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Jason Kuo edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 6 revisions

Decuplr.Serialization.Binary Documentation

This documentation covers most of what you need to know about the Decuplr.Serialization.Binary library to fully explore the potentials of it.

If you are new to this library, please refer to ReadMe for a quick start and a glance at how to use it.


How polymorphism can be achieved with the library, allowing conditionally serializing from a type to another.

While Decuplr.Serialization.Binary provides an easy and intuitive set of tools to help you consume binary data. It is best to know what performance pitfalls and considerations needed to be taken for more critical code paths.

How to write a custom serializer for a type that is not marked for serialization and some performance insights that help achieve even higher performance

Parserspace (shorthand for parser namespace) is a powerful tool that allows the same type to be serialized in a different format according to given parameters. It resembles a coding namespace, however, due to possible unwanted side-effects, some restrictions (though you normally wouldn't encounter) are imposed to prevent such event from occurring.


Security Concerns

Decuplr.Serialization.Binary only serializes types that are explicitly marked and will refuse to serialize/deserialize any type that it does not recognize. Thus, accidentally deserializing types that are known to be dangerous should not happen under normal circumstances. See the limitations in the ReadMe document.