strides, stride_lengths, dutyfactor = self.stride_length_duty_factor("Right Hock")

data = {"Stride Start" : strides[0], "Stride End" : strides[1], "Stride Length" : stride_lengths, "Duty Factor" : dutyfactor}
stride_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
save_path, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save Strides to File", '', '*.csv')

if self.summ_stats:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,9 +217,73 @@ def speed(self, column: str):
columny = self.confirmed_landmarks[column] + '_y'

horizontal = np.gradient([columnx].to_numpy()) #since each frame is recorded, we do not need a delta-x step
vertical = np.gradient([columnx].to_numpy())
vertical = np.gradient([columny].to_numpy())

return np.vectorize(np.linalg.norm, signature='(n)->()')(np.array([horizontal, vertical]).T) #use the pythagorean theorem on both components

def stride_length_duty_factor(self, hock: str):
# Design parameters
filter_order = 8
cutoff_frequency = 0.05 # Half power frequency in MATLAB

# Calculate the normalized cutoff frequency for Python
nyquist_frequency = 0.5 # Nyquist frequency is 0.5 in normalized frequency
cutoff_frequency_python = cutoff_frequency / nyquist_frequency

# Design Butterworth lowpass filter coefficients
b, a = butter(filter_order, cutoff_frequency_python, btype='low', analog=False)

#filter the right hock x component
filtered_data = filtfilt(b, a,[self.confirmed_landmarks[hock] + '_x'])

return np.vectorize(np.linalg.norm, signature='(n)->()')(np.array([horizontal, vertical]).T)
#take the gradient of the filtered data
hockx_gradient = np.gradient(filtered_data)

#Peaks of gradient correspond to middle of stride
peaks, _ = find_peaks(np.abs(hockx_gradient), prominence=1, distance=25)

#Threshold between swing and stance is 0.25 the median peak gradient value
threshold = 0.25 * np.median(hockx_gradient[peaks])

footstrikes = np.where((hockx_gradient[:-1] >= threshold) & (hockx_gradient[1:] < threshold))[0]

# Find locations where values rise from below threshold to above
toeoffs = np.where((hockx_gradient[:-1] < threshold) & (hockx_gradient[1:] >= threshold))[0]

# Check if any crossings are found
if toeoffs.size > 0:
rise_count_threshold = 10
# Find locations where values rise above the threshold for the tenth time past the intersection
ten_above = []
for toeoff in toeoffs:
if hockx_gradient[toeoff+10] and hockx_gradient[toeoff+10] > threshold:

if ten_above:
toeoffs = ten_above

strides = [footstrikes[:-1], footstrikes[1:]]

#stride length as distance between start and end of stride
stride_lengths = strides[1] - strides[0]

#remove an extra toeoff if one exists before a strike
if toeoffs[0] < footstrikes[0]:
toeoffs = toeoffs[1:]

#calculate duty factor for each stride based on start and end of stride, and the toeoff inbetween
dutyfactor = np.zeros(len(strides[0]))
for j in range(len(strides[0])):
stridestart = strides[j][0]
strideend = strides[j][1]

strideToeOff = toeoff[toeoff > stridestart]

# Temporal
timestance = toeoffs[j] - stridestart
dutyfactor[j] = timestance / (strideend - stridestart)
return strides, stride_lengths, dutyfactor

#Testing script for widget
if __name__ == "__main__":
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions requirements.txt
@@ -1,24 +1,34 @@
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions
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Reference File for the stride length and duty factor calculations. Runs as a standalone script, where a DLC excel file is given as a command line argument. Includes matplotlib plots for understanding.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, find_peaks
import numpy as np
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Check if the file name is provided as a command-line argument
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python <excel_file_name>")
# Get the Excel file name from the command line
excel_file_name = sys.argv[1]
data_frame = pd.read_excel(excel_file_name)
#clean data by combining labels and reindexing
bodyparts_labels = data_frame.loc[0]
coords_labels = data_frame.loc[1]
labels = [i + "_" + j for i, j in zip(bodyparts_labels, coords_labels)]
data_frame.columns = labels
data_frame = data_frame.iloc[2: , : ]
data_frame.index = range(len(data_frame.index))
data_frame = data_frame.drop(columns=["bodyparts_coords"])

