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Releases: BattletechModders/InternalHeaters

1.0! Multiple components allowed to enable DHS.

19 Jul 00:11
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Adds an option to include any number of heatsink component ids to be setup as DHS components, as requested in #3.

Also adds a readme and license for completeness.


New DHS Features

24 Jun 04:47
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New DHS Features Pre-release

doubleHeatSinksDoubleEngineHeatDissipationComponentId - The component id for the item that makes double heat sinking happen. Default is the vanilla DHS (Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Double)

doNotCountFirstDoubleHeatSinksComponentDissipation - Enable this to remove the Heatsinking properties of the first heatsink item used to create double heatsinking of the engine. e.g. if one DHS is installed, then the mech dissipates 60 heat instead of 66

Heat Efficiency Bar Experiment

15 Jun 18:21
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Fix zero heaters = double heaters bug

15 Jun 13:08
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also disable chassis heatsinks by default since I'm the only one who will ever use it and love it

push internal engine DHS calculations into own class

14 Jun 02:27
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For the purposes of making them more usable elsewhere (like Extended Info mod!).

Enabled Settings, Exlusive DHS Doubling

12 Jun 21:54
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  • add some settings to allow chassis heatsinks or double heatsink features to be disabled
  • make double heat sinks only double engine output when all heatsinks installed on a mech are doubles

Engine dissipation doubled by presence of DHS on mech

11 Jun 16:32
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what it says on the tin

More or Less Heat Dissipation in Combat for a given chassis

08 Jun 14:06
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Can change heat dissipation for any chassis by changing the Heatsinks setting in the chassis definition JSON. This mod treats that number as additional, so you can remove default dissipation by using negative numbers.

By default every chassis in the game has 10 standard heatsinks (-3 heat per turn). Below are two examples of things you could do.

For example, this would cause a mech to generate an additional 60 heat per turn:

    //... chassis stuff
    "Heatsinks": -20,
    //... more stuff

And this would cause a (SLDF yeah!) mech to dissipate an additional 15.

    //... chassis stuff
    "Heatsinks": 5,
    //... more stuff

Pro-tip: don't run this with debug mode unless you want to fill up your hard drive with logs. The heat check seems to run every time a screen frame is updated. 🗡 I got to 200k of logs in about 10s.

When you make the locust run real, real hot…
screen shot 2018-06-08 at 10 03 10 am