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A proper and uncomplicated Docker container for

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

IMPORTANT: This is a personal project only. PRs are accepted, but this is not supported and "issues" will likely not be fixed or responded to. This is only for people who understand the details of everything invovled.


You must mount a data path in to the container at /var/lib/zmeventnotification and that path must already have a writable images directory in it.


The docker-compose file and mlapiconfig.EXAMPLE.ini should provide a sane configuration for initial testing of the container, e.g.:

  1. Set up an API username and password; you can either create the data/db directory and copy db.EXAMPLE.json to it for a single API user zmuser with password zmpass, or create your own user with something like: docker run -it --rm -v ./data:/var/lib/zmeventnotification --entrypoint /bin/bash jantman/docker-zm-mlapi:<TAG> and then (assuming a username of zmuser and password of zmpass): mkdir /var/lib/zmeventnotification/db && python3 /mlapi/ -u zmuser -p zmpass -d /var/lib/zmeventnotification/db && exit
  2. docker-compose up in another shell/terminal/screen
  3. Download the test video to testvideo.mp4
  4. python3 -mvenv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install opencv-python requests imutils
  5. python3 testvideo.mp4 - this should display the test video with objects identified