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Update the express application
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jasnell committed Feb 4, 2016
1 parent 2d7e173 commit 578f048
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 45 deletions.
140 changes: 95 additions & 45 deletions Applications/
Expand Up @@ -17,60 +17,110 @@ Node.js ecosystem and that by incubating Express, neither the Node.js
Foundation or Node.js core would be "picking a winner" or endorsing Express
over any other overlapping or similar project.

### Formation of an Express WG

The express project consists of a single top level core repository
(strongloop/express) that has dependencies on a large number of smaller
independent components that are currently spread out across multiple
independent GitHub repositories. This proposal moves only the
strongloop/express GitHub repository under the Node.js GitHub organization

If the proposal for incubating express as a top level project is accepted, a
call for participation would be put out to existing Node.js GitHub organization
members and an "Express WG" (nodejs/express team in the github organization)
with commit rights to the nodejs/express repository would be created. This WG
would also initially include existing contributors to the strongloop/express
github repository who are not currently members of the Node.js GitHub

A secondary nodejs/express-release team would be created consisting of the
subset of collaborators directly involved in the release process. These would
be identified out of the members of the main Express WG (following the
precedence of the nodejs/build team).

While under incubation, there would be no formal "Express TC". If and when a
decision is made to charter the express project as a full top level project,
and if a core group of technical contributors has emerged out of the base of
collaborators, a formal TC can be established as part of the express TLP
charter. Initially, however, the bias is towards growing the base of
contributors as opposed to establishing or imposing a governing body.

Essentially, the "TC" will be whoever steps up to do the necessary work.
### Scope

The express project is composed of a collection of separate modules and
documentation currently spread out over multiple GitHub organizations. This top
level project would consist initially of the following components:

* strongloop
* strongloop/express
* jshttp
* jshttp/accepts
* jshttp/basic-auth
* jshttp/compressible
* jshttp/content-disposition
* jshttp/content-type
* jshttp/cookie
* jshttp/compressible
* jshttp/etag
* jshttp/forwarded
* jshttp/fresh
* jshttp/http-errors
* jshttp/media-typer
* jshttp/methods
* jshttp/mime-db
* jshttp/mime-types
* jshttp/negotiator
* jshttp/on-finished
* jshttp/on-headers
* jshttp/proxy-addr
* jshttp/range-parser
* jshttp/statuses
* jshttp/type-is
* jshttp/vary
* expressjs

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Fishrock123 Feb 4, 2016

This appears to be a subset of expressjs components; what do we do with inactive ones?

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jasnell Feb 4, 2016

Author Owner

Not sure. I just listed the ones doug actually listed in his comment. We'll need to decide on the others.

* expressjs/basic-auth-connect
* expressjs/body-parser
* expressjs/compression
* expressjs/timeout
* expressjs/cookie-parser
* expressjs/cookie-session
* expressjs/csrf-tokens
* expressjs/csurf
* expressjs/errorhandler
* expressjs/express-generator
* expressjs/express-session
* expressjs/keygrip
* expressjs/method-override
* expressjs/morgan
* expressjs/response-time
* expressjs/serve-favicon
* expresjs/serve-index
* expressjs/serve-static
* expressjs/vhost
* pillarjs
* pillarjs/cookies
* pillarjs/csrf
* pillarjs/finalhandler
* pillarjs/parseurl
* pillarjs/path-to-regexp
* pillarjs/resolve-path
* pilljarjs/router
* pillarjs/send

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Fishrock123 Feb 4, 2016

add pillarjs/extend-proto :)

* stream-utils
* stream-utils/destroy
* stream-utils/pause
* stream-utils/unpipe

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Fishrock123 Feb 4, 2016

I'm not sure these should be moved in?

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jasnell Feb 4, 2016

Author Owner

they were included in doug's list so not sure...

* other
* component/escape-html
* dougwilson/depd
* visionmedia/bytes.js
* crypto-utils/random-bytes
* crypto-utils/uid-safe

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Fishrock123 Feb 4, 2016

same with these, I don't think these really belong?

In addition, strongloop will contribute the basic express API documentation
included in the strongloop/ to the strongloop/express repository.

### Formation of an Express TC

The current GitHub organization owners for each of the pillarjs, expressjs,
and jshttp GitHub organizations will be invited to form the TC of the Express
Top Level project. It is not expected that every existing owner will wish to
participate. Two months after the initial invitation, any owner that is not
actively participating would be automatically removed from the TC.

Anyone currently having Collaborator permissions to any of the above listed
repositories will continue to have those permissions. Onboarding of new
Collaborators would follow a process decided by the Express TC but it is
expected to be similar, if not identical, to the process used by Node.js core.

### Contribution and Governance Process

The contribution process would be the same lazy consensus model used by Node.js
The contribution and governance policies would be bootstrapped using the basic
document templates provided by the Node.js TSC, and fine tuned / customized by
the Express TC once formed. It is expected that the contribution policy would
be very similar to that used by Node.js core.

The Express WG would be chartered as a Top Level WG of the Node.js TSC and
would fall under the TSC's policies.
The Node.js Code of Conduct, Moderation Policy and TSC Escalation policies
would apply.

### Organizational Tools

* Current source code management: [GitHub](
* Issue tracking: [GitHub](
* Releases: [GitHub]( and [npm](
The Node.js TSC will select one or more mentors to assist the Express TC in
it's formation and throughout the Top Level Project incubation process.

### Intellectual Property and Other Assets


### Important Documents

* Code of Conduct: the existing Node.js Code of Conduct would apply.
* [Developer's Certificate of Origin][] (DCO): the existing Node.js DCO would apply.
* [License](

[Top Level Project of the Node.js Foundation]:
[Developer's Certificate of Origin]:

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