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Getting started with the Knorxx Framework

This repository allows getting started with the Knorxx Framework very easily. After cloning the repository the project can be opened in Netbeans 8 (version 8 is needed for the Java 8 support). The getting started project uses Spring Boot and therefore must be started by running Maven with spring-boot:run. The project also contains a predefined custom action for that which is called 'Run with Spring Boot'.

Note: At runtime st-js needs tools.jar of the JDK. The easiest way to make it available is to copy tools.jar from $JDK_HOME/lib/tools.jar to $JDK_HOME/jre/lib/ext.

After the embedded Tomcat (localhost:8080/knorxx/page/GettingStartedWebPage.html) finished starting the class GettingStartedWebPage can be edited and changes are immediately visible after a reload in the browser. For more information about how to write the Java code which can be translated to JavaScript see Writing ST-JS code.

Project overview

Project structure

  1. Pretty compact Spring Boot Maven POM with support for JSP rendering (is used internally by the Knorxx Framework). Other dependencies are only the Knorxx Framework itself and the st-js Java 8 support.
  2. The nbactions.xml contains custom Netbeans actions for running/debugging the project with the Spring Boot plugin.
  3. The Spring Boot main class which also acts as the Knorxx HTTP controller (by extending the abstract class KnorxxController).
  4. A marker class indicating the root package of all JavaScript generatable Java classes.
  5. The getting started web page. It features the usage of JQuery, JQueryUI and Java 8 lambdas.
public void render() {
	ButtonOptions buttonOptions = new ButtonOptions();
	buttonOptions.label = "Click me";
		.append((JQuery) $("<h1>I'm a Knorxx Framework application!</h1>"))
		.append($("<div>").button(buttonOptions).click((Event event, Element elmnt) -> {
			alert("Hello Knorxx!");
			return true;
  1. Every Knorxx Application must provide a client side error handler. In the case of the getting started application the default error handler behavior is used.
  2. Also mandatory are JSON serialization/deserialization helper on the server as well on the client side. The default implementation supports plain JSON plus Joda Time DateTime instances.


An empty Knorxx Framework application for making it easy to get started.







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