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I18n easy

version: 0.1.6

I18n easy provide a simple way to add i18n feature to your meteor app.

When adding translation, one can set the plural version as well. For translation without plural, an "s" is added to the singular version when plural is requested.

It is possible to group translations by sections: indeed each route can have his own translation, thus reducing the amount of records sent to client via publications. Section translations overwrite global ones – thoses not attached to any section.


Setting default language

First you need to set the default language both server side and client side, for instance in a file placed under the /lib directory of your meteor app


Adding translations

Then add translations server side:

	en: {
		home: "home",
		setting: "setting",
		greetings: "grettings {{name}}!",
		// singular and plural
		summary: ["summary","summaries"],
		// Client section
		clients: {
			name: "name",
			company: "company"
	fr: {
		home: "acceuil",
		setting: "préférences",
		summary: "sommaire",
		greetings: "salutations {{name}}!",
		// Client section
		clients: {
			name: "nom",
			company: "société"

note: {{placeholders}} cannot have the following names: fallBack, autoPlural, useDefault or section

Setting publications and subscriptions

Finally setup publications and subscriptions

Server side


Client side


To limit publications to a list of sections

I18nEasy.subscribe({sections: ["section1", "section2"]});

This will tell I18n easy to load only translations pertaining solely to the given sections and those not attached to any section – global ones. If no section is provided, only global ones will be loaded.

note: When the subscribe API is used, only the following translations are published:

  • those in the selected language and not attached to any section;
  • those pertaining to the sections parameter;
  • those in the default language which are missing from the selected language

Setting current language

Every time language switch is necessary – client side most of the time – use the following api:

// Switching to french


To prevent unauthorized updates of translations, you should setup permissions — server side and client side — like this

	return false;

note: This is used by I18n easy admin to restrict access to the admin UI. For example true could be returned only if user is authenticated.


Use the i18n helper to access translations within templates

{{i18n 'summary'}} // -> display "summary" according to previously added translations
{{i18n 'greetings' name='Sebastian'}} // -> display "grettings Sebastian!" according to previously added translations

To request plural translation, just add an "s" to the key or the helper

{{i18n 'summarys'}} // -> display "summaries" according to previously added translations
{{i18ns 'summary'}} // -> display "summaries" according to previously added translations

iron-router integration

Ease your setup

If you use iron-router, here is the better way to subscribe to translations


waitOn: function(){
	return I18nEasy.subscribe();


The easiest way to switch language is to add an optional language parameter to every routes and add a before hook that use the I18nEasy.setLanguage(<language parameter>) api to actually switch language


function navigatorLanguage(){
	var results = /(\w{2}).*/gi.exec(window.navigator.language);
	return results.length > 1 && results[1];

	var language = this.params.language || navigatorLanguage();

	if(language && I18nEasy.getLanguage() !== language){


	this.route('invoices', {
		path: '/:language?/invoices'



When no section is provided to I18nEasy.subscribe(), the current route name is used as section paramater. Therefore it is a good practice to put translations needed solely on a specific route under a section matching this route name: it will reduce the amount of records sent to the client, thus improve your app performances.

pathToLanguage helper

Finally, I18n easy comes with the handy helper pathToLanguage <language> which gives you the path to the current route translated to the given language. It is usefull to display navigations for languages switching.


{{#each languages}}
<li class="{{activeLanguageClass this}}">
	<a href="{{pathToLanguage this}}">{{i18n this}}</a>


	activeLanguageClass: function(language){
		if(language === I18nEasy.getLanguage()){
			return 'active';
			return undefined;
	languages: function(){return I18nEasy.getLanguages();}

API and helpers



Request a translation in the current language.

parameter: key [String]

{{i18n 'key'}} // display singular translation for 'key'
{{i18n 'keys'}} // display plural translation for 'key'
Default behavior

If no translation is present in the current language, the translation in the default one is displayed. If the key has no translation – neither in the current language nor in the default one, the result is key... . When requesting plural, if no plural translation is present, an "s" is simply added to the singular translation.


