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Fundamental classes for OOP in TypeScript


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This package allows you to represent many classes using a unified interface.

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Error classes


A basic error class that extends the built-in Error class and can contain other Error instances as a property.

throw new RuntimeError('An error occured.', error);

Errors<E extends Error = Error>

This error class can hold multiple Error instances at once, and it extends the RuntimeError class.

throw new Errors(new Error('Error 1'), new Error('Error 2'), new Error('Error 3'));


This error class can be used to detect cases that are not handled in a switch. TypeScript will generate an alert when there is an unhandled case and this error is included in the default clause.


This error class is mainly used to indicate that a method is not yet implemented and it extends the RuntimeError class.

throw new UnimplementedError('This method is not yet implemented');

Object classes


A class that redefines the built-in Object.

Objet.genHashCode(obj: object): string

Generates a hash code for the given obj. If the object's properties have the same values, this method will return the same hash code.

Objet.identify(n: unknown): string

Converts the givenn to string. If n has a toString() method, the result of calling that method is returned. Otherwise, the result of String(n) is returned.

(abstract) Objet.prototype.serialize(): string

This method is used in Objet.prototype.toString() to customize the string representation of an object. It is strongly recommended to implement this method when extending the Objet class.

Objet.prototype.equals(other: unknown): boolean

Compares the hash code of this instance with the hash code of the given other, and returns true if they are the same.

Objet.prototype.hashCode(): string

Returns the hash code of this instance. If the properties have the same values, this method must return the same hash code.

Objet.prototype.toString(): string

Calls and returns the result of the Objet.prototype.serialize() method.


A class for entities in Domain-Driven Design (DDD). It is a concrete class extending the Objet class, and I is an identifier class.

(abstract) Entity.prototype.getIdentifier(): I

Returns the identifier of the entity. It is used in the entity.equals(other: unknown): boolean method to compare two entities.

(override) Entity.prototype.equals(other: unknown): boolean

Compares the identifier of this object with the identifier of the given other. Returns true if they are the same. This method should not be overridden, as it relies on the correct implementation of the Entity.prototype.getIdentifier() method.


A class for value objects in Domain-Driven Design (DDD). It is a concrete class extending the Objet class.


A class to check for circular references in an object.

Reference.isCircular(value: unknown): boolean

Returns true if the given value has circular references.

Type classes


Used for methods. If the given value does not meet this requirement, TypeError will be thrown.

class Klazz {
  public doSomething(@BigIntValidation({
    conditions: [
        operator: '>=',
        value: 3n
        operator: '<=',
        value: 5n
  }) n1: bigint): void {


Used for methods. If the given value does not meet this requirement, TypeError will be thrown.

class Klazz {
  public doSomething(@BooleanValidation() n1: boolean): void {


Used for methods. If the given value does not meet this requirement, TypeError will be thrown.

class Klazz {
  public doSomething(@NumberValidation({
    conditions: [
        operator: '>=',
        value: 3
        operator: '<=',
        value: 5
    int: false,
    noNaN: true,
    noInfinity: true
  }) n1: number): void {


Used for methods. If the given value does not meet this requirement, TypeError will be thrown.

class Klazz {
  public doSomething(@StringValidation({
    type: 'length',
    min: 1,
    max: 100
  }) n1: string): void {


Used for methods. If the given value does not meet this requirement, TypeError will be thrown.

class Klazz {
  public doSomething(@SymbolValidation() n1: symbol): void {

A class for creating a deep copy of an object literal. This class does not check whether the given object literal has circular references or not.

Clone.copy<T extends ObjectLiteral>(obj: T): T

Creates a deep copy of the given object literal.

(interface) Cloneable

An interface for objects that can be cloned.

Cloneable.prototype.duplicate(): T

Should return a deep copy of itself.

isCloneable(n: unknown): n is Cloneable<T>

Returns true if the given n has a duplicate method.


A class for checking the equality of two object literals. This class does not check whether the given object literals have circular references or not.

Equality.same(n1: ObjectLiteral, n2: ObjectLiteral): boolean

Returns true if the two given object literals are the same, false otherwise.

(interface) Equatable

An interface for objects that can be compared for equality.

Equatable.prototype.equals(other: unknown): boolean

Should return true if this and the given object are the same, false otherwise.

(interface) JSONifiable<O extends ObjectLiteral>

An interface for objects that can be converted to a JSON object.

JSONifiable.prototype.toJSON(): O

Returns the JSON representation of this object.

isJSONifiable(n: unknown): n is JSONifiable<O>

Returns true if the given n has a toJSON method, false otherwise.


Class for type narrowing.

