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A premium routing solution for Backbone.


  • Callbacks for the most common actions when changing URLs: fetching data, then showing views
  • Easily add authentication/authorization to routes
  • Cancel navigation (for instance, if a Model is unsaved)
  • Re-route during transitions
  • Extends from Backbone.Router, rather than replacing it


Backbone's Router was developed to only be used when the page first loads. In other words, passing trigger: true to navigate is discouraged. This is an approach to routing that is rapidly declining in popularity in web development. Even within the Backbone community, fewer and fewer Backbone developers are using the Router in the intended way. Other popular frameworks, like Ember, Angular, and React, all take the approach of activating route handlers every time a URL matches. By doing so, you can move much of the management of application state into the router, simplifying your application's code tremendously.

This fundamental difference in how Backbone approaches routing manifests itself in the API the Backbone Router exposes: it is simple to a fault. PremiumRouter is a small extension to Backbone's Router that makes it drastically more powerful.

Getting Started

The PremiumRouter extends from a regular Backbone Router. Because of this, its API for registering routes may be familiar to you.

// Create a new PremiumRouter
var router = new Backbone.PremiumRouter({
  // Just like Backbone's Router, we can pass our routes
  // in at creation time. Instead of a callback, though, associate
  // Route classes with your URLs.
  routes: {
    'home': HomeRoute,
    'books/:bookId': BookRoute

A Route is a Class that exists on the PremiumRouter class. In the simplest implementation, they can be used to fetch data, and then show a view. These two actions will happen each time the Route is matched.

// The base Route Class is attached to the ObjectRoute
var BookRoute = Backbone.PremiumRouter.Route.extend({

  // Fetch is called when the route is entered. Use it
  // to fetch data.
  fetch: function(routeData) {

    // In this case, we're fetching a model called `book`.
    return book.fetch();

  // Once the data has been fetched, we create a new BookView,
  // render it, then attach it to the `body` of the page.
  show: function() {
    new BookView()

As you might have guessed, both fetching and showing are optional. If your route doesn't need to do one, or both, of those things, simply omit them.

This is just a small taste of what's possible with the PremiumRouter. For more, refer to the API documentation below.


Coming soon!


Avoid using Backbone.history.navigate when using the PremiumRouter. Always go through the navigate method on the router or route instances.

Problems not solved by PremiumRouter

PremiumRouter does not make any changes to Backbone.history. Accordingly, you must keep these things in mind:

  1. Routes are still matched in a first-come-first-serve basis.
  2. trigger: true must always be passed to navigate if you wish for the Route to be changed.


Should I use trigger: true?

Yes, always. Backbone's official recommendation is to never use trigger: true, but the standard Backbone Router is not intended to be used in the same way that PremiumRouter is. Backbone's style of routing comes from the jQuery days of development, and it has essentially been abandoned by the greater web development community.

Are there any other libraries related to Routing that work well with this library?

Backbone.Intercept is a library integrates well with the PremiumRouter. It makes it easier to automatically manage trigger: true when users of your application click links.


(WIP) A premium routing solution for Backbone.







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