#h1 Conway's Game of Life - Powered by WebGL
Play with it now. Requires any modern browser (this, of course, rules out any version of IE).
#h2 Goals
- Super duper fast Life simulation
- Spins up instantly on the browser
- Customizable options
- Keep the code organized with require.js
- Keep the code expressive with Coffeescript, SASS, and HAML
- Keep the code streamlined with Guard
- Play around with WebGL from the ground up
- In hindsight, using a library like Three.js would have been less of a headache
#h2 Development
You'll have to start guard to compile Coffeescript, SASS, and HAML, as well as other handy file management.
In your shell console, run the following:
bundle install
bundle exec guard
Guard doesn't always compile all files on start up, so run ./script/clean
while guard is running to 'force' a recompile.
It's also much easier if you run your files behind a server to avoid 'local file' security warnings. This project is already set up as a rack app if you run the following in your shell console:
open http://localhost:9292/public/dev/index.html