# Design parameters
filter_order = 8
cutoff_frequency = 0.05 # Half power frequency in MATLAB

# Calculate the normalized cutoff frequency for Python
nyquist_frequency = 0.5 # Nyquist frequency is 0.5 in normalized frequency
cutoff_frequency_python = cutoff_frequency / nyquist_frequency

# Design Butterworth lowpass filter coefficients
b, a = butter(filter_order, cutoff_frequency_python, btype='low', analog=False)

#filter the right hock x component
filtered_data = filtfilt(b, a, data_frame["righthock_x"])

#take the gradient of the filtered data
hockx_gradient = np.gradient(filtered_data)

#Peaks of gradient correspond to middle of stride
peaks, _ = find_peaks(np.abs(hockx_gradient), prominence=1, distance=25)

#Threshold between swing and stance is 0.25 the median peak gradient value
threshold = 0.25 * np.median(hockx_gradient[peaks])

footstrikes = np.where((hockx_gradient[:-1] >= threshold) & (hockx_gradient[1:] < threshold))[0]

# Find locations where values rise from below threshold to above
toeoffs = np.where((hockx_gradient[:-1] < threshold) & (hockx_gradient[1:] >= threshold))[0]

# Check if any crossings are found
if toeoffs.size > 0:
rise_count_threshold = 10
# Find locations where values rise above the threshold for the tenth time past the intersection
ten_above = []
for toeoff in toeoffs:
if hockx_gradient[toeoff+10] and hockx_gradient[toeoff+10] > threshold:

if ten_above:
toeoffs = ten_above

strides = [footstrikes[:-1], footstrikes[1:]]

#stride length as distance between start and end of stride
stride_lengths = strides[1] - strides[0]

#remove an extra toeoff if one exists before a strike
if toeoffs[0] < footstrikes[0]:
toeoffs = toeoffs[1:]

#calculate duty factor for each stride based on start and end of stride, and the toeoff inbetween
dutyfactor = np.zeros(len(strides[0]))
for j in range(len(strides[0])):
stridestart = strides[j][0]
strideend = strides[j][1]

strideToeOff = toeoff[toeoff > stridestart]

# Temporal
timestance = toeoffs[j] - stridestart
dutyfactor[j] = timestance / (strideend - stridestart)


plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
#plt.plot(data_frame.index, data_frame["rightHhoof_x"], label='Original Data')
#plt.plot(data_frame.index, filtered_data, label=f'Filtered Data (Cutoff Frequency = {cutoff_frequency} Hz)')
plt.plot(data_frame.index, hockx_gradient, label="First")
plt.plot(peaks, hockx_gradient[peaks], 'rx', label='Detected Peaks')
plt.axhline(y=threshold, color='r', linestyle='--', label=f'Threshold')
plt.plot(footstrikes, hockx_gradient[footstrikes], 'bx', label='Toe Strikes')
plt.plot(toeoffs, hockx_gradient[toeoffs], 'gx', label='Toeoffs')
#plt.fill_between(data_frame.index, 0, swing_stance, color='lightgray', alpha=0.5)
plt.title('Butterworth Lowpass Filtered Signal')
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from numpy.linalg import norm, det

# Placeholder for import_horse function
def import_horse(file_path):
# This function should be implemented to import data from the given file path.
# Assuming the file is in a format that can be read as a DataFrame, like CSV.
# Replace this with actual implementation.
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
return df.to_numpy().T # Transposed to match MATLAB data structure

# Function to find the angle
def findangle(x1, y1, l1, x2, y2, l2, x3, y3, l3, frame, L, spotcheck, color, name, directionUsed=None):
angle3 = []
angle = np.array([x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]).T
valid = (l1 > L) & (l2 > L) & (l3 > L)
angle = angle[valid, :]
goodframes = frame[valid]

