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Update pep8speaks
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jasmcaus committed Nov 23, 2020
1 parent 3f7b388 commit 8779247
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 7 deletions.
38 changes: 31 additions & 7 deletions .pep8speaks.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,34 @@
diff_only: True # Errors caused by only the patch are shown, not the whole file
diff_only: True # If False, the entire file touched by the Pull Request is scanned for errors. If True, only the diff is scanned.
linter: pycodestyle # Other option is flake8

ignore: # Errors and warnings to ignore
- W391 # blank line at the end of file
- E203 # whitespace before ,;:
- W503 # newline before binary operator
pycodestyle: # Same as scanner.linter value. Other option is flake8
max-line-length: 120 # Default is 79 in PEP 8
ignore: # Errors and warnings to ignore
- W504 # line break after binary operator
- E402 # module level import not at top of file
- E731 # do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
- C406 # Unnecessary list literal - rewrite as a dict literal.
- E741 # ambiguous variable name
- F401
- F841
- E203 # whitespace before ':'. Opposite convention enforced by black
- E501 # line too long. Handled by black
- W503 # line break before binary operator, need for black

no_blank_comment: True # If True, no comment is made when the bot does not find any pep8 errors

no_blank_comment: True # If True, no comment is made on PR without any errors.
descending_issues_order: False # If True, PEP 8 issues in message will be displayed in descending order of line numbers in the file

message: # Customize the comment made by the bot,
opened: # Messages when a new PR is submitted
header: "Hello @{name}! Thanks for opening this PR. "
# The keyword {name} is converted into the author's username
footer: "Do see the [Hitchhiker's guide to code style]("
# The messages can be written as they would over GitHub

updated: # Messages when new commits are added to the PR
header: "Hello @{name}! Thanks for updating this PR. "
footer: "" # Why to comment the link to the style guide everytime? :)
no_errors: "There are currently no PEP 8 issues detected in this Pull Request. Cheers! :beers: "

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