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Janne Hansen committed Jan 15, 2019
1 parent d82b968 commit e2ce054
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Showing 6 changed files with 53 additions and 173 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hello.js
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });
res.end('Hello, world!');
res.end('Well hello, world!!!');

console.log('Your application is listening on port '+port);
Empty file removed iisnode.yml
Empty file.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions package.json
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
"name": "simplenode",
"name": "app-service-hello-world",
"description": "Simple Hello World Node.js sample for Azure App Service",
"version": "1.0.0",
"private": true,
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Janne Hansen",
"scripts": {
"start": "node hello.js"
"dependencies": {
"request": "^2.83.0",
"zip-folder": "^1.0.0"
"scripts": {
"start": "node hello.js"

13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions process.json

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion publish.js
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ var kuduApi = 'https://'+myWebAppName+'
var userName = '$'+myWebAppName;

// Paste the key here to replace the xxxxxxx's!
var userPWD = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
var userPWD = 'Kjyw9ja0dnj1FybliwB60CeHaLFJg0EZZDAtkDnoEblRx8oueLuW8cgRySdq';

function uploadZip(callback) {
fs.createReadStream(zipPath).pipe(request.put(kuduApi, {
Expand Down
199 changes: 45 additions & 154 deletions web.config
@@ -1,17 +1,32 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This configuration file is required if iisnode is used to run node processes behind
IIS or IIS Express. For more information, visit:
<!-- indicates that the hello.js file is a node.js application
to be handled by the iisnode module -->

<!-- Visit for more information on WebSocket support -->
<webSocket enabled="false" />
<add name="iisnode" path="hello.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode" />
<!-- Indicates that the server.js file is a node.js site to be handled by the iisnode module -->
<add name="iisnode" path="hello.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode"/>

<!-- All URLs are mapped to the node.js site entry point -->
<!-- This is ok if you are not using debugging... -->
<!-- Do not interfere with requests for node-inspector debugging -->
<rule name="NodeInspector" patternSyntax="ECMAScript" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="^hello.js\/debug[\/]?" />

<!-- First we consider whether the incoming URL matches a physical file in the /public folder -->
<rule name="StaticContent">
<action type="Rewrite" url="public{REQUEST_URI}"/>

<!-- All other URLs are mapped to the node.js site entry point -->
<rule name="DynamicContent">
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="True"/>
Expand All @@ -20,151 +35,27 @@

the iisnode section configures the behavior of the node.js IIS module
setting values below are defaults

* node_env - determines the environment (production, development, staging, ...) in which
child node processes run; if nonempty, is propagated to the child node processes as their NODE_ENV
environment variable; the default is the value of the IIS worker process'es NODE_ENV
environment variable

* nodeProcessCommandLine - command line starting the node executable; in shared
hosting environments this setting would typically be locked at the machine scope.

* interceptor - fully qualified file name of a node.js application that will run instead of an actual application
the request targets; the fully qualified file name of the actual application file is provided as the first parameter
to the interceptor application; default interceptor supports iisnode logging

* nodeProcessCountPerApplication - number of node.exe processes that IIS will start per application;
setting this value to 0 results in creating one node.exe process per each processor on the machine

* maxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess - maximum number of reqeusts one node process can
handle at a time

* maxNamedPipeConnectionRetry - number of times IIS will retry to establish a named pipe connection with a
node process in order to send a new HTTP request

* namedPipeConnectionRetryDelay - delay in milliseconds between connection retries

* maxNamedPipeConnectionPoolSize - maximum number of named pipe connections that will be kept in a connection pool;
connection pooling helps improve the performance of applications that process a large number of short lived HTTP requests

* maxNamedPipePooledConnectionAge - age of a pooled connection in milliseconds after which the connection is not reused for
subsequent requests

* asyncCompletionThreadCount - size of the IO thread pool maintained by the IIS module to process asynchronous IO; setting it
to 0 (default) results in creating one thread per each processor on the machine

* initialRequestBufferSize - initial size in bytes of a memory buffer allocated for a new HTTP request

* maxRequestBufferSize - maximum size in bytes of a memory buffer allocated per request; this is a hard limit of
the serialized form of HTTP request or response headers block

