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Obsidian Browser Interface Plugin

An obsidian plugin that pairs with a chrome extension to manage your tabs in obsidian.

This plugin displays the tabs saved from the chrome extension and creates buttons to reopen and delete tabs.

The Obsidian Browser Interface Plugin is dependent on the Meta Bind plugin. Also it is highly recommended to pair this plugin with the Advanced Tables plugin.

If there is interest in a firefox-supported extension, one might be created in the future.


Until the obsidian plugin is approved, the only way to install it will be manually building it.

  1. It is recommended to install the obsidian-meta-bind-plugin (link: here) before installing this plugin.

  2. Clone this repository to your local machine in your obsidian vault in the .obsidian/plugins/ folder using git clone

  3. Install the dependencies with npm i

  4. Build the project with npm run build

  5. Set up settings in obsidian.


This plugin currently only has the essential functions. The Open Tab and Delete Tab work by clicking on the row of the desired tab and then clicking the associated button. Also, the buttons don't work in reading mode from a limitation from obsidian.


obsidian browser interface plugin screenshot


An obsidian plugin that pairs with a chrome extension to manage your tabs in obsidian.




