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Bulletin for Friday, 18 Nov 2022

7 days digest

Metadata (1)

Earthly Blog (1)

RelyAbility Blog (1)

The CircleCI Blog Feed - CircleCI (1)

Monzo - Technology (1)

Programming Digest (1)

Irrational Exuberance (1)

Stratechery by Ben Thompson (1)

Sentry Blog RSS (1)

Ten thousand meters (1)

The Hacker Factor Blog (1)

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Notes on software development (1)

Perspectives (1)

PlanetScale - Blog (2)

Vallified (2)

The Pragmatic Engineer (2)

Computer Things (2)

Blog on Tailscale (2)

Krebs on Security (2)

Engineering at Meta (2)

Daniel Lemire's blog (2)

Google AI Blog (2)

Weaveworks (2)

Simon Willison's Weblog: Blogmarks (3)

Retool Blog (3)

Timescale Blog (3)

Blog – Hackaday (4)

Microsoft Security Blog (4)

Netflix TechBlog - Medium (5)

Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (5)

Changelog Master Feed (5)

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (5)

Replit Blog (5)

Amazon Science homepage (6)

Stack Overflow Blog (6)

Towards Data Science - Medium (7) (8)

The Cloudflare Blog (15)

Cloud Blog (20)

This is a VLDB 2014 paper from Peter Bailis, Aaron Davidson, Alan Fekete, Ali Ghodsi, Joseph M. Hellerstein, and Ion Stoica. This is a great paper, because it asked an important question that helped advanced our understanding of isolation properties with respect to high-availability. So here is the context. As part of his PhD, Peter Bailis started think about the benefits of relaxed consistency guarantees, and how can we leverage them. AnnaDB is a direct practical follow up to this paper.g. [... (BACK TO TOP)

Kubernetes has many resources and components that must be kept out of reach of certain users and service accounts. Resources such as secrets have to be encrypted and have strict access. If everyone in a company who has access to the cluster is given limitless power when using the cluster; this is dangerous because Kubernetes secrets and keys can be stolen and used inappropriately. Implementing RBAC in Kubernetes is easy. Prerequisites You will need a running cluster and Kubectl.authorization. (BACK TO TOP)

[Note to the reader: chairs have an obvious obligation to remain as neutral as possible, which I take very seriously. If I mention specific speakers or talks below, it is definitely not to the exclusion of others.] Though I’ve been involved with SREcon EMEA many times before, this (BACK TO TOP)

This tutorial covers: Setting up a Django application on AWS Using the Elastic Beanstalk command line interface Creating a continuous deployment pipeline Your software development team has an enormous number of tools available to them. Some older tools are being used in new ways, which has inspired the creation of more new tools to choose from. For example, JavaScript has grown from a language used to add interactivity on websites to a full-stack language for both frontend and backend needs.0.0. (BACK TO TOP)

We wanted to share more about why we launched a new 0-1 product to help people pay for purchases later and how a mixed-method research discovery led to the product that over hundreds of thousands of customers use and love today!


#498 – November 14, 2022 In defense of linked lists So, on Twitter, I was talking about a very bad implementation of linked lists written in Rust. From the tone of certain replies, I got the feeling that many people think linked lists are like a joke. I will argue that this is rarely the case after so many hours of doom-scrolling the orange website, the contrarian in me is finally taking over. newsletters Daily Tech Tech Lead Digest C# Digest React Digest (BACK TO TOP)

When I worked at Yahoo!, our team needed another engineering manager. We didn’t run a hiring process, or even do interviews. Instead, our Director brought on a colleague he’d worked with before. That new manager soon decided he needed a tech lead on his team. We didn’t run a hiring process, do interviews, or consider candidates on the existing team. Instead, our new manager brought over one of his previous colleagues. This playbook stands at stark odds with the typical scaled company’s approach. (BACK TO TOP)

What Elon Musk got wrong about Twitter, journalists and VCs got wrong about FTX, and Peter Thiel got wrong about crypto and AI — and why I made many of the same mistakes along the way. (BACK TO TOP)

Not in a reading mood? You also can watch the talk I gave at DjangoCon 2022. One of Sentries core company values is “for every developer… (BACK TO TOP)

Here it is: . Learning new stuff is an integral part of a software engineer's job and a daily routine for any curious person working in IT. We constantly discover and learn new programming languages, frameworks, libraries, tools, concepts, theories, and ideas. We do it to get better at our jobs. And we do it because learning is fun. Learning a topic becomes fun once you're on a learning path, once you find good books, docs, tutorials, and other resources to (BACK TO TOP)

My new servers have been having a little bit of a problem lately. Someone out there has decided to do a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against them. The specific type of attack is an " HTTP flood ". Basically, the client makes as many HTTP requests as it can, as fast as it can. To increase the volume, they also use a wide range of IP addresses. The goal from this type of attack is to overcome the server's resources, making it unavailable to other and .94. (BACK TO TOP)

