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File metadata and controls

31 lines (17 loc) · 1.88 KB


Read the direct messages of a Twitter user and add the text of any tweets found there to the OmniFocus inbox


twitter-to-omnifocus [ configuration_file ]


This application pulls the home timeline of the user corresponding to the consumer key specified in the configuraiton file and adds the text of tweets found there to the OmniFocus inbox using AppleScript. Requires Net::Twitter::Lite and Mac::Applescript.


This script looks for a configuration file specified as the first argument of the script, as “.tweettoOmniFocus.cfg” in the home directory, or as “tweettoOmniFocus.cfg” in the current working directory (in that order).

The file consists of configuration directives as key-value pairs separated by white space. The configuration file is rewritten at each execution to include additional values (such as the identifier of the last tweet noticed in the home timeline) necessary for the program to run. This configuration file must have two lines in it that represent the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that you get when you register the application at Twitter API site

    consumer_key      abc123abc123abc123
    consumer_secret   789xyz789xyz789xyz789xyz

An additional parameter — “delete_messages” — controls whether the application deletes direct
messages after processing them. The default is that it deletes them.

The first time the application runs, you will be prompted to authorize this application with Twitter and enter a PIN number. When you do that, two other values — “access_token” and “access_token_secret” — will be written to the configuration file.


David Somers, github repository
Peter Murray, application information