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Releases: BattletechModders/MechResizer

Resize Rewrite

23 Sep 00:44
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This now includes the ability to read tags from mech chassis, vehicle chassis, turret chassis, and weapon defs to do resizing in the appropriate JSON definition files rather than a centralized mod.json for every mech variant. However added new options for sizing by prefab (such as all highlanders). See for full details.

Turret Resizing and LOS Scaling

26 Jun 06:16
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Giant Turret? WHy not!?

screen shot 2018-06-24 at 10 14 00 pm

Here's a video of a tiny robot running about and getting scaled LOS calculations (note the LOS display lines are not scaled down to match its… stature) as reported in #4.

Preliminary Projectile Resizing Support

31 May 14:47
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Added some new projectile settings that are keyed by weapon identifier. I think this only works for SRM/LRMs right now, but it's a start. A sample bit of mod.json to make all the stock SRMs shoot big:

    "projectileSizeMultipliers": {
      "Weapon_SRM_SRM2_0-STOCK": 10,
      "Weapon_SRM_SRM4_0-STOCK": 10,
      "Weapon_SRM_SRM6_0-STOCK": 10

screen shot 2018-05-31 at 10 39 48 am

screen shot 2018-05-30 at 9 07 43 pm

screen shot 2018-05-30 at 9 31 01 pm

Fixed! And more options for settings sizes

24 May 01:24
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All described in the README, but now setting multidimensional multipliers is not required, but is an option. Also v0.2 had a serious default size bug where everything would be size zero, so that is squashed.

Here's a bunch of stuff that is weird sizes:

screen shot 2018-05-23 at 8 55 09 pm

New Features: Vehicle Size Changes and 3 dimension control of scaling

23 May 07:13
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Sample configs and documentation in README updated.


A somewhat elongated tank:

screen shot 2018-05-22 at 11 20 18 pm

A very wide griffin next to a normal Jenner:
screen shot 2018-05-23 at 1 31 54 am

Big APCs next to a wide griffin:

screen shot 2018-05-23 at 1 52 17 am

Initial Release

22 May 18:31
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Change up the size of your mechs chassis-by-chassis. Change all the mechs at once without messing with the vanilla json!

Make a giant locust!
screen shot 2018-05-22 at 2 08 16 pm