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James, please edited this page Jun 10, 2017 · 6 revisions

When should I use redux-simple-resource?

If you've tried using vanilla Redux for managing resources, but find that you're writing too much boilerplate, then it might be worth giving a library like redux-simple-resource a try. There are alternative projects that are worth considering, too.

Where are the action creators?

They're coming soon. We thought that the primary value add of redux-simple-resource is managing resource metadata for you, which is why we shipped the reducer features first.

Does this only work with React?

No. The only requirement is that you are using Redux, or a library that has a similar API to Redux.

Does this work with a backend that adheres to a strict format, such as JSON API?

Yes, it does. You may want to write a plugin to handle some advanced features provided by specifications such as JSON API, such as rich relationship support.

Does this work with backends that are not RESTful?

Yup. In fact, this is the use case that this library was built for. The only requirement is that the data returned can be reasonably mapped to the concept of a resource.

What does the adjective "simple" in the library's name refer to?

This is supposed to reference the fact that this library doesn't have notion of resources having relationships. Every resource in this library is "standalone," or "simple."

The word isn't intended to reference how easy or difficult it is to learn or use this library, although we do hope that it makes working with resources easier for you.

We would have used a different name for this library, but the time that we created it, most other names using "redux" and "resource" were already taken.