* watchedFiles - semi-colon separated list of files that will be watched for changes; a change to a file causes the application to recycle;
each entry consists of an optional directory name plus required file name which are relative to the directory where the main application entry point
is located; wild cards are allowed in the file name portion only; for example: "*.js;node_modules\foo\lib\options.json;app_data\*.config.json"

* uncFileChangesPollingInterval - applications are recycled when the underlying *.js file is modified; if the file resides
on a UNC share, the only reliable way to detect such modifications is to periodically poll for them; this setting
controls the polling interval

* gracefulShutdownTimeout - when a node.js file is modified, all node processes handling running this application are recycled;
this setting controls the time (in milliseconds) given for currently active requests to gracefully finish before the
process is terminated; during this time, all new requests are already dispatched to a new node process based on the fresh version
of the application

* loggingEnabled - controls whether stdout and stderr streams from node processes are captured and made available over HTTP

* logDirectory - directory name relative to the main application file that will store files with stdout and stderr captures;
individual log file names have unique file names; log files are created lazily (i.e. when the process actually writes something
to stdout or stderr); an HTML index of all log files is also maintained as index.html in that directory;
by default, if your application is at, logs will be accessible at;
SECURITY NOTE: if log files contain sensitive information, this setting should be modified to contain enough entropy to be considered
cryptographically secure; in most situations, a GUID is sufficient

* debuggingEnabled - controls whether the built-in debugger is available

* debuggerPortRange - range of TCP ports that can be used for communication between the node-inspector debugger and the debugee; iisnode
will round robin through this port range for subsequent debugging sessions and pick the next available (free) port to use from the range

* debuggerPathSegment - URL path segment used to access the built-in node-inspector debugger; given a node.js application at, the debugger can be accessed at{debuggerPathSegment}, by default

* debugHeaderEnabled - boolean indicating whether iisnode should attach the iisnode-debug HTTP response header with
diagnostics information to all responses

* maxLogFileSizeInKB - maximum size of a single log file in KB; once a log file exceeds this limit a new log file is created

* maxTotalLogFileSizeInKB - maximum total size of all log files in the logDirectory; once exceeded, old log files are removed

* maxLogFiles - maximum number of log files in the logDirectory; once exceeded, old log files are removed

* devErrorsEnabled - controls how much information is sent back in the HTTP response to the browser when an error occurrs in iisnode;
when true, error conditions in iisnode result in HTTP 200 response with the body containing error details; when false,
iisnode will return generic HTTP 5xx responses

* flushResponse - controls whether each HTTP response body chunk is immediately flushed by iisnode; flushing each body chunk incurs
CPU cost but may improve latency in streaming scenarios

* enableXFF - controls whether iisnode adds or modifies the X-Forwarded-For request HTTP header with the IP address of the remote host

* promoteServerVars - comma delimited list of IIS server variables that will be propagated to the node.exe process in the form of
x-iisnode-<server_variable_name> HTTP request headers; for a list of IIS server variables available see; for example "AUTH_USER,AUTH_TYPE"

* configOverrides - optional file name containing overrides of configuration settings of the iisnode section of web.config;
the format of the file is a small subset of YAML: each setting is represented as a <key>: <value> on a separate line
and comments start with # until the end of the line, e.g.
# This is a sample iisnode.yml file
nodeProcessCountPerApplication: 2
maxRequestBufferSize: 8192 # increasing from the default
# maxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess: 512 - commented out setting

<!-- 'bin' directory has no special meaning in node.js and apps can be placed in it -->
<remove segment="bin"/>

<!-- Make sure error responses are left untouched -->
<httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough" />

You can control how Node is hosted within IIS using the following options:
* watchedFiles: semi-colon separated list of files that will be watched for changes to restart the server
* node_env: will be propagated to node as NODE_ENV environment variable
* debuggingEnabled - controls whether the built-in debugger is enabled
See for a full list of options



One more setting that can be modified is the path to the node.exe executable and the interceptor:
This is exactly what is done in this example. the iisnode.yml contains only definition for this.

interceptor="&quot;%programfiles%\iisnode\interceptor.js&quot;" />


<!--<iisnode watchedFiles="web.config;*.js"/>-->

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