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    PHASE is a phylogenetic inference program
    copyright (C) 2002-2013 University of Manchester
    The windows version of this software uses the cygwin DLL
    Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Red Hat, Inc.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details (in the COPYING file).

The PHASE package contains seven programs:

i)     mcmcphase
ii)    mcmcsummarize
iii)   mlphase
iv)    optimizer
v)     likelihood
vi)    analyzer
vii)   simulate
viii)  distphase

and a small utility:
i)     splitdataset

Pre-compiled executables:
The quickest and easiest way to get started with PHASE is to use the
pre-compiled executables in the bin_* directories:
  bin_windows_32: 32-bit Windows
  bin_windows_64: 64-bit Windows
  bin_windows_cygwin: Windows (cygwin)
  bin_x86_32: 32-bit Linux
  bin_x86_64: 64-bit Linux

We recommend that you add the executables to your path, for ease of use. You can
either copy them to somewhere that's already in your path, or (probably easier)
add the relevant bin_* directory to your path. For example, in a bash
environment, assuming that you've placed PHASE in your home directory:
  export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/rna-phase-3/bin_x86_32
Add this to $HOME/.bashrc to execute every time that you log in.

Skip down to the end of this README for brief instructions for running the
examples included with the package, and refer to the manual for further details.

Before compilation:

PHASE 2.0 would always require confirmation before overwriting output files,
which is useful, but can complicate matters when scripting execution. So,
in PHASE 3.0 you can turn on automatic overwriting of output files, by setting
the 'cautious' constant in include/Util/FileParser.h to 0. By default, the
value is 1, ie the behaviour is the same as in version 2.0 of PHASE.

Compile the programs:

# Linux (including cygwin on Windows)
1) To compile, type "make" on the command line. A recent-ish g++ version (at
least gcc 3.x) is required. The latest gcc version that has been successfully
tested is 4.5.3.

2) PHASE uses BLAS and LAPACK libraries, which are probably already installed
on your system. By default, the compilation will use those, and you do not need
to edit the make files.

3) If you get a message about missing BLAS and LAPACK libraries, you can use
the versions that are included with PHASE; this requires gfortran to be
installed. You need to change the OPTLIBS/LIBS options in the file "makefile" to
compile BLAS and LAPACK libraries:
  OPTLIBS = false
  LIBS = -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -lm

# Mac OS X (thanks to Ben Hines and Dave Ardell)
1) To compile, type "make" on the command line. A recent-ish g++ version (at
least gcc 3.x) is required. The latest gcc version that has been successfully
tested is 4.5.3.

2) PHASE uses BLAS and LAPACK libraries, which are probably already installed
on your system. By default, the compilation will use Linux settings, so you need
to change the OPTLIBS/LIBS options in the file "makefile":
  OPTLIBS = true
  LIBS = -framework vecLib

3) If the compilation fails during the linking stage, you might have to use:
  LIBS = -framework vecLib -bind_at_load
instead of:
  LIBS = -framework vecLib

4) PHASE might not compile on newer systems because of a previous patch that was
added for older MacOSX. If the compilation fails with the error:
  "error: parse error before `sizeof'" in "include/configfix.h",
then you have to edit this file and remove the 2 lines:
  extern "C" int isnan (double);
  extern "C" int isinf (double);
They are at the beginning, just after:
  #if defined(__APPLE__)

# Solaris (thanks to Emil Lundberg and Dave Ardell)
1) On Solaris, you need to use the GNU make instead of the default make; type
"gmake" instead of "make" to compile.

Install the package:

There is no installation procedure (i.e., no "make install").

The programs of the package are created in the 'bin' directory. We recommend
that you add the executables to your path, for ease of use. You can either copy
them to somewhere that's already in your path, or (probably easier)
add the relevant bin_* directory to your path. For example, in a bash
environment, assuming that you've placed PHASE in your home directory:
  export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/rna-phase-3/bin_x86_32
Add this to $HOME/.bashrc to execute every time that you log in.

Running examples for the PHASE executables:

There are examples of data and control files in the 'example' directory;
results will be saved in the 'results' directory if you run the examples
yourself. Note that directory locations that are used in the control files
will only work if executed from the 'example' directory, eg:
cd phase-3.0/example
../bin/mlphase control/mlphase/hiv6-HKY85I.ctl

or, if mlphase is in your path
mlphase control/mlphase/hiv6-HKY85I.ctl

The 'input-data' directory contains data files that are used by some programs,
such as nucleotide equivalencies under various models (e.g. DNA <-> RY).

Running examples with the PHASE RNA model selection Perl script:

New in version 3.0 of PHASE is the ability to perform model selection for a
range of DNA and RNA models. More details on this functionality are in the
PHASE manual, or you can execute the script without any parameters to see
instructions for using the script:
  cd $HOME/rna-phase-3/scripts

An example set of data is included; execute it with:
  cd $HOME/rna-phase-3/scripts
  perl \
    --alignment example/RF00403.fa \
    --structure example/RF00403.structure.txt \
    --tree_file example/RF00403.bionj.nh \
    --out_dir example 

This example will create subdirectories called 'control' and 'results' in the
'example' directory, to store intermediate files and the output files from
PHASE. The model selection results will be saved in the file

Note that the script assumes that the necessary PHASE executables are in the
user's path; if not, their location can be specified with a parameter to the
script, e.g. --phase_optimizer $HOME/rna-phase-3/bin/optimizer


Phylogenetic inference and model selection for RNA genes







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