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142 lines (89 loc) · 3.19 KB


a game of death and deception:

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• 3-6 players

• 1 smartphone/computer each

• 30-60 minutes


• One player creates a game using the "new" button.

• All other players join using the 4-letter gamecode and the "join" button.

• Each player inputs a name.

• Each player receives a cup, face-down.

• Each player receives 4 cards.


• On your turn, you must either play a card from your hand or drink your cup.

• After you drink your cup, you're done for the round.

• When all players have had a drink, deal each player 1 card and 1 new face-down cup.


switch cups: trade cups in the direction indicated; players may look at the cup first, and may choose to forego the switch

look at cups: see what's inside all the cups on the table

• steal a card: take a card from an opponent hand, or an immunity from in front of any opponent

drink up!: force an opponent to drink their cup and suffer the consequences

immunity: become immune to a particular poison; resolve ethat poison as water

miracle: turn water into wine; resolve water cups as wine


• cyanide, arsenic, nightshade, hemlock: discard half your cards (rounding down)

• water: keep your cards

wine: draw 2 cards

• royal wine: draw 2 cards; choose the cup placement for the next round


You win when you have a certain number of cards in your hand at the end of a round:

• 3 players: 12 cards

• 4 players: 10 cards

• 5 players: 9 cards

• 6 players: 8 cards

App Structure

|- package.json
|- index.js (handleRequest, parseRequest, routeRequest; _302, _403, _404)
|- /node-modules/
|   |- mongo
|- /data/db/
|   |- sessions
|   |- games
|- /main/
|   |- logic.js (logError, logStatus, logMessage; getEnvironment, getAsset; isReserved, isNumLet, isBot; renderHTML; generateRandom, chooseRandom, sortRandom; locateIP, sanitizeString, determineSession; retrieveData, storeData)
|   |- stylesheet.css
|   |- script.js (isNumLet, isEmail; sanitizeString, displayError; sendPost)
|   |
|   |- banner.png
|   |- logo.png
|   |- _404.html
|- / (home)
|   |- logic.js (createGame, createPlayer; joinGame; getCard, getCup)
|   |- index.html
|   |- stylesheet.css
|   |- script.js (createGame, joinGame)
|- /about/
|   |- index.html
|   |- stylesheet.css
|   |- script.js (submitFeedback)
|- /game/
    |- logic.js (fetchData; submitName, submitMove, submitBegin; locateMove, identifyMove, enactMove, completeMove; beginRound; getAllPlayers, getActiveOpponents, resolveDrink, isRoundEnd, isGameEnd, shufflePile)
    |- index.html (buildPerson, buildTable)
    |- stylesheet.css
    |- script.js (buildPerson, buildTable, buildEverything; selectCard, unselectCard, moveCard; submitName, submitMove, submitBegin; fetchData)