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Team Members' names and student IDs

  1. Jamie Toh (S10194918D)
  2. Justin Ng (S10195649H)
  3. Shane-Rhys Chua (S10194712H)

Stage 1

Description of snatch

snatch is a food ordering app for Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) students and staff. It allows users to visit the different food courts available in NP as well as the different food stalls in the respective food courts. Users are able to add and remove food from their cart and are also able to place an order using snatch. In addition, users are also able to upvote different food items. The food in a stall's menu are sorted based on the number of upvotes it has, hence allowing users to know which are the more popular food in NP.

Individual Roles and Contributions

- Jamie
Jamie created the slideshow to display images of food on the homescreen. She researched and implemented the slideshow to ensure that the homescreen was not too empty.

Upon customer logging in, she also implemented a way to prevent users from going back to the login screen when the back button is pressed on Android. Instead of going back to the login activity, it notifies the user that clicking the back button again would cause the user to exit the application.

She also set up the upvoting system of the food items in Firebase. She changed the hardcoded code and made it reusable for all the food items. She also came up with the initial method to get the number of upvotes of the food items from Firebase. Other than setting up the upvote system within Firebase, she also played a part in trying to debug errors regarding the sorting of food items in the menu by their number of upvotes.

Besides the upvoting system, Jamie also im plemented the kebab icon and logout feature in the application. She researched on how to implement the logout system and also make it permanent at the header section on all relevant pages.

In addition, she also implemented validation regarding the need for internet connection due to our application using Firebase. In the event that the user is not connected to the Internet, it would inform users to connect to Internet before allowing them to login or sign up, inform users when they want to upvote a dish, and also prevent them from ordering any dishes when they do not have an internet connection.

Lastly, she also changed the header title to reflect the different activities in our application, e.g. Menu, stalls etc.

- Justin
Justin implemented the dropdown list (known as Spinner) listing the various food courts in the homescreen activity. When a food court is selected, it will display the respective food stalls there.

In addition, in the homescreen activity, he added a ScrollView so that the user is able to scroll when on smaller devices/landscape orientation.

He also implemented a RecyclerView in several activities to display content like the different food stalls, the differnet food items sold by the stall, the different items added to the cart and the different items ordered. In addition, he also displayed images of the food when displaying the various food items.

Justin was also made use of a FloatingActionButton to bring users from the menu to their cart.

He was also involved in the logical aspect of the upvoting system, and helped to debug issues regarding the sorting of menu items by their number of upvotes.

Lastly, he also implemented both the ordering activity and receipt activity to display to users what they have in their cart and the food items they have bought respectively. In the event that the user's cart is empty, it would display an empty cart page.

- Rhys
Rhys played a major part in implemeting the Firebase. Whilst Jamie and Justin were doing the initial recycler view at the start of the project, Rhys did numerous research on trying to implement Firebase to our application. He spent time setting up and ensuring that there was a connection between the Realtime Database in Firebase to our application. This was crucial to our application so that we are able to make use of both the login system and the upvote system.

He also made the login and sign up system. This was done by retriving and storing the data obtained from Firebase into lists, to ensure that the users were registered before they could log in and access other activities. For Sign Up, Rhys ensured that duplicate Student IDs could not be registered completed validation for both the Log In System and the Sign Up System.

Rhys was also involved in debugging Firebase issues. When Firebase was not working on both Jamie's and Justin's emulator, Rhys was involved in trying to solve why Firebase was having connectivity issues on our side, and also helped to debug the upvote system and trying to sort the menu items by the number of upvotes.


Video Demo of snatch

Watch a video demo on how to use snatch!


Image of Login screen
This is snatch's login screen. Upon entering a correct student ID and password in Firebase, it will then bring the user to the homescreen.

Login Successful

Image of Successful Login
Upon successful login, the application will display a successful login message to the user and bring user to the homescreen.

Invalid Login

Image of Invalid Login screen
In the event that the user has entered in a wrong account, the app will display an error to the user as shown below.

