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Public KV


Please see FAQ

Command line API

UUID=`curl -s $KV/uuid`
curl -XPUT -d some-data $KV/key/$UUID/some-key
# returns ok
curl $KV/key/$UUID/some-key
# returns some-data

In browser API

Suppose you want to store something from script running in browser, and then retrieve the value from somewhere else. This is a primitive key-value store exactly for that.

Usage example (from browser):

function store(id, obj) {
        url: '' + id,
        type: 'PUT',
        data: JSON.stringify(obj),
        contentType: "application/json",
        processData: false,

store('what-ever-key', { data: "value" });


# erlang must be installed (see docker image for mandatory erlang components)


_rel/pubkv_release/bin/pubkv_release start

Setup and run with Docker

You can either manually create a docker image from supplied docker-file, or to use an image from docker hub repository:

mkdir Mnesia
docker run -td -v $(pwd)/Mnesia:/src/pubkv/_rel/pubkv_release/Mnesia -p 10080:10080 jamhed/pubkv

Live Demo



Generate UUID

UUID=`curl -s $KV/uuid`


curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"key": "json data"}' $KV/key/$UUID/some-data
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"key": "other data"}' $KV/key/$UUID/some-other-data

Returns: HTTP 200, ok. Keys will be created with default TTL=24*3600 seconds (one day).

Put with TTL

curl -X PUT -d data $KV/key/$UUID/some-key?ttl=60

TTL = Time To Live in seconds. Key will be deleted after TTL will expire.

Persistent keys

curl -X PUT -d data $KV/key/$UUID/some-key?ttl=keep

Hidden keys

curl -X PUT -d data $KV/skey/$UUID/hidden-key
curl $KV/skey/$UUID/hidden-key
curl -X DELETE $KV/skey/$UUID/hidden-key

Hidden keys (skey) are stored as sha256 hashes, and are not visible in keys list response to curl $KV/skey/$UUID.

List keys

curl $KV/key/$UUID

Returns: HTTP 200, ["some-data", "some-other-data"] or []


curl $KV/key/$UUID/some-data

Returns: HTTP 200, {"key": "json data"}

curl $KV/key/$UUID/some-missing-key

Returns: HTTP 404, not found


curl -X DELETE $KV/key/$UUID/some-data
curl -X DELETE $KV/key/$UUID

Returns: HTTP 200, ok

Readonly Aliases

Create an UUID alias only for reading (write and delete take no effect)

ALIAS=`curl -s $KV/alias/$UUID`
curl $KV/key/$ALIAS/some-data

SHA256 keys

curl -X PUT -d whateverdata $KV/sha/whateverkey
curl -X GET $KV/sha/whateverkey
curl -X DELETE $KV/sha/whateverkey


You can run several copies of KV store, all of them synchronized. Here is an example with docker image:

docker run -td --name pubkv-slave-1 jamhed/pubkv slave
SLAVE_NODE=`docker exec pubkv-slave-1 info`
docker run -ti --name pubkv-master jamhed/pubkv master "'$SLAVE_NODE'"

After this two instances will be completely synchronized. If one goes down another will continue to work. You can have more than one slave node: master "'$SLAVE_NODE_1','$SLAVE_NODE_2'", and so on.

Event API

One can subscribe to UUID events delete and update, by using Server Side Events (SSE, EventSource)

curl $KV/watch/$UUID
# update some/key
# delete some/key

CORS Support

Each OPTIONS request returns response with headers set:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: VALUE_OF(Access-Control-Request-Method)
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: VALUE_OF(Access-Control-Request-Headers)

Therefore allowing use from everywhere.

Closing words

Public beta available at:

Source code:

Docker image: