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Pentaho Data Integration


Pentaho-kettle 官方8.1.0.2-457版本,但是在maven打包过程中很容易出现各种问题,以及在Debug调试过程中很容易出现jar包冲突和其它问题,经过多次尝试后修改的一个版本,可以直接打包和启动,现将修改处记录下来

编译测试环境: win10 64 IDEA


1.将kettle 源文件中出现 的记录(主要是pom文件)全部替换为8.1.0.2-499,原因主要是pom依赖中很多8.1.0.2-457版本的依赖包在仓库中不存在 (如果你的版本不是8.1.0.2-457请忽略该条)


3.将模块中有依赖为kettle-core 或者 kettle-ui-swt 或者 kettle-engine的且scop标注为test的全都去掉(dependency全去掉)





Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle

Project Structure

  • assemblies: Project distribution archive is produced under this module
  • core: Core implementation
  • dbdialog: Database dialog
  • ui: User interface
  • engine: PDI engine
  • engine-ext: PDI engine extensions
  • plugins: PDI core plugins
  • integration: Integration tests

How to build

Pentaho Data Integration uses the maven framework.

Pre-requisites for building the project:

  • Maven, version 3+
  • Java JDK 1.8
  • This settings.xml in your /.m2 directory

Building it

This is a maven project, and to build it use the following command

$ mvn clean install

Optionally you can specify -Drelease to trigger obfuscation and/or uglification (as needed)

Optionally you can specify -Dmaven.test.skip=true to skip the tests (even though you shouldn't as you know)

The build result will be a Pentaho package located in target.

Running the tests

Unit tests

This will run all unit tests in the project (and sub-modules). To run integration tests as well, see Integration Tests below.

$ mvn test

If you want to remote debug a single java unit test (default port is 5005):

$ cd core
$ mvn test -Dtest=<<YourTest>> -Dmaven.surefire.debug

Integration tests

In addition to the unit tests, there are integration tests that test cross-module operation. This will run the integration tests.

$ mvn verify -DrunITs

To run a single integration test:

$ mvn verify -DrunITs -Dit.test=<<YourIT>>

To run a single integration test in debug mode (for remote debugging in an IDE) on the default port of 5005:

$ mvn verify -DrunITs -Dit.test=<<YourIT>> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug

To skip test

$ mvn clean install -DskipTests

To get log as text file

$ mvn clean install test >log.txt


  • Don't use IntelliJ's built-in maven. Make it use the same one you use from the commandline.
    • Project Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven ==> Maven home directory


  1. Submit a pull request, referencing the relevant Jira case
  2. Attach a Git patch file to the relevant Jira case

Use of the Pentaho checkstyle format (via mvn site and reviewing the report) and developing working Unit Tests helps to ensure that pull requests for bugs and improvements are processed quickly.