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Delphi Performance Tool


Delphi Performance Tool is derived from the Delphi Code Coverage ( Its intention is to collect simple timing/performance data for an application created in Delphi with the use of detailed MAP files.


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The application you want to run a must be built in a configuration that generates a detailed MAP file.

What kind of measurements does it do

The tool collects the hitcount, minimal-, maximal-, average- and total time of a method call. From its legacy of the Code Coverage it also collects simple line coverage statistics.

Coverage of DLLs and BPLs

For applications who uses Borland Package Libraries (which are essentially DLLs) or external DLLs, DCC will attempt to load a .map file for each DLL and if it exists and units in those libraries are part of the covered units, code coverage will span the DLL/BPL loaded as part of the application. The .map file need to exist in the same directory as the dll that was loaded.


Please see the commandline information on usage.

Delphi compatibility

The current tool is compatible with Delphi 10.3, 10.4 and 11.0. If you find that it works for other Delphi versions thats great. I do not intend to make it compile with older versions of Delphi.


Delphi Code Coverage: 1.0 release was made possible through the generous support of DevFactory and the developers of this product.


Please consult the command line for a full list of supported switches.

-e Executable.exeThe executable to run (alternatively the dproj switch can be used)
-a Param Param2Parameters to pass on to the application that shall be checked for code coverage. ^ is an escape character
-sym directoryDirectory that contains the map files. Default will be the directory of the executable
-u TestUnit TestUnit2The units that shall be monitored
-uf filenameCover units listed in the file pointed to by filename. One unit per line in the file
-proc FullyQualifiedMethodName1 FullyQualifiedMethodNameNName of the method to track.
-procf filenameMethods listed in the file will be monitored. One method per line.
-groupproj MyProjects.groupDelphi projects group file. The units of the projects contained in the groups will be added to the units list
-dproj MyProject.dprojDelphi project file. All the units in this project will be added to the units list.
-sp directory directory2The directories where the source can be found. A wildcard at the end of a directory will add all directories containing .pas files.
-spf filenameUse source directories listed in the file pointed to by filename. One directory per line in the file
-lt [filename]Log events to a text log file. Default file name is: Delphi-Code-Coverage-Debug.log
-lconLog events to the Windows console
-od directoryThe directory where the output files will be put - note - the directory must exist
-xmlGenerate xml output - Generate xml output as 'Results.xml' in the output directory.
-htmlGenerate html output - Generate html output as 'index.html' in the output directory.
-summaryGenerate Console summary output - Generates a console output for the timings. If no other output format is given this will also be done.
-dumpOutputs all available procedures for tracking to the console.


Delphi Simple Performance Measurement Tool






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