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OpenFPL is a decentralised fantasy football application built on the Internet Computer blockchain using Motoko, Svelte, TypeScript & Tailwind CSS.


  • Unique Gameplay: A wide range of gameplay rules mirroring the varying elements of football gameplay.
  • Fully Decentralised: Built to run as a DAO using the IC's Service Nervous System (SNS).
  • Consensus Data: Runs fully on-chain using "consensus data" to take ownership of Premier League football data.
  • Private Leagues: Build your own customised community & rewards structure and play among your friends.


These steps assume that you already run IC projects within a local development environment, ensuring you have the experience to test this application.

More information about the Internet Computer blockchain can be found at

Setup Locally

To run OpenFPL you will need to setup a local version of the NNS containing the FPL utility token with users after the SNS sale.

To get to this state follow these steps:

  1. Clone OpenFPL & the sns-testing repo into your linux root directory:
git clone
git clone
  1. Load a linux terminal window, navigate to the sns-testing directory and run the following commands:
  1. Load a second linux terminal, navigate to the OpenFPL director and run:
  1. Within the first sns-testing linux terminal, run the following command:

Overwrite any existing canisters if the terminal asks by using the 'y' key.

  1. In the same sns-testing linux terminal, run the following command:
./ 10000
  1. Load the OpenFPL solution in VSCode and deploy the application using the following command:
dfx deploy --network=local

Make note of the frontend, backend and neuron controller canister ids.

  1. Within the OpenFPL repository, update the frontend and backend canister ids listed as DAO controlled canisters within sns_init.yaml.

  2. Make a copy of the sns_init.yaml in the OpenFPL root directory into the sns-testing root directory.

  3. Deploy the SNS from the sns-testing repository by running the following commands:

  1. Make note of the deployed SNS governance canister id from the sns_canister_ids.json file. It will be the value for key "governance_canister_id". Then run the following command within the sns-testing terminal, replacing the canister id with your deployed governance canister id:
  1. You can then access the NNS containing OpenFPL from http://qsgjb-riaaa-aaaaa-aaaga-cai.localhost:8080/.

  2. Create a new test user in the local NNS and make a note of their principal id. Set the principal id, updating the value to your local user's principal id:

  1. Mint FPL tokens for your users by running the following command:
dfx canister call "${SNS_GOVERNANCE_CANISTER_ID}" mint_tokens "(record{recipient=opt record{owner=opt principal \"${PRINCIPAL}\"};amount_e8s=opt 1_0000_000_000_000_000:opt nat64})" --network "$NETWORK"
  1. Stake the tokens so when you raise a proposal it will pass immediately.

  2. Make a note of the identity of your current dfx user by running:

dfx identity get-principal
  1. Add the dfx user principal as a hotkey to your local NNS user's OpenFPL neuron.

  2. Add the neuron id to the command below and run it inside the OpenFPL VS Code terminal:

export PROPOSER_NEURON_ID=18f84f58433627de8c490ed739371ed40e1c185587b272591525a3027b9e50cc
export NETWORK=local
export IDENTITY=default
export IC_URL=http://localhost:8080

export PEM_FILE=../../../.config/dfx/identity/default/identity.pem
export WASM_FOLDER="../wasms"
  1. Within the ./governance/local/ update the neuron controller canister id.

  2. Within the OpenFPL VS Solution, from the root director, run the following command to raise all proposals existing in the live DAO:
