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jamesheck2019 edited this page Mar 9, 2020 · 6 revisions


NuGet: NuGet


  • Assemblies for .NET 4.5.2 and .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.1
  • Just one external reference (Newtonsoft.Json)
  • Easy installation using NuGet
  • Upload/Download tracking support
  • Proxy Support
  • Upload/Download cancellation support

List of functions:

  • FileMetadata
  • DeleteMultiple
  • Delete
  • Upload
  • ListFolders
  • CaptchaImage
  • RequestCaptcha
  • TestAccessToken
  • AccountInfo
  • RootList
  • ListFiles
  • CreateNewFolder
  • Rename
  • RemoteUpload
  • RemoteUploadStatus
  • Move
  • MoveAndRename
  • ChangePrivacy


'first get auth token (one time only)
Dim tokn = keep2shareSDK.Authentication.OneHourToken("user", "pass")

''set proxy and connection options
Dim con As New keep2shareSDK.ConnectionSettings With {.CloseConnection = True, .TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), .Proxy = New keep2shareSDK.ProxyConfig With {.SetProxy = True, .ProxyIP = "", .ProxyPort = 8888, .ProxyUsername = "user", .ProxyPassword = "pass"}}
''set api client
Dim CLNT As keep2shareSDK.IClient = New keep2shareSDK.KClient("xxxxxtokenxxxxx", con)

Await CLNT.AccountInfo()
Dim cap = Await CLNT.RequestCaptcha()
Await CLNT.CaptchaImage(cap.captcha_url)
Await CLNT.TestAccessToken()

''file folder
Await CLNT.CreateNewFolder("root id = /", "new folder", True)
Dim cts As New Threading.CancellationTokenSource()
Dim _ReportCls As New Progress(Of keep2shareSDK.ReportStatus)(Sub(ReportClass As keep2shareSDK.ReportStatus) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}% - {2}", String.Format("{0}/{1}", (ReportClass.BytesTransferred), (ReportClass.TotalBytes)), CInt(ReportClass.ProgressPercentage), ReportClass.TextStatus)))
Await CLNT.Upload("c:\\VIDO.mp4", UploadTypes.FilePath, "/", "VIDO.mp4", _ReportCls, cts.Token)
Await CLNT.Delete("id")
Await CLNT.DeleteMultiple(New List(Of String) From {{"id"}, {"id"}})
Await CLNT.FileMetadata("id")
Await CLNT.ListFiles("id", keep2shareSDK.KClient.LocationType.any, 50, 1, New keep2shareSDK.KClient.RootListOptions.SortOptions With {.name = keep2shareSDK.KClient.SoRt.ascending}, True)
Await CLNT.ListFolders
Await CLNT.Move("from id", "to id")
Await CLNT.MoveAndRename("from id", "to id", "rename to")
Await CLNT.RemoteUpload(New List(Of String) From {{""}})
Await CLNT.RemoteUploadStatus(New List(Of String) From {{"jobid"}})
Await CLNT.Rename("id", "newname")
Await CLNT.RootList(keep2shareSDK.KClient.LocationType.folder, 50, 2, New keep2shareSDK.KClient.RootListOptions.SortOptions With {.name = keep2shareSDK.KClient.SoRt.ascending}, False, True)
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