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James Seward edited this page Jun 17, 2014 · 3 revisions

Installing bMotion requires a working (but not in-depth) knowledge of eggdrop. Please don't bring bot-configuration problems to me. You can probably get help in #eggdrop on EFNet or something, or perhaps ​

You will need:

  • bMotion's code
  • An eggdrop, already set up and working. (If you don't know how to do this, or what I'm talking about, stop reading right here.)
  • A cup of tea or coffee (optional but highly recommended)

You will also need:

  • eggdrop 1.6.x (where x is reasonably high) or 1.9.x
  • TCL 8.4.0 or better. 8.5 is recommended. If you do not have TCL8.4+, do not come to me asking why your bot generates a flood of errors every time someone talks in a channel. bMotion will run pretty well on 8.3.x, but some things may break.

bMotion might work on older versions of eggdrop and TCL, but your mileage may vary. If you get problems, first check that you have the right software installed by doing .status on your bot's partyline.

Quick Install

If you're not trying to do anything flash like run several copies of bMotion in the same place (which has dubious success anyway), do this:

  • Unpack bmotion into your bot's scripts directory % cd eggdrop/scripts
    eggdrop/scripts% tar zxf bmotion-XXX.tar.gz
    eggdrop/scripts% tar jxf bmotion-XXX.tar.bz2
    fetch the current version from github
    eggdrop/scripts% cd bmotion
  • Copy the sample configuration file into the right place
    eggdrop/scripts/bmotion% mkdir local && cp modules/settings.sample.tcl local/settings.tcl
  • Use your favourite editor (i.e. vim) to edit the config. The config file has lots of instructions about how to configure it. If you're in a hurry, look for things marked [important].
    eggdrop/scripts/bmotion% vim local/settings.tcl
  • Tell your bot to load bMotion by putting source scripts/bmotion/bMotion.tcl (note the capital in the filename) at the end of your bot's config:
    eggdrop/scripts/bmotion% cd ../..
    eggdrop% vim eggdrop.conf
  • Jump on your bot's partyline and .rehash it
  • Enable bMotion on the channel(s) you want with .chanset #channel +bmotion
  • Drink the tea/coffee

Detailed Install

Install the files

Put the bmotion...tar.gz file in your eggdrop's scripts directory (usually .../scripts). Run tar zxvf bmotion...tar.gz (substituting the proper filename). This extracts the bMotion code to .../scripts/bmotion/.

Configure the script

Make the local directory in your bMotion install directory.

Copy modules/settings.sample.tcl to local/settings.tcl and open it up in your favourite editor.

Configuration instructions are contained in the script.

Save and close `settings.tcl

Add bMotion to eggdrop

Back up to your eggdrop directory and open your bot's config file. Scroll to the end section where the source ... statements are to load scripts, and add:

source scripts/bmotion/bMotion.tcl

Save and close the configuration file.

Configure userinfo.tcl

This is strictly optional, but VERY strongly recommended.

bMotion can make use of information about users saved against their record in the userfile. To let them update this themselves, you need to update userinfo.tcl. Change into your scripts directory, and edit userinfo.tcl (the filename may have numbers etc in). Find this line:

set userinfo-fields "URL BF GF IRL EMAIL DOB PHONE ICQ"

and add GENDER IRL after ICQ but before the quotes. Save and close.

All installed!

Jump onto your partyline and .rehash your bot.

You should see:

bMotion 0.1.0 AI online :D
bMotion is Copyright (C) 2007 James Seward. bMotion comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
See the COPYRIGHT file for details. You can edit bMotion.tcl to hide this message once you have read it.
To remove the free software notice, edit the settings file and see the bottom of the file for instructions.

Enable bMotion on a channel

On the partyline, execute this command: .chanset #channel +bmotion (where #channel is the channel you want to enable it for).

Test it out

Go to a channel where you have configured the bot to talk, and type:


Where BOTNICK is a name your bot will respond to. This will always include its ircnick, so you should be ok to just use that. You should get some form of greeting back - this means bMotion is working :D

1730.07 [@ JamesOff] NoTopic: test
1730.09 [@  NoTopic] Hello.

Drink the coffee

mmm, coffee