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Preferences and settings for my toolbox.

  • Code Style - Code styles IntelliJ IDEA
  • Color Schemes - Color schemes for IntelliJ IDEA with previews
  • Modules - Powershell modules
  • Scripts - Some tooling
  • Templates - Repetitive boilerplate for new projects

Shell prompt:

  • Shell starts in a predefined directory (INITIAL_CWD in ~\.env).
  • When the shell starts it makes a backup of environment variable PATH to ~\.path.txt.
  • Displays current time.
  • Displays explicit name of the current shell. (Set $env:PSPromptName to name the shell.)
  • Displays currently activated Python virtual environment and Node.js interpreter.
  • Displays current WSL distribution and user.
  • Displays current AWS CLI profile. (Set $env:AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE to switch between profiles.)
  • Displays only name of the current directory, and not its full path (configurable via $env:PSPromptSettings.FullPath).
  • Displays git status - working tree state, current branch and number of commits behind and ahead.
  • All of the info above can be hidden via $env:PSPromptSettings.HideAll.
  • Automatically activates Python virtual environment (only venv) on entering a directory, if it or any of its parents contains a venv located in subdirectory .venv, and deactivates it on entering a directory that does not satisfy such condition.
  • Automatically activates Node.js interpreter on entering a directory, if it or any of its parents contains a file .nvmrc with a version of the desired Node.js interpreter, and deactivates it on entering a directory that does not satisfy such condition.
  • Automatically binds wsl command to appropriate distribution and user on entering a directory, if it or any of its parents contains a file .wslrc with a name of the desired WSL distribution to be used, and roll backs to default wsl command on entering a directory that does not satisfy such condition.


Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Changes in $env:PATH: None

python  C:\tools\python37\python.exe
pip     C:\tools\python37\Scripts\pip.exe
node    C:\Users\jakub\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v12.5.0\node.exe
npm     C:\Users\jakub\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v12.5.0\npm.cmd

Loading personal and system profiles took 1357ms.
19:38:06 [py@cool-project | node@cool-company#12] jakub@cool-company-ubuntu-16 (AWS Profile Name) web [master 1→] $

Example of automatic switching Python, Node.js and WSL

Directory Tree                      Content     Node.js     Python      WSL
C:\                                             default     default     default
└── dev\                                        12          default     ubuntu-18
    ├── .nvmrc                      12
    ├── .wslrc                      ubuntu-18
    └── src\                                    inherit     inherit     inherit
        ├── acme\                               8           default     acme-16
        │   ├── .nvmrc              8
        │   └── .wslrc              acme-16
        └── cool-company\                       8           inherit     cool-16
            ├── .nvmrc              8
            ├── .wslrc              cool-16
            └── cool-project\                   12          .venv\      cool-16
                ├── .nvmrc          12
                ├── .venv\
                └── sub\                        inherit     inherit     inherit


pip-do - venv-aware pip

pip-do (alias to Invoke-PipDo) is a tiny wrapper around pip. It has the same interface as pip, but it ensures that you're always working inside a virtual environment.

$ ls -Name
$ pip-do install attrs
Python 3.7.3
Virtual environment does not exist. Creating new one ...
Running pip install attrs ...
Collecting attrs
  Using cached
Installing collected packages: attrs
Successfully installed attrs-19.1.0
You are using pip version 19.0.3, however version 19.1.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Updating requirements.lock.txt ...
$ ls -Name
$ cat .\requirements.lock.txt


Because most of the time you want to install packages locally, and only occasionally to install them globally.

How it works?

If you are already inside a virtual environment, then pip-do runs pip inside that environment.

On the other hand, if you are not inside a virtual environment yet, and there exists one that can be activated, then pip-do activates that environment before passing work to pip.

When there's no environment to activate, then pip-do creates a new one for you in the current directory and activates it, before invoking pip.

As a bonus point, pip-do automatically creates or updates requirements.lock.txt file to contain all installed packages (pip freeze).

node-activate - Switching Node.js environments

node-activate (alias to Set-NodeRuntime) activates one of installed Node.js interpreters.

$ node-activate 8

To install new Node.js interpreter, use nvm-windows.


This tool activates particular interpreter only in the current scope (in accordance to nvm behavior) and not globally (as nvm-windows does).


My dotfiles & shell utilities








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