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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 25, 2019. It is now read-only.


Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


A file system store for UploadFS.


To install the package, execute this command in the root of your project :

meteor add jalik:pagination

If later you want to remove the package :

meteor remove jalik:pagination

Create a Pagination

First, you must prepare a subscription that takes filters and options. The example below is imcomplete and not secured, you have to do some checks to restrict filters and options.

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    Meteor.publish('users', function (filters, options) {
        check(this.userId, String);
        // Prepare filters
        filters = _.extend({
            // set default filters here
        }, filters, {
            // overwrite the filters here
        // Prepare options
        options = _.extend({
            sort: {username: 1},
            skip: 0,
            limit: 10
        }, options);
        return Meteor.users.find(filters, options);

Then on the client, you can setup the pagination.

<template name="users">
        {{#each users}}
            <li>User: {{username}}</li>
        <!-- Insert the pagination named userList -->
        {{> pagination id="userList"}}
Template.users.onCreated(function () {
    var tpl = this;

    // Create the query cursor
    tpl.users = function () {
        return Meteor.users.find({}, {
            sort: {username: 1}

    // Create the pagination named userList
    tpl.pagination = new Pagination('userList', {
        cursor: tpl.users(),
        skip: 0,
        limit: 10

    tpl.autorun(function () {
        tpl.subscribe('users', {}, {
            // Be sure to pass the same sorting option as above
            // otherwise the results will only be sorted on the client.
            sort: {username: 1},
            // getLimit() and getSkip() are reactive so if they change,
            // a new subscription is triggered.
            limit: tpl.pagination.getLimit(),
            skip: tpl.pagination.getSkip()

    users: function () {
        // Return the query cursor
        return Template.instance().users();


// Set the default text value for all pagination buttons
Paginations.buttons = {
    first : 'First',
    next : 'Next',
    Previous : 'Previous'

<template name="users">
        <!-- Use custom mode to display elements as span and stylize them with CSS -->
        {{> pagination id="userList" mode="custom"}}