Request plural

parameter: key [String]


Request translation in the default language.

parameter: key [String]


Request a translation in the current language. The difference with i18n, is that translate doesn't have any default behavior: indeed when no translation is found, undefined is returned.

parameter: key [String]


Same as translate for the plural version.

parameter: key [String]

pathToLanguage – only when "iron-router" package is installed

Gives you the path to the current route translated to the given language.

parameter: language [String]


Client and Server

  • setDefault ( language [String] ) – Set the default language

  • getDefault ( ) – Return the default language

  • setLanguage ( language [String] ) – Set the actual language

  • getLanguage ( ) – Return the actual language

  • getLanguages ( ) – Return an array of all available languages

  • getSections ( ) – Return an array of all available sections

  • i18n ( key [String], options [Object] ) – See helpers

    • options
      • fallBack [Boolean] – If true return key... when no translation is available
      • autoPlural [Boolean] – If true return singular+s when no plural translation is available
      • useDefault [Boolean] – If true return default language translation when none is available in the current one
  • i18nDefault ( key [String], options [Object] ) – See helpers

  • i18ns ( key [String], options [Object] ) – See helpers

  • translate ( key [String] ) – See helpers

  • translatePlural ( key [String] ) – See helpers

  • translations ( section [String] ) – Return all available translations in both default and actual language (usefull for I18n easy admin). When section parameter is provided, returned translations are restricted to the given section

  • allowWrite ( writePermission [Function] ) – Set write permission for translations (see Setup / Secutity)

  • writeIsAllowed ( ) – Check if translation update is authorized according to the writePermission set via the allowWrite API


  • subscribe ( options [Object] ) – Subscribe to translations

    • options
      • default [String] – Subscribe to the given language after setting it as the default one
      • actual [String] – Subscribe to the given language as the actually selected one
      • sections [String array] – Subscribe only to translations pertaining the the given sections and the global ones (meaning those not attached to any section)
  • defaultSubscribe ( options [Object] ) – Subscribe to both languages set as default and actual language. See subscribe for options, remember though that "default" and "actual" options will be ignored

  • subscribeForTranslation ( options [Object] ) – Same as subscribe ( options [Object] ) + subscribe to ALL translations both in default and actual languages (see Setting publications and subscriptions / notes. Usefull for I18n easy admin)


  • map ( language [String], messages [Object] ) – Add the translations from "messages" to "language"

  • mapAll ( translations [Object], options [Object] ) – See Adding translations

    • options
      • overwrite [Boolean] – if true overwrite existing translations with the provided ones
  • publish ( options [Object] )

    • options
      • default [String] – Publish translations from the given language, assuming that it is the default one
      • actual [String] – Publish translations from the given language, assuming that it is the selected one
      • sections [String array] – Publish translations pertaining the given sections and the global ones (meaning those not attached to any section)



Meteor methods ( usefull for I18n easy admin )

  • i18nEasyAddKey ( key [String], section [String] (optional) ) – Add the key with a blank translation (an empty string) to the current language. If section parameter is present, the key is added solely in this section.

  • i18nEasySave ( translations [Object array] ) – Add / update the given translations

    • translation item

      {language: [String], key: [String], message: [String]|[String array], section: [String] (optional)}

  • i18nEasyRemoveKey ( key [String], section [String] (optional) ) – Remove the key from all languages. If section parameter is present, the key is only removed from this section.

  • i18nEasyAddLanguage ( language ) – Add a new language

  • i18nEasyRemoveLanguage ( language ) – Remove a language and all attached translations

  • I18nEasyImport ( translations [Object] ) – See Adding translations for translations structure

  • i18nEasyRemoveSection ( section ) – Remove a section and all attached keys and translations from all languages


Simple way to handle i18n, including admin ui




