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A one-macro library to extend the behaviour of Clojure's 'with-open' without having to implement Closeable.


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A one-macro library to extend the behaviour of Clojure’s ‘with-open’ without having to implement Closeable.


;; deps.edn
{jarohen/with-open {:mvn/version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"}

;; project.clj
[jarohen/with-open "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]

;; require
(:require [jarohen.with-open :refer [with-open+]])


I like the with-open pattern - not only does it ensure that resources get closed, it also makes the scope of the resource is visually clear. This is particularly important when mixed with Clojure’s lazy sequences - in a with-open block, I know I need to make sure that the result is eagerly evaluated - so that I don’t try to access the resource after it’s closed, or fall foul of the dreaded ‘ResultSet closed’ error!

However, if I want to use with-open, the resource has to implement Closeable - this isn’t easy if I want to compose multiple resources together into one logical resource, or if I want to augment/adapt an existing resource.

With this in mind, I usually then end up essentially inlining the definition of with-open - i.e. something like this:

;; if I want to compose multiple Closeables into one 'logical resource'
(defn with-multiple-resources [opts f]
  (with-open [resource1 ...
              resource2 ...]
    (f {:resource1 resource1, :resource2 resource2})))

;; or, if the resource expects a callback:
(defn with-query-results [opts f]
  (jdbc/query tx ["SELECT * FROM foo"]
              {:identifiers ...
               :row-fn ...
               :result-set-fn f}))

;; or, if the resource doesn't implement Closeable
(defn with-my-resource [resource-opts f]
  (let [opened-resource (open-my-resource! resource-opts...)]
      (f opened-resource)

        (close-my-resource! opened-resource)))))

;; or, if I want to augment the open resource:
(defn with-parsed-stream [opts f]
  (with-open [rdr (io/reader ...)]
    (f (->> (line-seq rdr)
            (map parse-line)))))

;; and then, when I want to pull those together
(defn with-all-those-resources []
  (with-multiple-resources ...
    (fn [{:keys [resource1 resource2]}]
      (with-query-results ...
        (fn [query-results]
          (with-parsed-stream ...
            (fn [parsed-lines]
              ;; process/transform/etc - with all these callbacks, we're heading off
              ;; to the right-hand side of the screen quite quickly...

What I’d rather do is have with-open support with-multiple-resources, with-my-resource and with-parsed-stream:

(defn with-all-those-resources []
  (with-open+ [{:keys [resource1 resource2]} (with-multiple-resources ...)
               query-results (with-query-results ...)
               parsed-lines (with-parsed-stream ...)]
    ;; process/transform etc

It might only be half a screen’s worth of code to implement this, but I find myself using the same half-a-screen in most projects, so it’s time to make it a library!


with-open+ is structured in the same way as Clojure’s with-open, except it additionally allows you to use custom resources (i.e. resources that don’t necessary implement

A custom resource might look something like these:

(defn with-my-resource [resource-opts]
  (fn [f]
    (let [opened-resource (open-my-resource! resource-opts...)]
        (f opened-resource)

          (close-my-resource! opened-resource))))))

(defn with-parsed-stream [opts]
  (fn [f]
    (with-open [rdr (io/reader ...)]
      (f (->> (line-seq rdr)
              (map parse-line))))))


  • We expect to be passed a callback
  • We call that callback with the opened resource
  • We return the result of the callback (although we’re free to adapt/augment it if we want)
  • We perform any necessary clean-up

We then use these resources as part of a with-open+ call:

(with-open+ [my-resource (with-my-resource ...)
             parsed-lines (with-parsed-stream ...)]
  ;; use `my-resource` and `parsed-lines` in here, expect them be closed afterwards

You can also use any resources in with-open+ that you’d use with Clojure’s with-open - i.e. anything Closeable.


Yes please! Feel free to submit these through Github in the usual way.



A one-macro library to extend the behaviour of Clojure's 'with-open' without having to implement Closeable.







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