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FlipDriveSDK is a .Net library for file cloud service.

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Folders and files

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9 Commits

Repository files navigation


NuGet: NuGet


  • Assemblies for .NET 4.5.2 and .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.1
  • Just one external reference (Newtonsoft.Json)
  • Easy installation using NuGet
  • Upload/Download tracking support
  • Proxy Support
  • Upload/Download cancellation support

List of functions:


  1. Token
  2. Signup

Main Drive

  1. DriveInfo
  2. UserInfo
  3. ListRecents
  4. ListFavorites
  5. ListRecycleBin
  6. EmptyRecycleBin
  7. Search


  1. RemoveFromFavorite
  2. AddToFavorite
  3. Move
  4. Exists
  5. UnTrash
  6. Trash
  7. Delete


  1. Thumbnail
  2. DownloadAsStream
  3. Download
  4. Rename
  5. DirectUrl
  6. Move
  7. UnTrash
  8. ImagePreview
  9. Trash
  10. ImagePreviewUrl
  11. Exists
  12. Delete
  13. Path
  14. Metadate
  15. EditDescription


  1. RemoveFromFavorite
  2. AddToFavorite
  3. Move
  4. Exists
  5. UnTrash
  6. Trash
  7. Delete


  1. Upload
  2. Create
  3. Rename
  4. Move
  5. Exists
  6. Trash
  7. Delete
  8. Metadate
  9. List
  10. ListFiles
  11. ListFolders
  12. EditDescription



Code simple:

''create account
Dim acc = FlipDriveSDK.GetToken.Signup("username", "email", "pass")
'first get auth token (one time only)
Dim tokn = Await FlipDriveSDK.GetToken.Token("your_email", "your_password")
''set proxy and connection options
Dim con As New FlipDriveSDK.ConnectionSettings With {.CloseConnection = True, .TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), .Proxy = New FlipDriveSDK.ProxyConfig With {.SetProxy = True, .ProxyIP = "", .ProxyPort = 8888, .ProxyUsername = "user", .ProxyPassword = "pass"}}
''set api client
Dim CLNT As FlipDriveSDK.IClient = New FlipDriveSDK.FClient("xxxxxxxxxx", con)

Await CLNT.UserInfo
Await CLNT.DriveInfo(DriveTypeEnum.main)
Await CLNT.EmptyRecycleBin
Await CLNT.ListFavorites(FilterEnum.all, SortEnum.Name, 50, 0)
Await CLNT.ListRecents(50)
Await CLNT.ListRecycleBin(FilterEnum.files, SortEnum.UpdatedDate, 50, 0)
Await CLNT.Search("emy", DriveTypeEnum.main, FilterEnum.folders, SortEnum.Size, 50, 0)

''file [Multiple]
Await CLNT.File.Multiple(New String() {"file_id", "file_id"}).AddToFavorite
Await CLNT.File.Multiple(New String() {"file_id", "file_id"}).Delete
Await CLNT.File.Multiple(New String() {"file_id", "file_id"}).Exists
Await CLNT.File.Multiple(New String() {"file_id", "file_id"}).Move("folder_id")
Await CLNT.File.Multiple(New String() {"file_id", "file_id"}).RemoveFromFavorite
Await CLNT.File.Multiple(New String() {"file_id", "file_id"}).Trash
Await CLNT.File.Multiple(New String() {"file_id", "file_id"}).UnTrash
''file [Single]
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Delete
Await CLNT.File("file_id").DirectUrl
Dim cts As New Threading.CancellationTokenSource()
Dim _ReportCls As New Progress(Of FlipDriveSDK.ReportStatus)(Sub(ReportClass As FlipDriveSDK.ReportStatus) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}% - {2}", String.Format("{0}/{1}", (ReportClass.BytesTransferred), (ReportClass.TotalBytes)), CInt(ReportClass.ProgressPercentage), ReportClass.TextStatus)))
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Download("c:\\downloads", "myvid.mp4", _ReportCls, cts.Token)
Await CLNT.File("file_id").DownloadAsStream(_ReportCls, cts.Token)
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Exists
Await CLNT.File("file_id").ImagePreview(_ReportCls, cts.Token)
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Metadate
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Move("folder_id")
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Path
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Rename("newname.jpg")
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Thumbnail(New FlipDriveSDK.FileClient.Size With {.Width = 300, .Height = 200}, _ReportCls, cts.Token)
Await CLNT.File("file_id").Trash
Await CLNT.File("file_id").UnTrash

''folder [Multiple]
Await CLNT.Folder.Multiple(New String() {"folder_id", "folder_id"}).AddToFavorite
Await CLNT.Folder.Multiple(New String() {"folder_id", "folder_id"}).Delete
Await CLNT.Folder.Multiple(New String() {"folder_id", "folder_id"}).Exists
Await CLNT.Folder.Multiple(New String() {"folder_id", "folder_id"}).Move("folder_id")
Await CLNT.Folder.Multiple(New String() {"folder_id", "folder_id"}).RemoveFromFavorite
Await CLNT.Folder.Multiple(New String() {"folder_id", "folder_id"}).Trash
Await CLNT.Folder.Multiple(New String() {"folder_id", "folder_id"}).UnTrash
''folder [Single]
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").Create("new folder")
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").Delete
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").Exists
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").List(FilterEnum.all, SortEnum.Name, 50, 0)
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").ListFiles(SortEnum.Size, 50.0)
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").ListFolders(SortEnum.Name, 50, 0)
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").Metadate
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").Move("folder_id")
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").Rename("new folder name")
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").Trash
Await CLNT.Folder("folder_id").Upload("c:\\myvid.mp4", UploadTypes.FilePath, "myvid.mp4", _ReportCls, cts.Token)