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We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams.

- Willy Wonka

The primary goal of this project is to make a game that is fun.


This is a small breakdown of things I'll build next.

  • ⬡⬡⬡ hexagons ⬡⬡⬡ grid.
  • Click detection on hex.
  • Display a character
    • Display
    • on the grid.
  • character can be ordered to move to another tile (indicated by an arrow?)
  • Implement a combat system. No need for AI yet
    • Show a different unit on screen
    • Move on top of unit causes a combat.
    • combat is rock paper scissers + dice?
  • Add treasure to plunder (you burn down houses for plunder)
  • Add win condition
    • Kill all oponents (temporary goal, can add other later, kill king, get loot etc)
  • Add shop for healing / buy weapons / hire mercs
    • Add title to shop
    • Select an item in shop
    • Add purchase button
    • What to do with inventory?
    • What to do with buying a unit?
  • Add explenation of controls, it's not obious that you first need to left click select someone and then right click to move
  • Add message on deth
  • Add turn resolution (que up moves, show moves queed, play them on turn pres)
  • AI ????
  • Set up shipping pipe line
  • ....
  • Make it more fun
  • ....
  • At this point it's synomous with fun
  • ....
  • ....
  • The game gains self awareness 🤖 and AI wireheading scenario becomes a reality.

Motivation for project

I've made several half complete games in the passed, while all either technically impressive or architectually interesting. None of them were fun.

So rather then making something impressive, I want to make something fun this time. I'm quite sure I can do this. I just need to know what fun is.

The current name is a code name. It's also a joke on that I've already gained a fair bit of experience in this, but never actually released anything to anyone else.


Remember that moment in aoe, when you breach the enemy defenses, your cavalry strides into the enemy encampment and so many villagers die? That feeling is amazing. Or in ck2, when your Vikings sail next to some English coast, burn a monestary or two to the ground and hop back into the longboat before the enemy king shows up with 10'000 knights? That's what I want to recreate. Just the feeling of pillaging and grabbing things that aren't yours, yet with a healthy pressure to get out after you got the goods.

Research into game design

Basics vid Scope: Keep it small and simple

  • First goal is to make something I can play ASAP

Don't lock into a single idea. Only build things I'm pretty sure I can do (no 3d lol).

If stuck ask people.

Design around resources. In this case my skills. So we probably want to use fewer assets or i should just practice making artwork. Shouldn't be to hard.

Make rules

It tells me to not worry to much about design. So let's write down something simple for now and stop this.


I don't know how to draw. So I'm using these resources:

Thanks for creating these!


install nix enter the nix shell


run the build command:

make build

contact [me](mailto:hi at jappie [dot] me) if you have issues


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