No Internet Connection

Image of No Internet Connection
In addition, if the user has no internet connection, he will be unable to login and the app will inform the user using an AlertDialog.

View Password

Image of View Password
Users can also click on the eye icon at the password field to see the characters that they have entered. This is implemeted both at the login activity as well as the sign up activity.

Sign Up

Image of Sign Up screen
This is the sign up page of snatch. Users are prompted for a username, their student ID as well as their password. Upon succesfully creating an account, it will then redirect users back to the login page to get them to login.

Sign Up Validation

Image of Incorrect Student ID format
There is validation done for the Sign Up page where users have to enter in an valid student ID matching the student ID format.

Image of Existing Student ID
Furthermore, if the user tries to create an account for an existing student ID, the application will prevent the user from doing so and will display an error message as shown above.


Image of Home screen
This is the home screen of snatch and it has a carousel/slideshow to display different images of food. It also features a dropdown list that allows user to pick a foodcourt. In addition, it also has a welcome message with the user's username entered when he signs up at the sign up page. It also makes use of a ScrollView to allow users to scroll when on smaller devices/landscape orientation.

Dropdown List

Image of Dropdown List
This is the dropdown list and it has all of the food courts in Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) listed. Upon choosing an option, it would redirect the user to a new activity, displaying all the food stalls in that particular food court.


Image of Logout
Anytime the user wishes to logout, they just have to click on the 3 dots icon located at the top right of the app, and just click on Logout.

List of stalls

Image of List of Stalls
After selecting a food court from the dropdown list, the user would be able to see the list of stalls available.

Prompt to visit Stall

Image of Prompt to visit Stall
When the user clicks on a particular stall, the app will display an AlertDialog asking if the user would like to visit the stall's page. If the user clicks "No", nothing will happen. On the other hand, if the user selects "Yes", the user will be brought to see the selected stall's menu page.

Menu Page

Image of Japanese Stall's Menu Page
Making use of the RecyclerView, the app is able to display all of the food items that the stall offers. Each row shows the name of the food, a short description of the food, the price of the food, an image of the food, and lastly, the number of upvotes the food has. The food is sorted by popularity, determined by the number of upvotes that they have. The more upvotes they have, the higher up in the menu they would be.

Upvote System

Image of snatch's Upvote System
If the user clicks on the "UPVOTE" button, the system would ask if the user wanted to upvote the food item. (For now) It will also inform the user that if he clicks on upvote, he would be unable to retract back his vote. If the user agrees to upvote the food item, the food item's number of upvotes would increase by 1. Based on its number of upvotes, its position on the menu will also update accordingly in real time due to Firebase.

Upvote System Validation

Image of No Internet Connection Warning when Upvoting
If the user has no Internet when trying to upvote a food item, the system would alert him that he currently has no internet connection and therefore, is unable to upvote the food item now. In addition, the number of upvotes of a food item may also not be accurate.

Add Food to Cart

Image of Adding Food to Cart
If the user wants to add a food item to his cart, he just has to click on the item that he would like to add. Next, the system would prompt the user, using an AlertDialog, if he would like to add the item to his cart. The user just has to click on "Yes" to add the item to his cart.


Image of Cart
To see the items in his cart, the user just have to click on the Floating Action Button with the shopping cart icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. From there, the system will proceed to display all the items the user has added, the quantity, as well as the subtotal and grand total. To place the order, the user just has to click on the "PLACE ORDER" button.

Place Order Validation

Image of No Internet Connection when Placing Order
If a user decides to place an order when he has no Internet connection, the system would alert the user that he currently has no internet connection and is unable to place an order.

Clear Items from Cart

Image of System Prompting to Clear Cart
In the event that the user wishes to exit the current food stall to visit another food stall, the system would warn the user that leaving the current food stall would clear the current items in the cart (if any). Should the user agree, the items in the cart would be removed.

