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NPM dependency tree

The goal of this service is to create an service that fetches the dependency tree of a given dependency. It traverses the graph of dependencies, caches and returns metadata needed to present the dependency tree through a CLI.


Running the service: sbt run

Getting the dependency tree of a package:

./ http-errors 1.7.2

you should get a response similar to:

└── http-errors-1.7.2
    ├── depd-1.1.2
    ├── inherits-2.0.3
    ├── setprototypeof-1.1.1
    ├── statuses-1.5.0
    └── toidentifier-1.0.0


└── express-4.17.1
    ├── accepts-1.3.7
    │   ├── mime-types-2.1.24
    │   │   └── mime-db-1.40.0
    │   └── negotiator-0.6.2
    ├── array-flatten-1.1.1
    ├── body-parser-1.19.0
    │   ├── bytes-3.1.0
    │   ├── content-type-1.0.4
    │   ├── debug-2.6.9
    │   │   └── ms-2.0.0
    │   ├── depd-1.1.2
    │   ├── http-errors-1.7.2
    │   │   ├── depd-1.1.2
    │   │   ├── inherits-2.0.3
    │   │   ├── setprototypeof-1.1.1
    │   │   ├── statuses-latest
    │   │   └── toidentifier-1.0.0
    │   ├── iconv-lite-0.4.24
    │   │   └── safer-buffer-latest
    │   ├── on-finished-2.3.0
    │   │   └── ee-first-1.1.1
    │   ├── qs-6.7.0
    │   ├── raw-body-2.4.0
    │   │   ├── bytes-3.1.0
    │   │   ├── http-errors-1.7.2
    │   │   │   ├── depd-1.1.2
    │   │   │   ├── inherits-2.0.3
    │   │   │   ├── setprototypeof-1.1.1
    │   │   │   ├── statuses-latest
    │   │   │   └── toidentifier-1.0.0
    │   │   ├── iconv-lite-0.4.24
    │   │   │   └── safer-buffer-2.1.2
    │   │   └── unpipe-1.0.0
    │   └── type-is-1.6.17
    │       ├── media-typer-0.3.0
    │       └── mime-types-2.1.24
    │           └── mime-db-1.40.0
    ├── content-disposition-0.5.3
    │   └── safe-buffer-5.1.2
    ├── content-type-1.0.4
    ├── cookie-0.4.0
    ├── cookie-signature-1.0.6
    ├── debug-2.6.9
    │   └── ms-2.0.0
    ├── depd-1.1.2
    ├── encodeurl-1.0.2
    ├── escape-html-1.0.3
    ├── etag-1.8.1
    ├── finalhandler-1.1.2
    │   ├── debug-2.6.9
    │   │   └── ms-2.0.0
    │   ├── encodeurl-1.0.2
    │   ├── escape-html-1.0.3
    │   ├── on-finished-2.3.0
    │   │   └── ee-first-1.1.1
    │   ├── parseurl-1.3.3
    │   ├── statuses-1.5.0
    │   └── unpipe-1.0.0
    ├── fresh-0.5.2
    ├── merge-descriptors-1.0.1
    ├── methods-1.1.2
    ├── on-finished-2.3.0
    │   └── ee-first-1.1.1
    ├── parseurl-1.3.3
    ├── path-to-regexp-0.1.7
    ├── proxy-addr-2.0.5
    │   ├── forwarded-0.1.2
    │   └── ipaddr.js-1.9.0
    ├── qs-6.7.0
    ├── range-parser-1.2.1
    ├── safe-buffer-5.1.2
    ├── send-0.17.1
    │   ├── debug-2.6.9
    │   │   └── ms-2.0.0
    │   ├── depd-1.1.2
    │   ├── destroy-1.0.4
    │   ├── encodeurl-1.0.2
    │   ├── escape-html-1.0.3
    │   ├── etag-1.8.1
    │   ├── fresh-0.5.2
    │   ├── http-errors-1.7.2
    │   │   ├── depd-1.1.2
    │   │   ├── inherits-2.0.3
    │   │   ├── setprototypeof-1.1.1
    │   │   ├── statuses-latest
    │   │   └── toidentifier-1.0.0
    │   ├── mime-1.6.0
    │   ├── ms-2.1.1
    │   ├── on-finished-2.3.0
    │   │   └── ee-first-1.1.1
    │   ├── range-parser-1.2.1
    │   └── statuses-1.5.0
    ├── serve-static-1.14.1
    │   ├── encodeurl-1.0.2
    │   ├── escape-html-1.0.3
    │   ├── parseurl-1.3.3
    │   └── send-0.17.1
    │       ├── debug-2.6.9
    │       │   └── ms-2.0.0
    │       ├── depd-1.1.2
    │       ├── destroy-1.0.4
    │       ├── encodeurl-1.0.2
    │       ├── escape-html-1.0.3
    │       ├── etag-1.8.1
    │       ├── fresh-0.5.2
    │       ├── http-errors-1.7.2
    │       │   ├── depd-1.1.2
    │       │   ├── inherits-2.0.3
    │       │   ├── setprototypeof-1.1.1
    │       │   ├── statuses-latest
    │       │   └── toidentifier-1.0.0
    │       ├── mime-1.6.0
    │       ├── ms-2.1.1
    │       ├── on-finished-2.3.0
    │       │   └── ee-first-1.1.1
    │       ├── range-parser-1.2.1
    │       └── statuses-1.5.0
    ├── setprototypeof-1.1.1
    ├── statuses-1.5.0
    ├── type-is-1.6.18
    │   ├── media-typer-0.3.0
    │   └── mime-types-2.1.24
    │       └── mime-db-1.40.0
    ├── utils-merge-1.0.1
    └── vary-1.1.2


The service is designed around the following components:

  • GraphStore -> which is responsible for storing the already fetched packages
  • PackageRepository -> a query mechanism on top of the GraphStore
  • HttpOut -> external requests
  • Controller -> the main logic that orchestrates the interactions across components

A node in the Graph is represented by PackageVersion which its dependencies are fetched and cached or not.

Whenever a incoming request hits the service, it checks in the GraphStore for the directed graph of the requested node. If all the downstream dependencies are already fetched it returns the graph, otherwise it fetches in an eagerly manner all the un-fetched dependencies.

Finagle and Flint

As the fetching the dependency tree is a process that takes some time and involves many external interactions I decided to use Finagle as the http-client, and flint as the http-server (which is based on top of finagle).

Given its async nature, it would fit this application well as it would benefit of fetching the dependencies async and in parallel.

Unfortunately given the time constraint, I eagerly evaluated finagle's Future in the Controller.fetchHttp method.

Further development

  • Deal gracefully with Exceptions: Propagate the richer type all the way from HttpOut to the endpoint.
  • Fetch dependencies in parallel
  • Controller.fetchDependencies returning a future to the endpoint
  • Add retry logic to the HttpOut in case of retriable errors.
  • Improve relative versions, possibly fetching all versions from a package and deciding the best one
  • Expire latest nodes, as new versions might be available


NPM dependency tree services + CLI






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