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Fearless concurrency in your microcontroller

This repo contains the slides of the talk I presented at Röstifest Rustfest Zurich (2017).

Below is everything I planned to say during my talk -- this is not a transcript -- as block quotes.


  • Microcontroller basics

  • Cooperative multitasking

  • Preemption

  • Locks, locks, locks

  • Fearless concurrency

  • What's next?

This is the agenda for the talk. We'll first cover microcontroller basics. Then we'll look into cooperative multitasking. Then into preemption as a way to achieve multitasking and the problem that come from using preemption. Next come locks as a solution to those problems. Then I'll present a fearless concurrency framework and conclude with future work in this space.


I/O with the world.


Cheap. Simple. Low power. Full control.


Single core devices with limited amounts of memory and processor power. Why would you want to use them in the first place?

The main reason is being able to do I/O with the world


On a general purpose computer I/O means files, sockets and databases.

On a microcontroller I/O means turning lights on or off, controlling motors and reading sensors.

Some of you may be wondering: Why not use a SBC, like the RPi, instead? It can do the same of I/O and runs Linux.


They are cheaper, and cheap is good for business.


They are simpler systems. Simple enough that you can program them from scratch.


They have lower power consumption, which is good for battery life.


And you have full control over how tasks get scheduled when you are not using an OS. This can be vital to meet the timing requirements of an application. This is why microcontrollers are commonly used in real time systems. In this talk I'll focus on bare metal systems, which means no underlying OS.

A minimal program


extern crate cortex_m_rt;
extern crate stm32f103xx;

// before: device boots and RAM is initialized

fn main() {
    // do stuff here

// after: CPU goes to sleep

Here's a minimal microcontroller program.

That uses the [quickstart] framework.

It looks very similar to any other Rust program.

There's this extra #![no_std] attribute at the top, which means no standard library.

Then we have some external crates that take care of booting the device.

Then you have your standard main function

Important to note here: on bare metal systems, where there's no OS, only a single program can run at any time. And this program must never end.

So what happens here when the main function returns? The quickstart runtime will put the microcontroller to sleep.

This framework supports both Cortex-M and MSP430 microcontrollers so you can write programs the same. And someone is already porting this framework to RISC-V.


fn main() {
    // omitted: initialization code

    let register = 0x4001_1010 as *mut u32;

    unsafe {
        // turns an LED on
        ptr::write_volatile(register, 1 << 29);

        // turns the LED off
        ptr::write_volatile(register, 1 << 13);

Next: How do we do I/O on a microcontroller?

Basically, we just have read or write to memory. To a special region of memory called peripheral memory.

This program does two write operations. The first one turns an LED on; the second one turns it off.

This approach to I/O is called memory mapped I/O.

Because writing to peripheral memory is side effectful and because the environment can change the state of peripheral memory at any time all operations on peripheral memory must be volatile. Otherwise the compiler will misoptimize your program.

3 common peripherals

Let's look at 3 common peripherals that I'll use throughout this presentation.


fn main() {
    // omitted: initialization


General Purpose I/O

First one: general purpose I/O

This peripheral lets you output digital signals on the microcontroller pins. With proper electronics these signals can turn things on or off, or in general they can toggle some binary state, for example you can use this peripheral to lock / unlock a door.

That's for the output part of the peripheral. The input part lets you read some external binary state which could map to "is this button pressed?" or "is the temperature above or below some level?".

In this presentation I'll use this high level LED abstraction that handles memory writes under the hood and gives us an API to turn an LED on or off.


fn main() {
    // omitted: more initialization

    timer.init(, rcc); // periodic
    timer.resume(); // start alarm

    loop {

Next: Timers.

Timers are useful to do periodic tasks and also to measure the duration of external events.

In this presentation I'll use them as a periodic alarm mechanism.

This program sets an alarm to go off every 500 milliseconds, and the alarm is used to blink an LED. Every time the alarm goes off we'll toggle the state of the LED.

This bwait method blocks the program until the alarm goes off giving us the right delays.


How does the bwait method work?

// simplified
fn bwait() {
    loop {
        // did the alarm go off?
        if {
            // no, ask again
        } else {
            // yes, clear the bit
  |_, w| w.uif().clear_bit())

Busy waiting

We can check the status of timer by reading its status register. This status register is a 32 bit piece of peripheral memory. One of the bits in this register indicates whether the alarm has gone off or not yet. When the alarm goes off the corresponding bit is set to 1.

To wait for the alarm we continuously poll the status register until the bit value becomes 1. This approach is known as busy waiting.