Kind.isArray<T = unknown>(value: unknown): value is Array<T>

Kind.isBigInt(value: unknown): value is BigInt

Kind.isBoolean(value: unknown): value is Boolean

Kind.isClass<T extends Constructor>(instance: unknown, klazz: T): instance is T

Kind.isFunction(value: unknown): value is Function

Kind.isInteger(value: unknown): value is Integer

Kind.isNaN(value: unknown): boolean

Kind.isNone(value: unknown): value is null | undefined | void

Kind.isNull(value: unknown): value is null

Kind.isNumber(value: unknown): value is number

Kind.isNumericalString(value: unknown): value is NumericalString

Kind.isObject<T extends object = object>(value: unknown): value is Vague<T>

Kind.isPrimitive(value: unknown): value is Primitive

Kind.isPromiseLike<T = unknown>(value: unknown): value is PromiseLike<T>

Kind.isString(value: unknown): value is string

Kind.isSymbol(value: unknown): value is symbol

Kind.isSUndefined(value: unknown): value is undefined

(interface) Nominative

An interface that extends both Equatable and Serializable interfaces.

Nominative.prototype.hashCode(): string

Returns a hash code of this instance.

(interface) Serializable

An interface for objects that can be converted to a string.

Serializable.prototype.serialize(): string

Returns a string representation of this instance.

ULID class


A class for generating and working with ULIDs (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier), extends ValueObject.

ULID.generate(): ULID

Returns a new ULID instance with a randomly generated ULID value.

ULID.of(id: string): ULID

Returns a new ULID instance from the given string. May throw a ULIDError if the given id is not a valid ULID.

ULID.regex(): RegExp

Returns the regular expression used for validating ULIDs.

ULID.size(): number

Returns the length of a ULID.

ULID.validate(str: string): boolean

Returns true if the given string is a valid ULID, false otherwise.


Used for methods. If the given value does not meet this requirement, TypeError will be thrown.

class Klazz {
  public doSomething(@ULIDValidation() n1: string): void {

UUID class


A class for generating and working with UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers), extends ValueObject.

UUID.of(id: string): UUID

Returns a new UUID instance from the given string. May throw a UUIDError if the given id is not a valid UUID.

UUID.regex(): RegExp

Returns the regular expression used for validating UUIDs.

UUID.size(): number

Returns the length of a UUID.


Returns a new v4 UUID instance.


Returns a new v5 UUID instance.


Returns a new v6 UUID instance.


Returns a new v7 UUID instance.

UUID.validate(str: string): boolean

Returns true if the given string is a valid UUID, false otherwise.


Used for methods. If the given value does not meet this requirement, TypeError will be thrown.

class Klazz {
  public doSomething(@UUIDValidation() n1: string): void {

Zeit class


A class for working with date and time, extends ValueObject.

Zeit.earliest(zeiten: Iterable<Zeit>): Zeit

Returns the earliest Zeit instance from the given iterable of Zeit. May throw ZeitError if the given zeiten is empty.

Zeit.latest(zeiten: Iterable<Zeit>): Zeit

Returns the latest Zeit instance from the given iterable of Zeit. May throw ZeitError if the given zeiten is empty. Zeit

Returns the current date and time as a Zeit instance.

Zeit.of(zeit: dayjs.Dayjs): Zeit

Returns a new Zeit instance from the given dayjs instance.

Zeit.ofDate(date: Date): Zeit

Returns a new Zeit instance from the given Date instance.

Zeit.ofString(str: string, format: string): Zeit

Returns a new Zeit instance from the given str using the given format. May throw ZeitError if the given str cannot be parsed using the given format.

Zeit.validate(str: string, format: string): boolean

Returns true if the given str can be parsed using the given format.

Zeit.prototype.advance(value: number, unit: ZeitUnitType): Zeit

Returns a new Zeit instance that is value unit earlier than this instance.

const zeit1: Zeit = Zeit.ofString('2000-04-02');
const zeit2: Zeit = zeit1.advance(1, 'day')

// '2000-04-01'

Zeit.prototype.isAfter(other: Zeit): boolean

Returns true if this instance is after the given other Zeit instance.

Zeit.prototype.isBefore(other: Zeit): boolean

Returns true if this instance is before the given other Zeit instance.

Zeit.prototype.isValid(): boolean

Returns true if this instance represents a valid date and time.

Zeit.prototype.postpone(value: number, unit: ZeitUnitType): Zeit

Returns a new Zeit instance that is value unit later than this instance.

const zeit1: Zeit = Zeit.ofString('2000-04-02');
const zeit2: Zeit = zeit1.postpone(1, 'day')

// '2000-04-03'

(override) Zeit.prototype.toString(format?: string): boolean


Used for methods. If the given value does not meet this requirement, TypeError will be thrown.

class Klazz {
  public doSomething(@ZeitValidation({
    format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
  }) n1: string): void {
