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Kotlin Universe Catalog

Common dependencies in convenient catalogs so you can autocomplete your way to typed dependency bliss.

  • Based on Gradle Version Catalogs
  • One version that updates all your deps to the latest

Two Catalogs:

  • stable (view catalog) - Follows the latest stable releases
  • unstable - (view catalog) - Follows the latest unstable releases (alphas, betas, rcs)

Add the settings plugin to your Gradle settings.gradle.kts file:

plugins {
    id("com.jamesward.kotlin-universe-catalog") version "2024.07.16-2"

Now in your Gradle build files, use version catalog references, like:

plugins {

dependencies {

You can also use the unstable universe which includes alphas, betas, and rcs with universeunstable.

If you'd rather not use the settings plugin you can depend directly on the Version Catalog artifacts:


dependencyResolutionManagement {
    versionCatalogs {
        create("universe") {


  • Compatibility Matrix (Library X needs plugin Y needs Kotlin Z)
  • BOMs
    • Validate that when a bom is used, the resolution uses it instead of the catalog version