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Compiling ipset via Entware

James White edited this page Oct 2, 2017 · 6 revisions

Entware-ng is setup for cross-compiling various packages, so I've tended to borrow from it for adding additional packages for DD-WRT, rather than having to setup my own cross-compiling setup. I know lazy. Alternatively you can download the source of ipset from: and cross-compile it yourself.

If you haven't already got the Entware-ng build environment, you should follow this guide first:

For newer routers which uses newer kernels such as 3.x or 4.x, you can also use the "Entware for kernel 3.x" project, which is a fork of Entware-ng designed for newer routers. The configuration and compiling instructions are the same.

Building the ipset package

Before running the compile command for building ipset, you'll want to make a couple of changes.

Edit your .config and change CONFIG_PACKAGE_ipset:


This will build ipset as a .ipk package for easy installation.

In addition, for absolute compatibility, you should also edit the package/network/utils/ipset/Makefile and change --with-kbuild to the DD-WRT kernel source directory based on same sources you are using for the xt_set.ko module, rather than using the Linux build directory within Entware-ng.

Here's a small script that will do this for you. Modify the paths and values according to your requirements:

# Entware-ng source paths
ENTWARE_NG_SOURCE_DIR="/root/Entware-ng" # Change to the root of where the Entware-ng source tree is

# DD-WRT source paths
DD_WRT_SOURCE_DIR="/root/dd-wrt" # Change to the root of where the DD-WRT source tree is 
DD_WRT_KERNEL_TARGET="linux-4.4" # Change if you need to use kernel 3.10 

echo 'Replacing $(LINUX_DIR) with absolute path to DD-WRT kernel source dir" 

Essentially this just replaces the $(LINUX_DIR) value in the ipset Makefile via sed.

Finally, you can then compile ipset as normal.

make package/ipset/compile

Once successful, you should have an ipk available at:


You can upload this to your router and install it with opkg.