Needing to deliver faster and more reliably while managing a growing number of contributors and a more complex codebase seems like the fate of every hyper-growth tech company. For platform teams, the challenge is not any different. How can we quickly roll out and increase the adoption of new technologies safely with a growing codebase [...] The post Strategies and Tools for Performing Migrations on Platform appeared first on Spotify Engineering . (BACK TO TOP)

For my second project while learning Zig, I decided to port an old, minimal SQL database project from Go to Zig. In this post, in ~1700 lines of code (yes, I'm sorry it's bigger than my usual), we'll create a basic embedded SQL database in Zig on top of RocksDB. Other than the RocksDB layer it will not use third-party libraries. The code for this project is available on GitHub . Here are a few example interactions we'll support: $ . Memory Management Zig doesn't have a garbage collector.zig")... (BACK TO TOP)

One of the Amazon Operations teams was hosting a conference for Product Managers in their organization and they asked a few of us to record a 1-minute video of what we each view as important attributes of a Product Panager. My take is below with a link to the video. The best Product Managers push... (BACK TO TOP)

Learn how we use a partial materialization engine for database caching alongside your database. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)

Up to 1,000× faster queries in just a few clicks with our groundbreaking caching technology. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)

rqlite is a lightweight, open-source, distributed relational database written in Go, which uses SQLite as its storage engine. 7.11.0 adds support for automatically reaping nodes, and a new convenient query response format. You can download the release from GitHub. The post rqlite 7.11.0 released appeared first on Vallified . (BACK TO TOP)

rqlite is a lightweight, open-source, distributed relational database written in Go, which uses SQLite as its storage engine. Recently I helped Replicated replace their use of PostgreSQL with rqlite. This brought much easier operation and high-availability to their Application Manager. (BACK TO TOP)

👋 Hi, this is Gergely with a bonus, free issue of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. We cover one out of five topics in today’s subscriber-only The Scoop issue . To get this newsletter every week, subscribe here . In the midst of gloomy news about hiring freezes and layoffs, let& (BACK TO TOP)

I get a lot of scoop sent by readers (thank you!). Sadly, in 2022, a good part of the scoop is about companies laying off people. Some of this scoop has not been reported before. I don't want to broadcast layoffs on Twitter or LinkedIn continuously, but also (BACK TO TOP)

Hi everyone! First of all, I published a new blog post. It’s an explanation of my Let’s Prove Leftpad project . Give it a read! Now because I can’t in good conscience send a one-line newsletter, here’s a bit more motivation for the post and the project. Doing research into a field means comparing a lot of different things in that field. This encourages a lot more people to actually do the comparisons. So it encourages new developments in the topic you aggregated. (BACK TO TOP)

Now that Twitter is on a downward spiral I’m rewriting my favorite tweetstorms in a more permanent medium, so here’s the first: why do we have the term “boilerplate code”? It comes from the peculiar interplay of two industrial revolution technologies: steam engines and hot metal typesetting. So let’s start with the steam engine. Steam engines run on steam, produced by a water boiler. The hotter you can get the steam, the more efficiently you can extract energy from it. This is a bad thing. (BACK TO TOP)

Tailscale lets you put all your devices on their own private tailnet so they can reach each other, ACLs permitting. Usually that’s nice and comforting, knowing that all your devices can then be isolated from the internet, without any ports needing to be open to the world. Sometimes, though, you need something from the big, scary, non-Tailscale internet to be able to reach your device. Maybe you need to receive a webhook from GitHub. Shockingly, the whole world doesn’t use Tailscale.conf file.ts. (BACK TO TOP)

Hey everyone! The last few weeks have been something else eh? We want to make it easier for you to keep in touch with us. As such, we have created a Fediverse account on Hachyderm . Feel free to give us a follow if you want to keep up to date! We’re honored to be one of the first corporate accounts on Hachyderm and in the Fediverse in general. This is a great responsibility and we are taking this responsibility seriously. I’ve run bots on the Fediverse for . Stay tuned, I have plans. (BACK TO TOP)

A financial cybercrime group calling itself the Disneyland Team has been making liberal use of visually confusing phishing domains that spoof popular bank brands using Punycode, an Internet standard that allows web browsers to render domain names with non-Latin alphabets like Cyrillic and Ukrainian. (BACK TO TOP)

Vyacheslav “Tank” Penchukov, the accused 40-year-old Ukrainian leader of a prolific cybercriminal group that stole tens of millions of dollars from small to mid-sized businesses in the United States and Europe, has been arrested in Switzerland, according to multiple sources. (BACK TO TOP)

