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Node.js MongoDB Starter App

This fully functional starter application is built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Passport.js, and Nodemailer, and includes full-featured user management.


  • Account creation
  • User authentication
  • Password reset
  • Verification emails
  • Email and password change
  • User invitation
  • Account deletion

Technology used

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Passport.js
  • Nodemailer
  • EJS


External features

  • account creation
    • email is username
    • logs in automatically upon account creation
  • log in
  • password reset (sends email)
  • handles logged in user viewing external page
    • show a flash messages linking to internal account
    • disable account features (create account, log in, password reset)
  • handles logged out user attempting to access an internal page
    • show a flash saying you need to be logged in
    • redirect to login page with message if user is not logged in
    • redirect user to requested page once logged in (page is remembered until browser is closed)

Internal features

  • account details
  • change email
  • change password
  • send verification email
    • resend verification email
    • show flash message if email not verified in 5 minutes
    • account lock out if not verified in 1 hour
    • email change
      • notifies old email address
        • email change can be reverted from old email
        • email change can be confirmed from old email
      • sends new verification email to new email address
      • prevent two email changes in one day unless email change is verified from old email (without this, an attacker could change the email twice in order to give themselves a revert email link that could be used after the original user reverted the email)
    • Note: timeouts can be adjusted in /routes/internal.js in the Timeouts section
  • delete account
  • invite users
    • invitation email links to create account page with the email field automatically populated
    • remember originally requested page and go back there (remembered until they close browser?)
  • log out

What's not included

  • CSS
  • Front end JavaScript
  • User's name (email address is used in all places a name would be used)
  • Password strength requirements
  • Protection against excessive login attempts
    • prevent more than __ login attempts per __ seconds (to prevent scripted login attack)
    • lock account after # of password attempts (at least for a time)
  • Undelete account (account is actually deleted, there is no soft delete)
  • Goodbye email when user deletes account (this would be useful if accounts were only soft deleted, as this could give users a one-click solution to reopen their account)

To do list and known bug list
