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Project Status: Abandoned – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; the project has been abandoned and the author(s) do not intend on continuing development.

This Project is Abandoned. I started work on it and decided not to continue. I doubt I ever will, but I'm leaving the code up nonetheless.


  • Python 2.7+ (currently tested with 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
  • Python VirtualEnv and pip (recommended installation method; your OS/distribution should have packages for these)


It's recommended that you install into a virtual environment (virtualenv / venv). See the virtualenv usage documentation for information on how to create a venv. If you really want to install system-wide, you can (using sudo).

pip install rpymostat-control


Something here.


Something else here.

Bugs and Feature Requests

Bug reports and feature requests are happily accepted via the GitHub Issue Tracker. Pull requests are welcome. Issues that don't have an accompanying pull request will be worked on as my time and priority allows.


To install for development:

  1. Fork the rpymostat-control repository on GitHub
  2. Create a new branch off of master in your fork.
$ virtualenv rpymostat-control
$ cd rpymostat-control && source bin/activate
$ pip install -e
$ cd src/rpymostat-control

The git clone you're now in will probably be checked out to a specific commit, so you may want to git checkout BRANCHNAME.


  • pep8 compliant with some exceptions (see pytest.ini)
  • 100% test coverage with pytest (with valid tests)


Testing is done via pytest, driven by tox.

  • testing is as simple as:
    • pip install tox
    • tox
  • If you want to see code coverage: tox -e cov
    • this produces two coverage reports - a summary on STDOUT and a full report in the htmlcov/ directory
  • If you want to pass additional arguments to pytest, add them to the tox command line after "--". i.e., for verbose pytext output on py27 tests: tox -e py27 -- -v

Release Checklist

  1. Open an issue for the release; cut a branch off master for that issue.
  2. Confirm that there are CHANGES.rst entries for all major changes.
  3. Ensure that Travis tests passing in all environments.
  4. Ensure that test coverage is no less than the last release (ideally, 100%).
  5. Increment the version number in rpymostat-control/ and add version and release date to CHANGES.rst, then push to GitHub.
  6. Confirm that README.rst renders correctly on GitHub.
  7. Upload package to testpypi, confirm that README.rst renders correctly.
    • Make sure your ~/.pypirc file is correct
    • python register -r
    • python sdist upload -r
    • Check that the README renders at
  8. Create a pull request for the release to be merge into master. Upon successful Travis build, merge it.
  9. Tag the release in Git, push tag to GitHub:
    • tag the release. for now the message is quite simple: git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'X.Y.Z released YYYY-MM-DD'
    • push the tag to GitHub: git push origin vX.Y.Z
  10. Upload package to live pypi:
    • python sdist upload
  11. make sure any GH issues fixed in the release were closed.


Relay control portion of the RPyMostat project.







No releases published


No packages published
