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New DiffusionProcess design (#11)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* sketching out a modification to the DiffusionProcess class design

* add method for the stochastic process of the diffusion process

* add DiffusionProcess __repr__

* update pylintrc to not flag numpy no-member errors

* complete the new DiffusionProcess and implement a sample child Vasicek class

* typo in vasicek __call__ formula

* add CIR short-rate model to

* remove __name__ == __main__

* add unit tests for

* forgot to add initial value to the process delta
  • Loading branch information
jason-ash committed Nov 11, 2019
1 parent 84cab54 commit 11f3978
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Showing 3 changed files with 261 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .pylintrc
Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,10 @@ disable=


# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference
# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular
# expressions are accepted.
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions pyesg/
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"""Classes for stochastic diffusion process"""
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

class DiffusionProcess:
Base class for a stochastic diffusion process.
Provides the framework for implementing specific stochastic models as subclasses,
including a __call__ method that describes how to generate new samples from the
process, given a start value and a delta-t.

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<pyesg.{self.__class__.__name__}>"

def __call__(
value: Union[float, np.ndarray],
dt: float,
random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Simulates the next value or array of values from the process,
given a delta-t expressed in years, e.g. 1/12 for monthly. Can
be deterministically drawn if a random_state is specified.
value : Union[float, np.ndarray], the starting value or array
dt : float, the discrete time elapsed between value(t) and value(t+dt)
random_state : Optional[int, np.random.RandomState], either an integer seed or a
numpy RandomState object directly, if reproducibility is desired
samples : np.ndarray, the next values in the process
raise NotImplementedError()

def _stochastic_dist(self):
Returns a scipy distribution rvs method that can be used to generate stochastic
samples for new values in the diffusion process. Default is standard normal.
return stats.norm.rvs

def _dW(
size: Tuple[int, ...],
random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Returns a batch of random values for the process, given a size and optional
random_state integer or object
return self._stochastic_dist(size=size, random_state=random_state)

def _coefs(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[float]]:
"""Returns a dictionary of parameters required for this process"""
raise NotImplementedError()

def _is_fit(self) -> bool:
"""Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the process has been fit"""
return all([v is not None for v in self._coefs.values()])

def sample(
init: Union[float, np.ndarray],
n_scen: int,
n_year: int,
n_step: int,
random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Sample from the diffusion process for a number of scenarios and time steps.
init : Union[float, np.ndarray], either a single start value that will be
broadcast to all scenarios, or a start value array that should match the
shape of "n_scen"
n_scen : int, the number of scenarios to generate
n_year : int, the number of years per scenario
n_step : int, the number of steps per year; e.g. 1 for annual time steps, 12
for monthly, 24 for bi-weekly, 52 for weekly, 252 (or 365) for daily
random_state : Optional[int, np.random.RandomState], either an integer seed or a
numpy RandomState object directly, if reproducibility is desired
samples : np.ndarray with shape (n_scen, 1 + n_years*step_size), with the scenario
results from the process
if not self._is_fit():
raise RuntimeError("Model parameters haven't been fit yet!")

# set a function-level pseudo random number generator, either by creating a new
# RandomState object with the integer argument, or using the RandomState object
# directly passed in the arguments.
if isinstance(random_state, int):
prng = np.random.RandomState(random_state)
prng = random_state

# create a shell array that we will populate with values once they are available
samples = np.empty(shape=(n_scen, 1 + n_year * n_step))

# overwrite first value of each scenario (the first column) with the init value
# confirm that if init is passed as an array that it matches the n_scen shape
samples[:, 0] = init
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("'init' should have the same length as 'n_scen'") from e

