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jameslyons committed Oct 12, 2016
1 parent dbc311b commit be411f9
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 0 deletions.
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
import numpy as np
from numpy import shape
from util import relu
import as sio
from math import log
from sortedcontainers import SortedList
from copy import deepcopy

def a2i(ch):
arr = {'A':0,'B':1,'C':2,'D':3,'E':4,'F':5,'G':6,'H':7,'I':8,'J':9,'K':10,
return arr[ch]

def i2a(i):
i = i%26
arr = ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z')
return arr[i]

# assumes uppercase A-Z, converts to 1-hot
def letter2onehot(inputstr):
out = np.zeros((len(inputstr),26))
for i in range(len(inputstr)):
out[i,a2i(inputstr[i])] = 1.
return out

def neighbours(str):
ln = np.zeros((26,26))
rn = np.zeros((26,26))
onehot = letter2onehot(str)
for i in range(26):
for j in range(1,len(str)-1):
if a2i(str[j]) == i:
rn[i,:] += onehot[j+1,:]
ln[i,:] += onehot[j-1,:]

eln = np.zeros((1,26))
for i in range(26):
p = ln[i,:] / sum(ln[i,:] + 1e-10)
eln[0,i] = -np.sum(p * np.log(p+1e-10))
ern = np.zeros((1,26))
for i in range(26):
p = rn[i,:] / sum(rn[i,:] + 1e-10)
ern[0,i] = -np.sum(p * np.log(p+1e-10))
return eln,ern

from numpy.random import rand

monocounts = np.array([374061888.,70195826,138416451,169330528,529117365,95422055,91258980,216768975,
monodist = monocounts/np.sum(monocounts)

''' keep a top N list '''
class Store:
def __init__(self,N=10): = SortedList()
self.N = N

def add(self,item):
if len( > self.N:

def pop(self,i):

def __len__(self):
return len(

def __getitem__(self,i):

def __str__(self):
return str(

''' helper function, print just relevent parts of store '''
def printstore(store):
for i in range(len(store)):
print store[i][0],store[i][1]

''' rnn class for solving substitution ciphers '''
class rnn:
def __init__(self,matname='C:\\Users\\james\\Documents\\MATLAB\\rnn_char\\savednn800small9B.mat'):
mat_contents = sio.loadmat(matname)
self.W1 = mat_contents['W1']
self.W2 = mat_contents['W2']
self.W3 = mat_contents['W3']
self.WF = mat_contents['WF']
self.b1 = mat_contents['b1']
self.b2 = mat_contents['b2']
self.b3 = mat_contents['b3']
self.I = np.shape(self.W1)[0]
self.H = np.shape(self.WF)[0]
self.O = np.shape(self.W3)[1]

''' do the feedforward prediction of a piece of data'''
def predict(self,input):
L = np.shape(input)[0]
#output = np.zeros((L,self.O))

a1 = relu(,self.W1) + self.b1)
a2 = np.zeros((L,self.H))
a2prev = np.zeros((1,self.H))
for i in range(L):
a2[i,:] = relu([i,:],self.W2) +,self.WF) + self.b2)
a2prev = a2[i,:]
out = np.exp(,self.W3) + self.b3)
output = out.T / (np.sum(out,1)+ 3.5e-15)
return output.T

''' should give identical results as predict, except uses predict1step'''
def predict1(self,input):
L = np.shape(input)[0]
output = np.zeros((L,self.O))
a2 = np.zeros((1,self.H))
for i in range(len(input)):
output[i,:],a2 = self.predict1step(input[i,:],a2)
return output

''' given a2prev predict one step into future '''
def predict1step(self,input,a2prev):
a1 = relu(,self.W1) + self.b1)
a2 = relu(,self.W2) +,self.WF) + self.b2)
out = np.exp(,self.W3) + self.b3)
output = out.T / (np.sum(out,1)+ 3.5e-15)
return output.T, a2

''' given a vector of probabilities, pull a sample from the distribution '''
def sampleletter(self,distribution):
dist = np.cumsum(distribution)
point = rand()
for i in range(len(distribution)):
if point < dist[i]:
return i

''' solve a substitution cipher, return top N candidates in a list '''
def solve(self,ciphertext,key={},N=200):
input = self.str2in(ciphertext)

store = Store(N)
key = {} # key is sometimes not empty?
if ciphertext[0] in key:
c = key[ciphertext[0]]
unused = alph - set(key.values())
for c in unused:
key[ciphertext[0]] = c

for i in range(1,len(ciphertext)):
prevstore = store
store = Store(N)
if len(key) > len(set(ciphertext[:i])): print 'BAD3',key,i,ciphertext
for j in range(len(prevstore)):
score,text,a2prev,key = prevstore[j]
feat = input[:i,:]
feat[:,:26] = letter2onehot(text)
pred,a2prev = self.predict1step(feat[-1,:],a2prev[:])
if ciphertext[i] in key:
c = key[ciphertext[i]]
store.add((score+log(pred[0,a2i(c)]), text + c, a2prev[:], deepcopy(key)))
unused = alph - set(key.values())
for c in unused:
key[ciphertext[i]] = c
store.add((score+log(pred[0,a2i(c)]), text + c, a2prev[:], deepcopy(key)))
ret = []
for i in range(len(store)):
return ret

''' return the likelyhood of a string given the rnn model '''
def prob(self,str):
feat = self.str2in(str)
probs = self.predict(feat)
prob = 0
for i in range(len(str)-1):
prob = prob + np.log(probs[i,a2i(str[i+1])])
return prob

''' build the feature vector for a string '''
def str2in(self,str):
onehot = letter2onehot(str)
freq = np.mean(onehot,0)
eln,ern = neighbours(str)
f0 = onehot
temp =,freq)
f1 = np.append(temp[1:],0)
f2 = np.append(temp[2:],(0,0))
f3 = np.append(temp[3:],(0,0,0))

temp =,eln.T)
f4 = np.append(temp[1:],0)
f5 = np.append(temp[2:],(0,0))
f6 = np.append(temp[3:],(0,0,0))

temp =,ern.T)
f7 = np.append(temp[1:],0)
f8 = np.append(temp[2:],(0,0))
f9 = np.append(temp[3:],(0,0,0))

temp = np.vstack((f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9))
feat = np.concatenate((f0,temp.T),1)
return feat

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