It's quite wasteful in terms of CPU cycles, but the program behaves as expected.


"Serial port" communication

fn main() {
    // omitted: more initialization


    loop {
        let byte = serial.bread().unwrap();

Next. Serial which stands for serial port communication.

Serial is a simple communication interface. It's used to exchange information between two end points. Each end point can send data to the other side at any time.

This program starts by sending out a greeting to the other end. Then it waits for input. Each byte received is sent back to the sender. All the operations here are blocking.

Cooperative multitasking


Let's move onto concurrency.

Let's say we want to merge the last two programs into a single program that runs the two tasks concurrently. How can we achieve this multitasking? One way is to do cooperative multitasking using




// simplified
fn gread() -> impl Generator<Return=u8, Yield=()> {
    || {
        // while no new data available
        while {

        // read byte

Apart from the blocking API available on the serial and timer abstractions. There's also a non blocking API based on generators.

Here's an example of reading a single byte from the serial interface using generators.

In this generator API instead of busy waiting for a condition we yield control back to the caller while the condition is not met.


Now we can rewrite the blocking programs as tasks using generators.

Each task is an infinite generator.

The first one is the echo program.

Logic is exactly the same: read a byte and send it back. But this time we use the generator API. Instead of blocking on the generator we use the await! macro to drive the generators to completion. The trick here is that the await! macro never blocks; instead, it yields control back to the caller when the generator can't make more progress.


In the second task, the blinking LED task, we change the logic a bit just to show that generators can capture variables allocated on the stack. Here the on variable tracks the state of the LED. Here we also use the await! macro to non-blockingly wait for the alarm.

Concurrent execution

Now let's put everything together. We create the tasks which are infinite generators and then go into an infinite loop that will resume each generator in turn. The result is that the processor will execute a bit of a task until it can't make any more progress, then it will switch to the next task, and so on and so forth.


Note that this program still has busy waiting. When neither task can resume execution the processor will continuously poll status registers.

The need for preemption

Now, imagine this scenario: You need to execute two periodic tasks concurrently, like in the previous program.


This time: task 1 needs to be run every 10 ms and takes 2 ms to complete.


And task 2 needs to be run every 1 ms and takes 100 us to complete.


Can these timing constrains be satisfied using cooperative multitasking?

Let's analyze this.

Let's say we begin executing task 1. Task 1 is executed for 1 ms and we get a request to execute task 2. But if task 1 never yields then it will be another millisecond until task 2 gets a chance to run. This means that task 2 missed its deadline twice. In the 2 ms that took executing task 1 task 2 was supposed to be executed twice but it never got a chance to run.

In a hard real time system missing even a single deadline means system failure.


So in general, no. With cooperative multitasking you can hardly make any claim about meeting timing requirements.

With preemption this example could have worked. If task 2 could have preempted task 1 instead of waiting for it to yield control then it could have been serviced at the right time.


A callback mechanism provided by the hardware.

extern crate stm32f103xx;

fn main() {
    // ..

// trigger: user pressed a button
interrupt!(EXTI0, handler);

// callback
fn handler() {
    // ..

Thankfully microcontrollers provide a hardware mechanism for preemption: interrupts.

How do they work? There are several interrupts; each one is triggered by a different event. You can register one interrupt handler, which is just a function, for each interrupt. When the interrupt event arrives the hardware calls your interrupt handler.

In this example we've registered a handler for the EXTI0 interrupt, whose trigger is "the user pressed a button". Normally we'll be executing the main function. But at some point the user will press the button. Then the processor will halt the execution of main to execute the interrupt handler. Once the interrupt handler returns it will resume the execution of main.

So basically the interrupt handler can preempt the main function. You can also think of this as interrupts having higher priority than main.

Interrupts: echo

Event driven version.

fn main() {
    // omitted: initialization
    serial.listen(Event::Rxne); // new data available

    loop { asm::wfi(); } // sleep

interrupt!(USART1, handler);

fn handler() {
    // omitted: constructing `serial`
    let byte =;

No busy waiting

To get a better idea of the power of interrupts we can rewrite the echo program from before using interrupts. This time all the echo logic is performed in the interrupt handler.

This leaves nothing to do in the main loop so we just send the microcontroller to sleep.

This version has no busy waiting.


When there's no data to process the microcontroller goes to sleep saving energy.