Empty Cart

Image of Empty Cart
If the user has no items added to his cart and decides to view his cart, it would show an empty cart screen as shown above.

Remove Items from Cart

Image of System Prompting to Remove Item from Cart
If the user wishes to remove an item, the user has to click on the item that he wishes to remove. The system would then prompt the user if he wishes to remove the item. If the user agree, 1 quantity of the food item will be removed

Image of Cart after Removal of Item
Upon successful removal of the selected item, the cart will be updated with the correct subtotal, grand total and quantity.

Mass Remove Selected Item from Cart

Image of System Prompting to Clear all of a Selected Item from Cart
If a user wishes to remove all of an item, he is able to long press the item from the cart. Upon doing so, the system will ask if the user wants to clear all of it from the cart (e.g. clear all Japanese Chicken Katsu from cart). If the user agrees, all of that particular item will be removed from the cart.
Image of Cart after Mass Removal of Item
Similarly, upon successful removal, the cart will update and display the correct grand total of the remaining items.


Image of Receipt
After the user has successfully placed an order, the user would be able to see the receipt. On it, their order number is displayed as well as the current date and time (SGT) when the order was placed. In addition, it would display the final amount and the list of items purchased. When the user clicks on the "OK" button, it will bring the user back to the homescreen and clear all items that was previously in the cart.

Presentation Slides

Slides used for Presentation

Stage 2

Description of snatch (Updated)

Snatch is a food ordering app for Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) students and staff. It allows users to visit the different food courts available in NP as well as the different food stalls in the respective food courts. Users are able to add and remove food from their cart and are also able to place an order using snatch. In addition, users are also able to upvote different food items. The food in a stall's menu are sorted based on the number of upvotes it has, hence allowing users to know which are the more popular food in NP. Users will also be able to view the vacancies of each Food Court to know how crowded or empty a Food Court is, so that they can decide which Food Court they would like to dine at. They wll also be able to see what are the top 3 dishes of each Food Court which can help them decide what to eat at the Food Court they wish to go to. New Users will be guided through the app and functionality offered through introduction slides on first login, and will have access to the app and it's functions even after the session has expired or been cleared by selecting the 'Remember Me' checkbox during login. If any help is required, users can click on the help icon which will redirect them to a google form where they can fill in feedback. Administrators or Stall Owners can also use this app by logging in with their credentials, which will bring them to a different interface to access and read all orders made by customers, receipts and more.

Individual Roles and Contributions

Justin Ng (Individual)

NP Food Court Vacancy

Image of "Vacancy" option in the kebab menu
Upon selecting the "Vacancy" option in the kebab menu at the homescreen as seen in the image above, this is the view that the User will first see.

Image of NP Food Court Vacancy Activity\

Google Maps

Image of NP Food Court Vacancy Activity
Users will be able to see where are all the different food courts are located at. Each marker on the map indicates the location of a food court. Upon selecting a marker, a custom info window will be displayed.

Custom Info Window

Image of Custom Info Window of marker
The custom info window displays a Pie Chart showing the number of users, as well as the number of vacant places. It also displays the name of the Food Court. Users can click on the info window to see more information regarding the vacancy.

Pop-up Window

Image of pop-up window
The pop-up window displays more information like the exact number of empty seats. It also shows the legend, green - number of empty seats and red - number of users. By being able to see such information, users can decide which is the least crowded Food Court so that they can quickly eat their meals before going to their next class.

Top 3 Dishes of each Food Court

Image of top 3 dishes
The RecyclerView at the bottom of the Google Maps shows all the Food Courts in NP as well as their respective seating capacity. Users can click on any one of the Food Court and it will expand to show the top 3 dishes in that Food Court. This is measured by the number of upvotes the Food Dishes have. Clicking on the "Visit Store" option would bring the user directly to the dish's Food Stall menu page.