Code reviews are one of the most important parts of the software development process At Meta we’ve recognized the need to make code reviews as fast as possible without sacrificing quality We’re sharing several tools and steps we’ve taken at Meta to reduce the time waiting for code reviews When done well, code reviews can [...] Read More... The post Move faster, wait less: Improving code review time at Meta appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

Sapling is a new Git-compatible source control client. Sapling emphasizes usability while also scaling to the largest repositories in the world. ReviewStack is a demonstration code review UI for GitHub pull requests that integrates with Sapling to make reviewing stacks of commits easy. You can get started using Sapling today.  Source control is one of [...] Read More... The post Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)

A recent C++ standard (C++17) introduced new functions to parse floating-point numbers std::from_chars, from strings (e.g., ASCII text) to binary numbers. How should such a function parse values that cannot be represented exactly? The specification states that the resulting value rounded to nearest. This means that 1.0000000000000000001 and 0.999999999999999999 become exactly 1.0. The C language has … Continue reading Rounding modes: std::from_chars versus strtod/strtof (BACK TO TOP)

For speed, we use finite-precision number types in software. When doing floating-point computations in software, the results are usually not exact. For example, you can have the number 1.0 and the number 1e-100 (1 over 10 to the power 100). They can both be represented using standard IEEE floating-point numbers. However, you cannot represent their … Continue reading A fast function to check your floating-point rounding mode (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Mahima Pushkarna, Senior Interaction Designer, and Andrew Zaldivar, Senior Developer Relations Engineer, Google Research As machine learning (ML) research moves toward large-scale models capable of numerous downstream tasks, a shared understanding of a dataset’s origin, development, intent, and evolution becomes increasingly important for the responsible and informed development of ML models. We also incorporated our learnings from a series of workshops at ACM FAccT in 2021. (BACK TO TOP)

Posted by Yanqi Zhou, Research Scientist, Google Research Brain Team The capacity of a neural network to absorb information is limited by the number of its parameters, and as a consequence, finding more effective ways to increase model parameters has become a trend in deep learning research. In sparsely-activated variants of MoE models (e.g., Switch Transformer , GLaM , V-MoE ), a subset of experts is selected on a per-token or per-example basis, thus creating sparsity in the network.g.4 points. (BACK TO TOP)

Two eye-opening sessions on cloud native environmental sustainability At KubeCon North America 2022 co-located events GitOpsCon and Telco Day, engineers from Weaveworks offered their insight in two separate discussions on a subject that is only becoming more important in the business of cloud native computing: environmental sustainability. You can watch Niki’s Lightning Talk in full here  or below. You can watch the full panel discussion here  or below.g. (BACK TO TOP)

What you need to do GitOps Download a PDF copy of this infographic GitOps: Starting out and scaling up With so much information out there about GitOps , it can be a little confusing for newcomers trying to work out exactly what constitutes a GitOps pipeline – and, crucially, what doesn’t. In part, this is due to the fact that GitOps was designed to run on a familiar toolset, and one of the tools in that set is Kubernetes – a platform that comes with a giant ecosystem of its (BACK TO TOP)




Learn about the challenges and constraints of building a React UI to represent complex tree data. (BACK TO TOP)

Retool Workflows is a fast way for developers to build automated processes—like cron jobs, custom alerts, and ETL tasks—and trigger them on event-based or recurring schedules. (BACK TO TOP)

Whether you’re using Redis as a database, streaming engine, cache, or message broker, you’ll probably want some sort of GUI to use it with. There’s no shortage of available options: in this article, we'll review some of the best ‌GUIs for (BACK TO TOP)

Timescale Cloud integrates seamlessly into the AWS ecosystem of tools and services. Learn about the most popular AWS tools that Timescale customers incorporate into their data architectures to speed up development time. (BACK TO TOP)

Timescale Cloud now offers consumption-based, low-cost object storage built on Amazon S3, giving you more tools to build scalable applications cost-efficiently. (BACK TO TOP)

PostgreSQL upgrades have been known to be a bit of a controversial issue in the community. In this article, we will take the mystery out of the question of when an upgrade is appropriate and how Timescale Cloud allows you to do it as swiftly as possible. (BACK TO TOP)

Dragsters are typically about peak performance on a tarmac drag strip. [Engineering After Hours] took a different tack, though, building a radio-controlled amphibious dragster intended to cross small bodies of …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Shortly after the development of the electric light came the light switch, presumably. Of course, obvious switches are old-hat, and this neat lamp build from [Giovanni Aggiustatutto] goes with a …read more (BACK TO TOP)

We aren’t sure what made him think of it, but [Proper Printing] decided to make an FDM printer lay down resin instead of filament. Why? We still aren’t sure, but …read more (BACK TO TOP)

I don’t think there was ever a correspondence school called the “Close Cover Before Striking School” but since book matches — which used to be a thing when most people …read more (BACK TO TOP)

