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Rendr SDK for Groovy

Library to enable scripting in Rendr blueprints


Running a script

Check out the help text for details on usage:

❯ rendr-sdk-groovy --help

Usage: rendr-sdk-groovy [-hsV] [-v=<key=value>]... <script>
A Groovy script runner for rendr
      <script>              The script file to run.
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
  -s, --stacktrace          Print stacktrace on error.
  -v, --value=<key=value>   Value used in script (flag may be repeated).
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

Running a script looks like this:

rendr-sdk-groovy upgrade-v3.groovy --value name=foo --value version=42

Writing a script

Blueprint authors can use this library to simplify creating scripts, especially for blueprint upgrades from one version to the next. The library provides a number of DSL commands:

  • create files or directories
  • move files or directories
  • write text to file
  • append text to file
  • prepend text to file
  • insert text in file
  • replace text in file
  • git commands
  • script for generic Groovy code

Here is a sample script using these DSL commands:

insert 'echo "hi!"' into '' after '#!sh\n'
replace 'hello, world!' with "hello, $name!" inside ''  // references 'name' variable from values flag
git "mv ${}.sh"  // this also references 'name', but this time from the 'values' map

create 'hello.log'
git 'add hello.log'

script {
    files = []
    dir('src').eachFileRecurse(FileType.FILES) { file ->
        files << file
    println "All files in src:"
    files.sort().each { println it.path }

Available functions

Function Example
file(String path) file('')
dir(String path) dir('foo')
create(String file) create ''
create(File file) create file('')
create(Dir dir) create dir('app')
create(String file).write(String text) create '' write 'echo hi'
move(String file).to(String path) move '' to 'foo/'
append(String text).to(String file) append 'echo "hi $1"' to ''
prepend(String text).to(String file) prepend 'echo "hi $1"' to ''
insert(String text).into(String file).after(String pattern) insert 'echo "hi!"' into '' after '#!sh\n'
replace(String text).with(String text).inside(String file) replace 'hello, world!' with 'hi, world!' inside ''
git(String command) git 'add'
script(Closure block) script { println "System properties: ${args.split().findAll { it.startsWith('-D') }}"}