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Short demonstration of standing up a DSE environment that publishes changes to CDC via Pulsar and persists in Elasticsearch

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DataStax Enterprise & Luna Streaming CDC Demo


  • This demo is intended to illustrate CDC for Apache Cassandra and its ability to publish changes in C* to a backend or downstream system
  • End to end, this will deploy a GKE Cluster, DSE Cluster, Pulsar Cluster, Grafana, Elasticsearch, and Kibana
  • Data will be automatically loaded into the DSE cluster and sent via Pulsar & CDC to an Elasticsearch index
  • This demo takes about 30-40 minutes to deploy on GKE if your local environment is stable
  • It's recommended to deploy ahead of time and limit the customer demo to the data load while displaying the various UI elements
  • Should the audience be more interested in the deployment of the solution, the repo is public and can be shared


  • GCP account
  • Permissions to a GCP Project where GKE clusters can be deployed
  • gcloud sdk
  • kubectl
  • helm
  • awk
  • jq


  • Clone the repo and provide execute permissions to the four shell scripts via something like chmod +x
  • Ensure your local machine has all the above prerequisites
  • Run the shell scripts in order (00-02) to deploy the environment and load data
  • Script 00 takes three arguments to deploy the GKE cluster
    • Your GCP project name (where you have permissions to deploy a GKE cluster)
    • The name you want to give your GKE cluster (like my-name-dse-cdc-test)
    • The GCP region in which you want to deploy your cluster (e.g. us-central1-c)

Conduct the Demo

  • The GKE Services & Ingress page has links for your UI's
    • Kibana
    • Grafana
    • Pulsar Admin Console
    • DSE Studio
  • Use the UI's to demonstrate data movement from DSE to Elasticsearch Index (db1.meteorite)
  • Create a Kibana Index Pattern from the ES Index db1.meteorite
    • Ensure you use the field finddate as the timestamp field
  • In the Kibana UI Menu, select Analytics > Maps > Add Layer > Elasticsearch and select the visualization type you would like to display
  • Be sure to set the time range in the top right corner of the map to something like 1500 years ago

DSE Studio

Import the included DSE Studio notebook named dse-studio-notebook.tar and modify the connection details.

  • Give the connection whatever Name you would like
  • For the Host use cdc-test-dc1-service.default.svc.cluster.local
  • Leave the Port at 9042
  • The Username is cdc-test-superuser

Run the following to retrieve the cdc-test-superuser password and copy/paste it into the Password field.

CASSANDRA_PASS=$(kubectl get secret cdc-test-superuser -o json | jq -r '.data.password' | base64 --decode) && echo $CASSANDRA_PASS

Tear Down

  • Run script 03 with the same three arguments to tear down your GKE cluster
    • Your GCP project name (where you have rights to deploy a GKE cluster)
    • The name you gave your GKE cluster
    • The GCP region you deployed your cluster

Known Issues

  • Some issues have been reported where only about 1/2 of the records end up in Elastic. Issue is believed to be corrected.
  • On two occasions the pulsar-bookkeeperpod has become stuck initializing with 0 restarts. RCA ongoing.


Short demonstration of standing up a DSE environment that publishes changes to CDC via Pulsar and persists in Elasticsearch






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