DEV-0569’s recent activity shows their reliance on malvertising and phishing in delivering malicious payloads. The group’s changes and updates in delivery and payload led to distribution of info stealers and Royal ransomware. The post DEV-0569 finds new ways to deliver Royal ransomware, various payloads appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We are pleased to announce that the S2C2F has been adopted by the OpenSSF under the Supply Chain Integrity Working Group and formed into its own Special Initiative Group. Our peers at the OpenSSF and across the globe agree with Microsoft when it comes to how fundamental this work is to improving supply chain security for everyone. The post Microsoft contributes S2C2F to OpenSSF to improve supply chain security appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

As organizations increase their coverage of multifactor authentication (MFA), threat actors have begun to move to more sophisticated techniques to allow them to compromise corporate resources without needing to satisfy MFA. Recently, the Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART) has seen an increase in attackers utilizing token theft for this purpose. The post Token tactics: How to prevent, detect, and respond to cloud token theft appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

The holiday season is an exciting time for many people as they get to relax, connect with friends and family, and celebrate traditions. Organizations also have much to rejoice about during the holidays (for example, more sales for retailers and more players for gaming companies). Unfortunately, cyber attackers also look forward to this time of year to celebrate an emerging holiday tradition—distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. (BACK TO TOP)

by Christos G. Bampis , Li-Heng Chen and Zhi Li When you are binge-watching the latest season of Stranger Things or Ozark, we strive to deliver the best possible video quality to your eyes. To do so, we continuously push the boundaries of streaming video quality and leverage the best video technologies. For example, we invest in next-generation, royalty-free codecs and sophisticated video encoding optimizations . With video downscaling, multiple resolutions of a source video are produced.e. (BACK TO TOP)

By Boris Chen , Kelli Griggs , Amir Ziai , Yuchen Xie , Becky Tucker , Vi Iyengar , Ritwik Kumar , Keila Fong , Nagendra Kamath , Elliot Chow , Robert Mayer , Eugene Lok , Aly Parmelee , Sarah Blank Creating Media with Machine Learning episode 1 Introduction At Netflix, part of what we do is build tools to help our creatives make exciting videos to share with the world. Today, we’d like to share some of the work we’ve been doing on match cuts. <a href="https://medium. An example from Oldboy .g. (BACK TO TOP)

By: Peter Cioni (Netflix), Alex Schworer (Netflix), Mac Moore (Conductor Tech.), Rachel Kelley (AWS), Ranjit Raju (AWS) Rendering is core to the VFX process VFX studios around the world create amazing imagery for Netflix productions. Nearly every show that is produced today includes digital visual effects, from the creatures in Stranger Things , to recreating historic London in Bridgerton . This ultimately results in more compelling entertainment for Netflix members. (BACK TO TOP)

By Vi Iyengar , Keila Fong , Hossein Taghavi , Andy Yao , Kelli Griggs , Boris Chen , Cristina Segalin , Apurva Kansara , Grace Tang , Billur Engin , Amir Ziai , James Ray , Jonathan Solorzano-Hamilton Welcome to the first post in our multi-part series on how Netflix is developing and using machine learning (ML) to help creators make better media — from TV shows to trailers to movies to promotional art and so much more. Media is at the heart of Netflix. <a href="https://medium.g. (BACK TO TOP)

By Soheil Esmaeilzadeh , Negin Salajegheh , Amir Ziai , Jeff Boote Introduction Streaming services serve content to millions of users all over the world. These services allow users to stream or download content across a broad category of devices including mobile phones, laptops, and televisions. However, some restrictions are in place, such as the number of active devices, the number of streams, and the number of downloaded titles. Figure 1. Manifest is a list of video, audio, subtitles, etc.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Private equity health-care monopolies are on a profitable killing spree: And you thought it was bad before. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, 2021 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading Private equity health-care monopolies are on a profitable killing spree (permalink) It's not just you. Private equity is a scam. They call this "creating value": (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Tracers in the Dark: Andy Greenberg's gripping true crime tale of cryptocurrency forensics. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog: https://pluralistic. But the reality is a lot more complex.latimes. We all slip (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Even if you're paying for the product, you're still the product: Incentives matter, but impunity matters more. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate." But it's bullshit. Companies don't make you the product because you don't pay – they make you the product because you can't stop them. The theory behind "if you're not paying for the product…" is that old economist's saw: "incentives matter. Reality is a lot uglier.g. "Privacy. That's Iphone.").eff. It's laughable. Obviously.eff. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links The Framework is the most exciting laptop I've ever broken: If you only pay attention to how things work, you'll be screwed when they fail. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, 2021 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading The Framework is the most exciting laptop I've ever broken (permalink) From the moment I started using computers, I wanted to help other people use them. (BACK TO TOP)

