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James Coxon edited this page Sep 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the rai_twitter_bot wiki!

How to set up xrb_giveaway to reward retweeters

  1. Get a deposit address, DM the bot @xrb_giveaway and send it


  2. You can now deposit XRB in this account, please remember this a deposit only account, you will not be able to withdraw from it (do not use it as an online wallet). To reward your retweeters you'll need to deposit enough to cover

    Num retweets to reward * Amount to reward per retweet

  3. Now send the tweet you want to track, please include at the beginning the phrase 'RT:rewardXRB' e.g. RT10:0.5XRB, this means that you are going to reward the first 10 retweets with 0.5XRB

  4. Copy the link to your tweet - e.g.

  5. Now set up the job, the command requires you to know how many retweets you want to reward, how much for each retweet and the twitter link. Here is an example

    /add 10 0.5

  6. The job will last for 48hrs or until all the retweets are done and then will be deleted

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