P0 = angle[:, 2:4]
P1 = angle[:, 0:2]
P2 = angle[:, 4:6]

for i in range(len(goodframes)):
n1 = (P2[i, :] - P0[i, :]) / norm(P2[i, :] - P0[i, :])
n2 = (P1[i, :] - P0[i, :]) / norm(P1[i, :] - P0[i, :])
if directionUsed is not None:
angle3.append(np.arctan2(det([n2, n1]),, n1)))
angle3.append(np.arctan2(norm(det([n2, n1])),, n2)))

angle3 = pd.Series(angle3).rolling(window=5).median().to_numpy()
return angle3, goodframes

# Function to find the floor
def floorfind(HTy, HMy, HHy):
datas = [HTy, HMy, HHy]
floory, floorx = [], []
for data in datas:
floorx.append(np.argmin(data[len(data)//3:2*len(data)//3]) + len(data)//3)
floorx.append(np.argmin(data[2*len(data)//3:]) + 2*len(data)//3)
floory = np.array(floory).reshape(-1)
floorx = np.array(floorx).reshape(-1)
P = np.polyfit(floorx, floory, 1)
return P

# Function to extract Y data features
def pulloutYstuff(data, frames, spotcheck, color, name):
pks, locs, w, p = find_peaks(data, height=4, distance=25)
p = p['peak_heights']
TFp = np.abs(p - np.mean(p)) < 2 * np.std(p) # Remove outliers based on prominence
TFw = np.abs(w - np.mean(w)) < 2 * np.std(w) # Remove outliers based on width
TF = TFp & TFw
mp = np.mean(p[TF])
stdp = np.std(p[TF])
mw = np.mean(w[TF])
stdw = np.std(w[TF])
return mw, mp, stdw, stdp

# Function for finding stride-to-off (FSTO)
def fsto(data, frames, directionfactor, spotcheck, graphfactor, color, name):
dxdf = np.gradient(data) / np.gradient(frames)
dxdf, rframes = remove_outliers(np.column_stack((dxdf, frames)), 25)
pks, locs, _, _ = find_peaks(np.abs(dxdf), height=1, distance=25)

# Further implementation needed based on MATLAB code
# Placeholder return values
dutyfactor, stridelength, numcycles, strides = 0, 0, 0, np.array([])
dutyfactorStd, stridelengthStd, byEye = 0, 0, '-'

return dutyfactor, stridelength, numcycles, strides, dutyfactorStd, stridelengthStd, byEye

def avgforstride(data, f2, strides, stridesXstart, spotcheck, color, name):
Averages stride data.
# Placeholder implementation. Adjust as per specific requirements.
avg_stride = sum(data) / len(data)
return avg_stride

def remove_outliers(data, window):
Removes outliers from data based on a moving average method.
# Placeholder implementation. Adjust as per specific requirements.
filtered_data = [d for d in data if abs(d - sum(data) / len(data)) < window]
return filtered_data

def basiccmooth(datax, datay, dataf, d1):
Smoothes coordinate data.
# Placeholder implementation. Adjust as per specific requirements.
smoothed_datax = [sum(datax[max(i - d1, 0):min(i + d1 + 1, len(datax))]) / (2 * d1 + 1) for i in range(len(datax))]
smoothed_datay = [sum(datay[max(i - d1, 0):min(i + d1 + 1, len(datay))]) / (2 * d1 + 1) for i in range(len(datay))]
return smoothed_datax, smoothed_datay

# Reading the existing Python script
script_path = '/mnt/data/'
with open(script_path, 'r') as file:
existing_script =

# Adding the new function implementations to the script
new_functions = "\n\n".join([avgforstride.__doc__, remove_outliers.__doc__, basiccmooth.__doc__])
updated_script = existing_script + "\n\n# New Function Implementations\n" + new_functions

# Saving the updated script
updated_script_path = '/mnt/data/'
with open(updated_script_path, 'w') as file:

script_content = inspect.getsource(import_horse) + "\n" + \
inspect.getsource(findangle) + "\n" + \
inspect.getsource(floorfind) + "\n" + \
inspect.getsource(pulloutYstuff) + "\n" + \
inspect.getsource(fsto) + "\n" + \
inspect.getsource(avgforstride) + "\n" + \
inspect.getsource(basiccmooth) + "\n" + \

with open('/mnt/data/', 'w') as file:


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