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Demoing a test case for .eslint.config.js not working in VS Code

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ESLint Config Test

Demonstrates an issue I am encountering in VS Code with regard to the newer ESLint flat config format when using the ESLint extension.


Run npm i to install the dependencies.

There are two ESLint config files in the repository: .eslint.config.js.example and .eslintrc.js.example. To test, begin by renaming .eslint.config.js.example to .eslint.config.js.

Expected output

At this point, I would expect to see the file index.js be highlighted in red in VS Code, and opening the file would show a red underline to indicate a mising semicolon on line 1.

I also expect that running the npm run lint will report the error of the missing semicolon.

Actual Output

On my machine, running npm run lint gives teh following output, which is correct.

> lint
> eslint .

  1:15  error  Missing semicolon  semi

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
  1 error and 0 warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.

However, I do not see index.js being highlighted in red, nor the red underline where the missing semicolon is.

Workaround (Not a solution)

Rename .eslint.config.js back to .eslint.config.js.example and rename .eslintrc.js.example to .eslintrc.js to enable the old stlye of config file.

Attempted workarounds

I have tried adding { "eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig": true } to .vscode/settings.json.

System info

VS Code

Version: 1.83.0 (Universal) Commit: e7e037083ff4455cf320e344325dacb480062c3c Date: 2023-10-03T16:13:15.449Z Electron: 25.8.4 ElectronBuildId: 24154031 Chromium: 114.0.5735.289 Node.js: 18.15.0 V8: OS: Darwin arm64 22.1.0

ESLint Extension

Name: ESLint Id: dbaeumer.vscode-eslint Description: Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code. Version: 2.4.2 Publisher: Microsoft VS Marketplace Link:


Demoing a test case for .eslint.config.js not working in VS Code






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