Today's links Apple's business model made Chinese oppression inevitable: A photon torpedo on the bridge in Act I will go off by Act III. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate.cnn. Though this digital surveillance network is now primarily supplied and serviced by Chinese tech companies, it can't be separated from western tech companies. The first version of the Chinese digital surveillance grid was built by Cisco: https://www.eff.technewsworld.technologyreview. Apple's Ios platform is "curated. (BACK TO TOP)

On a previous episode of Go Time we discussed binary bloat, and how the Go protocol buffer implementation is a big offender. In this episode we dive into the history of protocol buffers and gRPC, then we discuss how the protocol and the implementation can vary and lead to things like binary bloat. (BACK TO TOP)

Online platforms and their users are susceptible to a barrage of threats – from disinformation to extremism to terror. Daniel and Chris chat with Matar Haller, VP of Data at ActiveFence, a leader in identifying online harm – is using a combination of AI technology and leading subject matter experts to provide Trust & Safety teams with precise, real-time data, in-depth intelligence, and automated tools to protect users and ensure safe online experiences. (BACK TO TOP)

Roger Lee has been tracking all tech layoffs since COVID-19, Amanda Hoover says tech worker demand is still high, ntfy helps you send push notifications for free, devenv lets you share development environments without containers, Markdoc scales from personal blogs to massive documentation sites & we talk with Mike Bifulco at All Things Open 2022. (BACK TO TOP)

This week we’re back for part 2 with Adam Wiggins — going beyond Heroku and the story of Muse (listen to part 1). After a six-year adrenaline high on Heroku, Adam needed time to recover and refill the creative well. So, he moved to Berlin, did some gig work with companies…dabbled in investing and advising. But he wasn’t satisfied. Adam likes to build things. Eventually they founded Ink & Switch, an independent research lab which led to innovations that made Muse possible. (BACK TO TOP)

Estelle Weyl has been building the web since 1999 and documenting it since 2007. Today she joins Amal for a loooong and deeeep conversation about new and !important features of CSS & HTML. Sit down, strap in, and prepare to be schooled! (BACK TO TOP)

Today's IPv6 Buzz episode answers listener questions about Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) and auto-addressing, privacy and IPv6, and where NAT46 fits in. The post IPv6 Buzz 114: Another Listener Questions Episode! appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On today’s Day Two Cloud we talk through the idea of “zero standing privilege”. Zero standing privilege is an evolution of credentials management that goes beyond always-on usernames and passwords and more advanced forms of privileged access management to help lock down access to sensitive systems. Our sponsor is strongDM and our guest is Britt Crawford, Director of Product. The post Day Two Cloud 172: Lock Down Access With Zero Standing Privilege (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

On today's Full Stack Journey podcast we climb the ivory tower to get a glimpse of academic life in the field of networking and computer science with guest Dave Levin. Dr. Levin is Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland. His research focuses on networking and security, including measurement, cryptography, artificial intelligence, and economics. The post Full Stack Journey 072: A Peek Inside The Comp Sci Ivory Tower appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)

This week's Network Break covers several announces from VMware Explore including a new SD-WAN client. ASIC-maker Marvell goes after industrial networks with new silicon, Cisco announces the curtain falling on several ISR router models, and SolarWinds settles with the SEC. Zoom and the AMC movie theater chain partner on an offering to hold big meetings at the movies, and Starlink announces it will slow customer speeds if they cross a 1TB cap. (BACK TO TOP)

Heavy Networking welcomes sponsor Netris to the show with a special episode for you network nerds who are really getting into automation, infrastructure as code, pipelines, and so on. Netris is all about bringing that public cloud VPC experience to the network you’ve already got. Imagine being able to consume your existing network with APIs and being able to stand up VLANs, VXLANs, elastic load balancers, firewalls, Internet gateways, and more the same way you do in the cloud, but on premises. (BACK TO TOP)

The inaugural tutorial jam has come to an end! Our wonderful Replit community shipped some fantastic learning experiences! Contestants were tasked with building a learning Repl using our new . This really raised the bar for what's possible in a tutorial, much more engaging than just another tutorial, this entry from MattDESTROYER really destroyed the competition. SECOND PLACE The silver award brought in a $500 prize and this lovely shiny jpg of an award. This tutorial is fun. This one is gold. (BACK TO TOP)

Imagine a tool where you describe your problem and get a solution built for you. No, this isn't AI or a new "no code" tool. Today we're introducing Bounties, a marketplace where you get to work with the top creators on Replit and bring your software ideas to life! Post a Bounty!WHY BOUNTIES ON REPLIT? You have a backlog of potential million-dollar ideas sitting in your notes app or project management tool right now. The problem? There is simply not enough time to build and ship them all.g...g. (BACK TO TOP)

ABOUT BOUNTIES Bounties is a marketplace on Replit where anyone can connect with and contract top creators on Replit to complete software development tasks. Many Replit developers specialize in JavaScript, Python, web, and bot development. All payments are processed through Stripe and converted to Cycles so that vetted Bounty Hunters can purchase compute resources on Replit and convert their Cycles to local currency if they are eligible. Ultimately, Owen was paired up with Ray, https://replit. (BACK TO TOP)

The filetree is a central surface of the workspace which has long been under-leveraged to support the workflows of users. As part of our ongoing workspace revamp, we're shipping improvements to make the filetree more usable and powerful. These improvements include: 1. fixing existing usability issues to make file management seamless 2. improve rendering and loading performance 3. You can also hold down alt to multiselect files incrementally. * We've componentized the filetree more. (BACK TO TOP)

Have you ever wondered which of your repls are running at a given time? Do you know which ones are currently serving traffic, and which ones need to be woken up? Do you wish you had more visibility into when your repls have stopped in the past and when they've been restarted? If any of the above describe you, we have just launched a new feature made especially for you: the Repl Status Manager. To use it, go to the Status tab on the My Repls page. Happy coding! (BACK TO TOP)

In 2022, the Alexa Trustworthy AI team helped organize a workshop at NAACL and a special session at Interspeech. (BACK TO TOP)

Amazon yesterday announced its picks for 2022 Best Books of the Year So Far, including its top book within the general-interest science category, “Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention — and How to Think Deeply Again”. (BACK TO TOP)

From physical constraints to acoustic challenges, learn how Amazon collaborated with NASA and Lockheed Martin to get Alexa to work in space. (BACK TO TOP)

Models that map spoken language to objects in an image would make it easier for customers to communicate with multimodal devices. (BACK TO TOP)

Teaching robots to stow items presents a challenge so large it was previously considered impossible — until now. (BACK TO TOP)

Omar Javed, Steve Flammia, Michael I. Jordan, and Daniela Witten recently recognized for their contributions to science. (BACK TO TOP)

Just because marketing uses a word doesn't mean it's a meaningful way to talk about software. The post “Performant” is nonsense, but performance can still matter appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Prompting for a username and password is so 2005. Today, you can just prompt for a fingerprint. The post You can add biometric authentication to your webpage. Here’s how. appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Low-code/no-code tools can help developers and non-developers alike. The post Speeding software innovation with low-code/no-code tools appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

How a solo developer makes a living with a job board for engineering roles in Japan The post Tips and tricks for succeeding as a developer emigrating to Japan (Ep. 505) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Testing the one assertion per test rule, black holes, and shell scripts The post The Overflow #151: DIY mad science  appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

We need to talk about it. The post Another hard week in tech (Ep. 505) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Probabilistic Deep Learning Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Statistics in R Series Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

Google DeepMind’s AlphaTensor is the beginning of AI-driven mathematical innovation. Image Source Google’s DeepMind research group recently developed “AlphaTensor.” the first AI system for discovering novel algorithms to perform fundamental tasks such as matrix multiplication. This application has brought innovations to the 50-year-old mathematical challenge of finding the fastest ways to multiply two matrices. Let’s decompose the significance of this discovery. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3.I. (BACK TO TOP)

“When programming, always follow the camping rule: Always leave the code base healthier than when you found it.” Martin Fowler [2]. Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

DeepSpeed Deep Dive — Model Implementations for Inference (MII) A closer look at the latest open-source library from DeepSpeed Image by author — created with Stable Diffusion What is this about? The DeepSpeed team has recently released a new open-source library called Model Implementation for Inference (MII), aimed towards making low-latency, low-cost inference of powerful models not only feasible but also easily accessible. You can read all about it in their blog post . Source: https://www.0.0. (BACK TO TOP)

Create dynamic population pyramids through the year 2100 by country, age, sex, and year with the Census Data API, Python, and Tableau… Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

A tutorial on how to detect outliers using standard deviation, interquartile range, isolation forest, DBSCAN, and local outlier factor Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)









With Cloudflare Workers, our fragment-based micro-frontend architecture, and fragment piercing technique, engineering teams can incrementally improve large frontends in a fraction of the time, yielding significant user and developer experience gains. (BACK TO TOP)

Pages is officially a full stack platform with Pages Functions now Generally Available. Pages is harnessing the power and scalability of Workers and specializing them to align with the Pages developer experience. (BACK TO TOP)

Announcing the Fall 2022 cohort of 25 Workers Launchpad startups and growth of the program from $1.25BN to $2BN (BACK TO TOP)

Radar 2.0 was launched last month during Cloudflare's Birthday Week as a complete product revamp. This blog explains how we built it technically. Hopefully, it will inspire other developers to build complex web apps using Cloudflare products. (BACK TO TOP)

Page Functions are now out of beta, bringing the ability to add dynamic server-side rendering to your applications. Pages makes it easy to deploy applications built using all the major frameworks. (BACK TO TOP)

Cloudflare uses the Cloudflare Terraform provider extensively to make changes to our internal accounts as easy as opening a pull request. (BACK TO TOP)

Today we are announcing Cloudflare Snippets. Snippets are a simple way of executing a small piece of Javascript on select HTTP requests, using the ruleset engine filtering logic. (BACK TO TOP)

Today we’re happy to announce Deployments for Workers. Deployments allow developers to audit changes made to their applications. (BACK TO TOP)

As we continue down the road to making D1 production ready, it wouldn’t be “the Cloudflare way” unless we stopped for feedback first. D1 is now in Open Alpha! (BACK TO TOP)

We’re excited to announce that Workers will soon be able to send outbound requests through a mutually authenticated channel via mutual TLS authentication! (BACK TO TOP)

Cloudflare now has OpenAPI Schemas available for the API. Users can use these schemas in any open source OpenAPI Tooling. (BACK TO TOP)

We’re excited to share that the next iteration of Cloudflare’s API reference documentation is now available. The new docs standardize our API content and improve the overall developer experience for interacting with Cloudflare’s API. (BACK TO TOP)

In this blog post, I'll show you how to use D1 to add comments to a static blog site. To do this, we'll construct a new D1 database and build a simple JSON API that allows the creation and retrieval of comments. (BACK TO TOP)

Workers Browser Rendering API is our out-of-the-box solution for simplifying developer workflows, including capturing images or screenshots, by running browser automation in Workers. If you’re interested, sign up for the waitlist. (BACK TO TOP)

Xata is on a mission to solve the industry’s hardest data problems with their Serverless Data Platform. We’re excited to have Xata building their serverless functions product – Xata Workers – on top of Workers for Platforms. Here is Xata’s story. (BACK TO TOP)

API adoption is exploding everywhere — in fact over 80% of web traffic is now API traffic ( source ). This is because APIs enable easier and more standardized delivery of services and data — and this tends to lead to business growth. Many organizations still regard APIs as implementation detail, but this massive growth of APIs can be difficult to manage without a well-defined API strategy. Why do customers love it? API products - Ability to productize APIs easily (e.g. 1.S. All rights reserved. (BACK TO TOP)

Editor's note : At Google Cloud we’re working with global organizations to help them use technology to build a more sustainable future. We’re excited about the  2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference , or COP27, when representatives from countries and organizations around the world — including Google Cloud — are gathering in  Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt  from November 7 - 18, 2022 for the latest round of climate talks. Catch the event for yourself on  Youtube . Here are three: 1.S. 2. (BACK TO TOP)

As we help our customers evolve their security approaches for the cloud era, two key objectives based on Google’s experience defending our own infrastructure and systems, emerge: trust nothing and detect everything. These can seem like daunting tasks for even the most capable security teams, especially in today’s challenging threat environment. As you look to secure what matters most in 2023, join us Dec. 8. Sign up now to reserve your virtual seat. (BACK TO TOP)

To the casual observer, the Sun is constant and unchanging. But in fact, this nearly perfect ball of plasma regularly spits large quantities of superheated gas into interplanetary space, creating solar storms that wreak havoc on the Earth’s magnetic field as they approach and pass through the atmosphere. These geomagnetic disturbances are visible in polar skies as Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, nature’s most spectacular light shows. Figure 1: A simplified picture of a submarine cable. (BACK TO TOP)

At Google Cloud Next in October, we announced the Preview release of advanced rule tuning for Cloud Armor which can provide customers more granular control over how they apply our pre-configured Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules. We also announced the Preview of our auto-deploy option for proposed mitigating rules generated by Cloud Armor Adaptive Protection , our machine learning-based attack detection and response capability. The result is a false positive.wagtailcore.rich_text.wagtailcore. (BACK TO TOP)

Since 2007, PrestaShop has helped companies unlock the power of e-commerce through its open-source platform. Over 300,000 merchants worldwide use the PrestaShop platform to grow their business and serve online shoppers. "Our open-source strategy to ecommerce enablement sets us apart," says Rémi Paulin, Ph.D., Data Architect at PrestaShop. "Not long ago, less than 10% of the company regularly relied on data, so we were missing opportunities to make more data-driven decisions," says Paulin. (BACK TO TOP)

Cobalt Strike, the popular tool used by red teams to test the resilience of their cyber defenses, has seen many iterations and improvements over the last decade. First released in 2012, it was originally the commercial spinoff of the open-source Armitage project that added a graphical user interface (GUI) to the Metasploit framework to help security practitioners detect software vulnerabilities more quickly. The Beacon is the core binary that gives the actor control over the infected computer.7. (BACK TO TOP)

Editor's note : Today's guest post comes from Jonathan Campos, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Engineering, Alto. He shares how Alto is transforming the ride-hailing industry with Google Maps Platform. When people first hear about us, they might think we’re just like other ride-hailing companies. But what sets us apart is all Alto drivers are full-time employees, not independent contractors. When people hear this, they say, “Oh, so you’re like a taxi company. (BACK TO TOP)