# generate the next value recursively, but vectorized across scenarios (columns)
for i in range(n_year * n_step):
samples[:, i + 1] = self(
value=samples[:, i], dt=1 / n_step, random_state=prng
return samples

class Vasicek(DiffusionProcess):
"""Vasicek short-rate model"""

def __init__(self) -> None:
self.k: Optional[float] = None
self.theta: Optional[float] = None
self.sigma: Optional[float] = None

def __call__(
value: Union[float, np.ndarray],
dt: float,
random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
if isinstance(value, float):
# convert to a one-element array
value = np.array(value)
dW = self._dW(size=value.shape, random_state=random_state)
return value + self.k * (self.theta - value) * dt + self.sigma * dt ** 0.5 * dW

def _coefs(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[float]]:
return dict(k=self.k, theta=self.theta, sigma=self.sigma)

class CoxIngersollRoss(DiffusionProcess):
"""Cox-Ingersoll-Ross short-rate model"""

def __init__(self) -> None:
self.k: Optional[float] = None
self.theta: Optional[float] = None
self.sigma: Optional[float] = None

def __call__(
value: Union[float, np.ndarray],
dt: float,
random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
if isinstance(value, float):
# convert to a one-element array
value = np.array(value)
dW = self._dW(size=value.shape, random_state=random_state)
return (
+ self.k * (self.theta - value) * dt
+ self.sigma * value ** 0.5 * dt ** 0.5 * dW

def _coefs(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[float]]:
return dict(k=self.k, theta=self.theta, sigma=self.sigma)
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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"""Tests for the Vasicek Model"""
import unittest
import numpy as np

from pyesg.diffusion_process import CoxIngersollRoss, Vasicek

class TestVasicek(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test Vasicek Model"""

def test_sample_shape(self):
"""Ensure the sample has the correct shape"""
model = Vasicek()
model.k, model.theta, model.sigma = 0.15, 0.045, 0.015
samples = model.sample(0.03, 1000, 30, 12, random_state=None)
self.assertEqual(samples.shape, (1000, 30 * 12 + 1))

def test_sample_first_value1(self):
"""Ensure the first scenario has the init value if init is a float"""
model = Vasicek()
model.k, model.theta, model.sigma = 0.15, 0.045, 0.015
init = 0.03
samples = model.sample(init, 1000, 30, 12, random_state=None)
self.assertListEqual(list(samples[:, 0]), [0.03] * 1000)

def test_sample_first_value2(self):
"""Ensure the first scenario has the init value if init is an array"""
model = Vasicek()
model.k, model.theta, model.sigma = 0.15, 0.045, 0.015
init = np.array([0.03])
samples = model.sample(init, 1000, 30, 12, random_state=None)
self.assertListEqual(list(samples[:, 0]), [0.03] * 1000)

def test_raises_value_error(self):
"""Ensure we raise a ValueError if init shape doesn't match n_scen"""
model = Vasicek()
model.k, model.theta, model.sigma = 0.15, 0.045, 0.015
init = np.array([0.03, 0.03])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, model.sample, init, 1000, 30, 12)

class TestCoxIngersollRoss(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model"""

def test_sample_shape(self):
"""Ensure the sample has the correct shape"""
model = CoxIngersollRoss()
model.k, model.theta, model.sigma = 0.15, 0.045, 0.015
samples = model.sample(0.03, 1000, 30, 12, random_state=None)
self.assertEqual(samples.shape, (1000, 30 * 12 + 1))

def test_sample_first_value1(self):
"""Ensure the first scenario has the init value if init is a float"""
model = CoxIngersollRoss()
model.k, model.theta, model.sigma = 0.15, 0.045, 0.015
init = 0.03
samples = model.sample(init, 1000, 30, 12, random_state=None)
self.assertListEqual(list(samples[:, 0]), [0.03] * 1000)

def test_sample_first_value2(self):
"""Ensure the first scenario has the init value if init is an array"""
model = CoxIngersollRoss()
model.k, model.theta, model.sigma = 0.15, 0.045, 0.015
init = np.array([0.03])
samples = model.sample(init, 1000, 30, 12, random_state=None)
self.assertListEqual(list(samples[:, 0]), [0.03] * 1000)

def test_raises_value_error(self):
"""Ensure we raise a ValueError if init shape doesn't match n_scen"""
model = CoxIngersollRoss()
model.k, model.theta, model.sigma = 0.15, 0.045, 0.015
init = np.array([0.03, 0.03])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, model.sample, init, 1000, 30, 12)

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