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Console tool for goschedule

Quick Start

go build .
./goschedule-console -v

Then you can open in your browser to use it.


Para Comment
-v Enable verbose logging(default to disabled)
-p Set serving port(default to 8000)
-c Specify config file location(default to "config.yml" in workdir, configuration will be written to it)


Schedulers Panel

Scheduler panel lists all the schedulers online and you can perform stop/resume operations on any of them.

Scheduler Panel

Settings Panel

You can modify the settings on this panel.

Settings Panel

Strategy Panel

Strategy panel lists all the strategies defined in namespace. You can pick any of the running ones to see the distributed table. It will be refreshed on every click.

Strategy Panel

Task Panel

Task panel lists all the tasks defined. You can pick any of them to see the runtime information. Again it will be refreshed on every click.

Task Panel

Export/Import Panel

Export/Import panel is a pair of tools very conviniencely migrate from one backend to another or one evironment to another, partly or completely. And task/strategy with the same ID will not be overwritten when importing and it will be represents on message popped. One record a line and tasks begin with Task: and strategies begin with Strategy:.

Export Panel

Store Panel

If you are curious with the inside of store you can use store panel to look around.

Store Panel