What would tech support be like if an AI agent could recommend the right self-service article before a human support agent even got on the ticket? At Google we wanted to find out. So we got our machine learning teams working on ways to suggest support documentation automatically integrated into our ticketing system, before human responses come in. High impact and less complex than some of our other IT challenges. Speed it up with ML We can do better. Remember to iterate. (BACK TO TOP)

To help you grow and build faster - and take advantage of the 123 product announcements from Next ‘22 - last month we launched the Google Cloud Skills Boost annual subscription with new Innovators Plus benefits. We’re already hearing rave reviews from subscribers from England to Indonesia, and want to share what others are learning and doing to help inspire your next wave of Google Cloud learning and creativity.  “For me, purchasing the annual subscription was a no brainer.  1.  2. (BACK TO TOP)

At Google Cloud, we’re focused on making it easy for organizations to build solutions quickly and securely. Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the core security control for establishing who has access to which cloud resources and making sure access permissions are aligned to your company’s business and security policies.  We are excited to announce the general availability of IAM Deny policies . This new capability helps you easily create access guardrails for Google Cloud resources... (BACK TO TOP)

The U.S. healthcare system is facing a watershed moment — poised to reimagine how providers and patients deliver and experience care. In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed underlying vulnerabilities that already existed (site of care shifts, resource pressures, cybersecurity, to name a few) and set the stage for new technologies to emerge.  Data security : According to a report by cybersecurity firm Sophos, two-thirds of U.S.  Securely access images anytime, anywhere . 1.wagtailcore. (BACK TO TOP)

When building applications  using microservices, their management and reliability can be a growing challenge. You need your systems to detect a faulty condition in your applications and remediate the situation immediately and automatically. To do this automatically you need different layers of your infrastructure to communicate and collaborate with each other. Health checks are an explicit way for one layer of a design to communicate to a higher level orchestration or routing layer.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Editor’s note : Soundtrack Your Brand is an award-winning streaming service with the world’s largest  licensed music catalog built just for businesses, backed by Spotify. Today, we hear how BigQuery has been a foundational component in helping them transform big data into music.  Soundtrack Your Brand is a music company at its heart, but big data is our soul. As an example, through our Schedules feature our customers can set up what to play during the week. BigQuery makes everything simple. (BACK TO TOP)

There’s never been a better time to talk about multicloud, and the Google Cloud Multicloud Mindset series on Twitter Spaces was created to do just that! This series takes place once every two weeks and features live conversations with top experts about the latest multicloud topics. You can join the 15-minute Q&A to ask your top questions and listen to episodes later offline for up to 30 days after we chat. . Open source software allows you to do that…and multicloud is just an extension of that. (BACK TO TOP)

The last few years have underscored the importance of speed in bringing new drugs and medical devices to market, while ensuring safety and efficacy. Over this time, healthcare and life sciences organizations have transformed the way they research, develop, and deliver patient care by embracing agility and innovation.  Now, the industry is set to reap the benefits of cloud technology and overcome the existing barriers to innovation.  How that patient data is collected is also important. 1. (BACK TO TOP)

SAP Build Process Automation is designed to optimize business processes and boost efficiency. The platform helps both business users and developers alike digitize core  workflows and incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into time consuming and error-prone manual tasks. All digital paths can benefit from automation. The pandemic, supply chain shortages, and other disruptive events have upped the pressure on businesses and their workers to perform in more efficient and flexible (BACK TO TOP)

In cybersecurity, speed matters. Whether a security analyst is trying to understand the details of an alert that was triggered by an indicator of compromise (IoC), or find additional context for a suspicious asset, speed is often the critical factor that will help thwart a cyberattack before threat actors are able to inflict damage.  With speed in mind, we are pleased to announce the general availability of our new investigative experience in Chronicle Security Operations .166.0.3”.microsoft. (BACK TO TOP)

As an organization increasingly relies on cloud, its number of cloud projects can also increase. Over time, project sprawl creeps in, and an organization can be left with tens, or even hundreds, of unnecessary projects. While these projects can be deleted in bulk, it becomes challenging to determine which projects are no longer needed. As manual efforts to understand each project are undertaken, valuable resources go wasted performing this arduous task.g., the folder owner).g.g., once a week).e. (BACK TO TOP)

One benefit of cloud migration is having access to managed services, which can reduce operational overhead. For organizations operating in Microsoft-centered environments, Google Cloud offers a highly-available, hardened Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory running on Windows virtual machines. Managed Microsoft AD provides benefits such as automated AD server updates, maintenance, default security configurations, and needs no hardware management or patching.  1. 2. 3.wagtailcore.  4. (BACK TO TOP)

Bulletin by Jakub Mikians