Interrupts: Memory sharing

Do NOT do this.

static mut DATA: Data = /* .. */;

fn main() {
    unsafe { /* do something with DATA */ }

interrupt!(EXTI0, handler);

fn handler() {
    unsafe { /* do something with DATA */ }

At some point you'll want to share state between the main function and an interrupt handler or between interrupts.

The only way to do this is using a statically allocated variable.

And the first thing you'll probably try is using a static mut variable. Don't do that. Access to static mut variables is unsynchronized which opens to door to data races and race conditions.

Locks, locks, locks

So how can we share data safely? One way is to use locks to synchronize access.

Disabling interrupts

This is actually memory safe.

use cortex_m::interrupt;

static mut DATA: Data = /* .. */;

fn main() {
    loop {
        interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {

interrupt!(EXTI0, handler);

fn handler() {
    unsafe { DATA.modify() }

Not all contexts need to lock the data

Let's look at this program from before. What can go wrong?

The problematic scenario here is the following: main is modifying the data and it gets preempted by the interrupt handler midway the process. In this scenario the interrupt handler may encounter the data to be in an inconsistent state or even find corrupted data.

To prevent this problem we need to synchronize the concurrent operations on the data so that one happens before or after the other. The order is not important as long as one operation doesn't occur midway the other.

To achieve the required synchronization we can disable the interrupts while main is modifying the data. With this change the interrupt handler can only fire before or after main modifies the data.






Then we have the operations synchronized.


Note that, unlike mutexes, not all the contexts of execution need to lock the data.

More interrupts

Is this memory safe?

fn main() {
    loop {
        interrupt::free(|_| unsafe { DATA.modify(); });

interrupt!(EXTI0, exti0);
fn exti0() {
    unsafe { DATA.modify() }

interrupt!(EXTI1, exti1);
fn exti1() {
    unsafe { DATA.modify() }

It depends

What happens if we add another interrupt that also contends for the data.

Is this program memory safe? Both interrupts are accessing the data without locking.

The answer is: it depends on the architecture.


On MSP430 interrupt nesting is disabled by default so an interrupt can not preempt another interrupt. In that case this program is memory safe.

OTOH, on Cortex-M you can assign priorities to interrupts and higher priority interrupts can preempt lower priority ones. So we don't have enough information to say whether this program is memory safe on a Cortex-M device.

Nested interrupts (Cortex-M)

This is OK.

// priority = 1
fn exti0() {
    interrupt::free(|_| unsafe { DATA.modify(); });

// priority = 2
fn exti1() {
    interrupt::free(|_| unsafe { DATA.modify(); });

// priority = 3
fn exti2() {
    unsafe { DATA.modify() }

But if we know the priorities of all the interrupts then we can answer the question.

This version of the program is memory safe. The highest priority interrupt can access the data without a lock; all the other interrupt need a lock to access the data.

Better locks (Cortex-M)

exti0 needs to block exti1 for memory safety

// priority = 1
fn exti0() {
    interrupt::free(|_| unsafe { DATA.modify(); });

// priority = 2
fn exti1() {
    unsafe { DATA.modify(); };

// priority = 3
fn exti2() {
    // doesn't use DATA but gets blocked

... but exti2 doesn't need to be blocked!

What about this scenario? Again three interrupts operating at different priorities. But only two of them, the ones with the lowest priorities, contend for the same data.

Using our disable interrupts lock in the task with lowest priority, exti0, will also prevent the highest priority task, exti2, from starting.

This is unnecessary


because exti0 only needs to block exti1 for memory safety.

Can we do better? This extra blocking is not good from an scheduling perspective. High priority tasks should not be blocked by low priority unless it's a must.

Better locks (Cortex-M3+)

// simplified
fn raise<R, F>(new_priority: u8, f: F) -> R
    F: FnOnce() -> R,
    let old_priority = basepri::read();
    basepri_max::write(new_priority); // NOTE can't lower the priority
    let r = f();
    basepri::write(old_priority); // restore

Here's a different locking mechanism: instead of disabling all the interrupts we can temporarily raise the priority of the current execution context to block some interrupts from starting.

This mechanism shown here is for Cortex-M3 and up; this doesn't work for MSP430 or Cortex-M0 devices.

Better locks (Cortex-M3+)

// priority = 1
fn exti0() {
    // raises priority to 2
    raise(2, |_| unsafe { DATA.modify(); });

// priority = 2
fn exti1() {
    unsafe { DATA.modify(); };

// priority = 3
fn exti2() {
    // doesn't use DATA

If we apply this mechanism to the previous program we can have enough interrupt blocking to achieve memory safety without sacrificing schedulability. In this new version the raised priority of exti0 blocks exti1 but not exti2.

Immediate Ceiling Priority Policy (ICPP)

  • "raised priority value" = Ceiling Priority

  • "Each resource is assigned a priority ceiling, which is a priority equal to the highest priority of any interrupt which may lock the resource."

  • Guarantees deadlock free execution if correctly used.

How do we pick the priority value to pass to the raise function?

Luckily for us, this scheduling problem has been studied since the 80s and there's an answer: the Immediate Priority Ceiling Protocol. The title links to a paper that analyzes this scheduling policy if you want to read that later.




Fearless concurrency

Now you have some idea of how to properly use locks to achieve memory safety. Still manually applying the rules we've seen is error prone and directly using static mut variables is unsafe. Instead, we'd like to only write safe code and have the compiler enforce memory safety. That's why we have created the Real Time For the Masses framework.


Also known as the RTFM framework


This framework is actually a Rust port of the Real Time For the Masses language that was developed at LTU some time ago.


  • Model: Tasks and resources
  • Task = Interrupt
    • The hardware will schedule the tasks
  • Resource: safe mechanism to share memory
    • Ceilings are computed automatically
    • PCP: Deadlock freedom
  • Can still do cooperative multitasking
  • Downside: requires whole program analysis


The RTFM concurrency model is based on tasks and resources.


One task in this model maps to one interrupt.

With this approach we can make the hardware schedule the tasks for us; this makes scheduling very efficient as we don't need any bookkeeping in the software.

A resource is a zero cost mechanism for sharing data, or peripherals, between tasks.

The framework uses ICPP so we have deadlock free execution enforced at compile time. Note that this is a stronger property that the data race freedom you get from using Rust. In Rust deadlocks are considered safe.


The ceiling required for ICPP are computed automatically by the framework.


Even though the task model favors event driven preemptive multitasking cooperative multitasking is also supported.


In exchange for all these nice properties the framework requires whole program analysis to work but this isn't a showstopper.


app! is the specification of the system.

Let's take a look at a RTFM application.

All RTFM applications include an app! macro which provides a description of the system to the RTFM framework. The main two components of the specification are a list of resources and a list of tasks. Resources are specified as plain static variables. Each task entry binds an interrupt to a task and must specify the resources that the task has access to as well as the task priority.

This macro is where we pay for the whole program analysis downside. All tasks and resources must be defined in this macro and there can only be an instance of this macro and that instance must be in the root of the application crate. IOW, you can't split your task and resource definitions across different crates.

Having everything in a single place lets us perform whole program analysis with existing Rust language features. We can also specify peripherals as resources.

In this example we have two resources and two tasks. One resource is owned by a single task and the other one is shared between tasks. The tasks run at different priorities.


The app! macro will expand into the main function. So the user doesn't have to provide one; instead, they have to supply these init and idle functions.

init will be called first and runs with interrupts disabled. This function has access to all peripherals. System initialization and configuration should go in this function.

After init returns, interrupts are re-enabled and idle is executed.

idle is a never ending function that runs after init. idle semantically has a priority of 0, the lowest priority. And it's where you should put your cooperative multitasking logic.


Tasks are provided by the user as functions. The framework will choose the task signature according to the specification of the application.

These Resources structures you see in the signatures are generated by the framework with the goal of



In this example you can see that only the low priority task, exti0, needs to lock the shared resource to modify it.

Beyond locking

RTFM also wants to support lock free data structures.

  • Support for atomics with better scoping.

  • Single producer single consumer ring buffer

    • Statically allocated, interrupt safe and lock free

Locks are nice because they always work so they are a good default but RTFM also wants to support lock free data structures in 100% safe code.

atomics: It's memory safe to place an atomic in a static variable and it's memory safe to modify it from any part of the program. But a global scope diminishes the correctness of the atomic because then any task can use it.

Another use case we are looking into is a single producer single consumer ring buffer. It requires that only one task can put items into the buffer and only one can take them from it.

What's next?

Concurrent Reactive Objects

To my knowledge, RTFM is the most efficient way to do preemptive multitasking but it's also mainly a toolbox of concurrency primitives. And the only way for inter-task communication it provides is memory sharing which can get hard to reason about in large programs.


The next extension to the RTFM framework are Concurrent Reactive Objects or CROs.


Model: Objects and Message Passing

Here we have three objects: USART, STM and DMA. The last two objects are encapsulated into an LED component.

Synchronous and asynchronous messages

Timing semantics

Interrupts are triggers


Fearless concurrency in your microcontroller







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