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Centralised opentelemetry for tracing Jambonz apps

Getting Started

Create a new JambonzTracer instance

 const {tracer} = new JambonzTracer({
  enabled: true,
  version: "1.0.0",
  name: 'my-jambonz-app',
  jaegerEndpoint: '',
  logLevel: 'info'

JambonzTracer Configuration

Configuration is provided via environment variables:

variable meaning required?
enabled enable otel tracing no
version app version, usually taken from package.json yes
name name of otel service yes
jaegerEndpoint url for JaegerExporter no
zipkinEndpoint url for ZipkinExporter no
collectorEndpoint url for OTLPTraceExporter no
logLevel warn,info,debug or trace no

Create a RootSpan

   const rootSpan = new RootSpan('incoming-call', traceId, spanId, {'callerName': 'smithy'}, tracer, logger);
   const rootSpan = RootSpan.createFromSIPHeaders('incoming-call', sipRequest, tracer, logger);
variable meaning required?
name name of current span yes
traceId A valid trace identifier is a 16-byte array with at least one non-zero byte. Or a UUID v4 equivalent. Leave null to generate new root traceId no
spanId A valid trace identifier is a 8-byte array with at least one non-zero byte no
attributes map of attributes to assign to span no
tracer the tracer instance yes
logger logger no

Create and nest ChildSpan's

    const childSpan = rootSpan.startChildSpan('doSomeWork', {'key': '1234'});
    const childSpan2 = childSpan.startChildSpan('subWork', {'key': '2468'});
variable meaning required?
callType name of current span yes
attributes map of attributes to assign to span yes

Setting Attributes

    childSpan.setAttributes({'anotherKey': "5678"})

Ending a span

    childSpan.endWithError('An error ocurred');