Justin's Individual Reference Links

External Libraries used:

  1. MPAndroidChart
  2. Round Korner Layouts

Shane-Rhys Chua (Individual)

Jamie Toh (Individual)

Splash Screen

The splash screen improves the user experience for users and also has animation while loading. This splash screen gives an aesthetic view to users while providing time to load data from firebase, and to check which screen to redirect the user, depending on if the user is logged in or not. The splash screen is in fullscreen mode, with the action bar disabled.

Remember Me Function

This 'Remember Me' function uses SharedPreferences to store variables locally in AppData. When ticked, it allows users to stay logged in and access the functions (Ordering Food, Editing Profile) even after cache is cleared or after a session has expired. The user can change this by manually logging out.

Introduction Screens

First Slide

When a new user registers an account and logs in for the first time, these introduction screens will be loaded. It is interactive and the user can swipe through the slides, or press the 'Skip' button. These slides only appear upon first login, and will not appear again once the user clicks 'Get Started', as seen in the next image. The introduction screens are in fullscreen mode, with the action bar disabled.

Last Slide

When the user gets to the last slide/screen, the 'Next' button and indicators on the left hand corner will fade out, and the 'Get Started' button will appear instead. The user can still swipe through the screens if they so wish.

Get Help Function

CardView Dialog

After logging in, on the right hand corner in the action bar, there is a help icon. When clicked, this pop-up will appear, which is a custom made CardView Dialog. The background is blurred so that the pop-up dialog is clearer.

Loading Dialog

When the 'Get Help' button is clicked, it brings the user to an in-app webView, but informs the user that it is loading the page so that the user does not get confused at the blank activity while the google form is loading.


When the page is loaded, the google form will appear. The user can choose to exit the activity by clicking 'X' on the left-hand corner, or open the pop-up in google chrome/ chosen web browser of the device for a easier experience by clicking the kebab icon located at the top left corner. Once the google form is submitted, if the user wishes to return back to the google form, clicking the back button from the phone's navigation bar will bring the webView back to the original page. If there is no previous page, pressing the back button will return the user to the previous activity, which is the pop-up cardView dialog.

Admin/Stall Owner Interface

Admins or Stall Owners can also use the app, by logging in using their own credentials. This will bring them to a different user interface as compared to normal users, as seen above. They can track orders, view receipts and track transactions made.

View Incoming Orders (Admin/Stall Owner)

When a user places an order, the order details (e.g. Order Number, Time of Order, FoodCourt, Items Ordered) are stored in the database, Firebase. This is then displayed as a recyclerView in this page, showing the order number and date time that it was ordered at.

Reference Links for Images

  1. Hor Fun -
  2. Gong Bao Chicken -
  3. Salted Egg Rice -
  4. Yogurt -
  5. Iced Lemon Tea -
  6. Hot Coffee -
  7. Hot Milo -
  8. Iced Milo -
  9. Papadom -
  10. Mee Soto -
  11. Ayam Penyet -
  12. Bak Kut Teh -
  13. Ban Mian -
  14. Chawanmushi -
  15. Cheese Fries -
  16. Chicken Chop -
  17. Chicken Katsu Curry -
  18. Lemon Chicken Rice -
  19. Roast Chicken Rice -
  20. Steam Chicken Rice -
  21. Fish Soup -
  22. Instant noodles -
  23. Bowl of Rice -
  24. Salmon Don -
  25. Sausage -
  26. Sliced Fish Noodles -
  27. Taiwan Sausage -
  28. Vinegar Braised Pork -
  29. You Tiao -
  30. Basil Pork Rice -
  31. Pad Thai -
  32. Mango Salad -
  33. Fried Egg -
  34. Sweet Sour Pork -
  35. Bee Hoon -
  36. Hotdog Bun -
  37. Cream Puff -
  38. Floss Bun -
  39. Chicken Fuyong -
  40. Bandung -
  41. Chicken -
  42. Tick - "Icon made by Pixel perfect from"
  43. Cute Food Icons -
  44. Empty cart -
  45. Shopping cart icon -